New 4473 and Hispanic question?

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So.........I guess that means that your claim that one does not have to complete Question 10 is baloney.

Maybe you won't be so smug the next time the store manager disagrees with you.....because you were wrong.

Wrong and "baloney" are in the eye of the beholder.
No matter which side you choose, I got my point across.

In 1773, a group of men did something "wrong" as well. They pretended to be of a different race, and vandalized an importer's goods to protest the way their government's over-bearing regulation of that commodity had created a monopoly. It was this little think no one has ever heard of, called The Boston Tea Party.

They got their point across, as well.
FrankenMauser said:
No matter which side you choose, I got my point across.
You have me confused. In your post number 26 you wrote the following:

FrankenMauser said:
10a. and 10b. do NOT have to be completed on the 4473.
Anyone that tells you otherwise has not read the instructions. Leaving 10a. and/or 10b. blank are not grounds for denial.
That statement has been shown to be incorrect.

What point did you get across, other than that you made an error that you don't seem willing to own up to?
OK, the question's been answered. Now members are just flinging spoonfuls of peas at each other.

And I am not mopping this floor again today.
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