New 1911 owner

Let me say once more what I've said from the beginning. I bought a Kimber. I had nothing but troubles (slide stop was not self let the slide just keep on going after the last round), failure to feeds, AND failures to extract. I measured the tension on the extractor and corrected the problem myself (it was at 38oz from the factory!). I sent the gun THREE TIMES back to Kimber, to fix the same slide stop problem, with them stating all the time that they'd never seen this problem before. On the third trip, they promised a new gun if they didn't fix it...guess what, they didn't fix it. Attempts were made to weasel out of their promise, but I had it in writing, and explained to them that letters would be off to all major magazines thenext day detailing everything that had happened if they didn't hold up to their promise. The replacement gun was on the way the next day. I am not of inferior intelligence. I am extremely dissatisfied customer. That's all I claim to be, and I will not apologize for that. Believe me,I didn't start this with an axe to grind against Kimber. If they had done their part, I would have told everyone about their great service and great gun...butI can't.

"Don't raise your voice, when you should reinforce your argument."
Hey Frontsight! I am sorry you had a bad experience with Kimber. Know what? I had a very bad experience with Para Ordnance once. But I don't go badmouthing them all over the internet because of one bad experience because I have friends that have had good experiences and I myself had no problems with the other Para Ord I had.
There is a word that many people need to look's called "perspective."
Para's sometimes come with the frame ramp overcut for the ramped barrel and during recoil the barrel travels back too far stretching the link, whick breaks or the slide stop pin does. The limited guns like yours are known to have loose dovetails in the front and the sights move, or the adjustable rear sight strips out.

The first thing to do with any Para is to junk the plastic slide stop and put in a steel one.

Brian, never had the problem with the link...maybe because I got rid of that gun after the other problems started cropping up. Also had a HELL of a time getting my two hicap mags with the coupons...took FOUR MONTHS. ParaOrd's people apologized and said they would send me an extra something for my trouble...which turned out to be a 10-round mag. Oh joy.
But hey, I would still buy another ParaOrd...just not the Limited. And I would know to replace that damn mag catch.
Just a bit more Para info here guys...
The reason the Paras mag catch fails so QUICKLY is that on the Original guns people were complaining of a TOO LIGHT catch spring, so Para put in a REALLY HEAVY one.
This of course puts TOO much pressure on the plastic catchs' locking lug & it sheers off ! :(
If you put in a lighter spring or cut off some coils on it, the catch will last around 8000rnds, mine did :)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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RikWriter, I thing that my biggest problem is being lied to. I realize business is business, but the way our company works, honesty is first...and we have a very good record with our long-term customers because of this (network systems design). When someone asks "what do you think of Kimber," they're asking for experiences...I tell them mine. No where can you find a thread that I started to run Kimber down.