New 1911 owner


New member
I just plunked down $508 bucks for a Kimber Custom, blued. I've been thinking 1911-style for awhile, and I looked at the Springfield Loaded model, a couple of Kimbers, a Para and a couple of Colts, but the Kimber felt right. Everything was smooth and light and fit well, and every guy in the shop kept steering me away from the more expensive ones toward this. That always makes me trust a seller a little more, since it was obvious I was willing to spend more money.

So things do I need to look out for? Anything? I'm already thinking about sights...

Any suggestions, stories or other tidbits of info?


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GOTCHA! Once you get that first 1911, you'll never look at any other gun the same.
As far as making changes, the possibilties are mind staggering. Get some catalogs, talk to some folks and take your time.
I'd suggest you get a Brownell's catalog and just see what all is possible before deciding what to do.
Mmmm...Brownells catalog. Very good idea.

HKKiddo: It's used...I get the gun, two mags and an hour of range time and a box of ball ammo for 508 bucks, plus a one year warranty on parts and labor from the shop, who has a Kimber-trained 'smith on staff.

I was *this* close to buying the same gun new, but I figured the extra 150 bucks could be better spent on ammo and maybe a couple extra mags.


Web Hosting & Design for the shooting community
Congrats on the purchase of the Kimber---Classic Custom is a great deal for the money. As to what to change out...well, I like the sights, so the only thing I could think of is if you don't like plastic mainspring housings you might want to get a metal one. Wilsons are good, but any maker will do. Some nice rosewood grips give the gun more character but that is a personal decision. I carried the Classic Custom I bought before I got my Gold Match, so I had it hard chromed to avoid rust.
Shoot and enjoy!
Stark, you have just entered the "1911 Brotherhood" !
Congratulations :)
MMC, Novacks, Heinie, Millet, Mec-Gar Sights etc
The list is HUGE....
Go to a few Gun shops & check out what's on the guns to get an idea of what the sight picture looks like & then form your opinion on what siuts you the best !
Come on down to the 1911 Para Board & ask the "Nuts" there what they like :)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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Sounds like a helluva good deal...I own two Classic Customs and have made minor changes to each. I was shooting hotter loads and installed an 18.5 lb Wolff recoil spring and shock buff. A set of Hogue rubber finger grips on one and a set of Rosewood double diamond grips on the other.

Since you have a Kimbersmith on board he can tweak that trigger easily without parts replacement. (Try that with some of the competitors!)

Your gonna love that Kimber, have fun taking it apart and seeing all of the precision and workmanship that have made this gun a winner!
Good choice. You'll be happy with it.

If you're thinking modification, check out if for nothing else than ideas.

Dane Burns has developed a couple of packages based on the Kimber.

I have 2 Kimber Custom Classics and I'm getting a Pro Carry.

One of my Classics is box stock, with just a set of Cocobola grips. The other is getting the BCP FED Package.

It didn't need it from a function perspective, but I wanted a bombproof finish on my carry gun (hard chrome) and Heinie sights, both of which the BCP FED package offered. The package also includes reliability and other types of improvements too numerous to list here.

Even if you don't change a thing, it should serve you well.


Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts. It may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
BigG: Sounds like you have very little, if any, confidence in your poor choice of 1911's. Why keep bashing Kimbers eh? Could it be that Kimbers are better and you are making a desperate attempt to save what little is left of Colt's reputation?
Replace the plastic mainspring housing, replace the plastic trigger if it has one, and replace a few of the MIM parts such as the slide release and extractor. Other than that it's personal preference. Have a gunsmith check the chamber tightness to see if it was properly reamed. If it's a older Kimber, it should be OK. If it's a recent production, then it may be a little more lax.

And yes James, Dane does do a lot with Kimbers, but he will tell you straight out that the MIM parts suck, the chambers are tight and there are a few other problems. I know Dane and we recommend each others work to customers. We also agree that the Kimbers are good guns, but not perfect like some would lead you to believe either. Plus all of Danes personal guns are Colts, not Kimbers.

Big G-Ermeys best line for Firebase Gloria was when he said something like "I liked the people of the village, they were nice. That's why I hated to se their heads on sticks." Stupid and funny line.


I'll be shooting the Kimber.

WOW is this gun great. I'm not the best shot, and I doubt I ever will be, but I was tearing ragged holes at 15 yards all morning today! I think I found my niche.

Price was right, fit & finish were right, performance is right...snore all ya want to there, Big fella. Colt can rot in Hellford for all I care.

Now I know why they called the Kimbers the "Colt Killers" at the shop... ;)


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Funny, as much as the MIM parts supposedly "suck" Brian, I have never met a person who had one break on them. Also never talked to a dealer who had one break on them. This business about the MIM parts is more smoke and mirrors.
I spoke with Dane burns before, and he told me that he'd recommend getting a Kimber over a Colt. Was told that Jericho frames surpass all other frames.
Really Rik, did you personally see man land on the moon, did you ever personally see Kennedy get shot? No, those are reports of things that have actually happened are so are the MIM stories. By your standards, since I never met anyone who has been raped, or robbed or shot then it must not happen. Call Bill Laughtridge at Cylinder and Slide and talk to him about it, call Dane Burns, call Richard Heinie and others who ACTUALLY know about 1911's and ask them too. Every one of them and I have seen them break, warped or not work. It's a well known fact, verified by Kimber, that their slide stops suck. They are a MIM part. I've seen them break, not work and warped. There have been tons on people on all these forums who had to have their slide stops replaced. That's called proof. How many 1911's have you worked on? How many have you actually owned? How many gunsmiths have you talked to, and I'm not talking about you're local plumer or general gunsmith but one that specializes in 1911's? Fact is, in the gunsmithing community and in the firearms business the Kimbers are known as a overrated, over hyped product. You're local dealers aren't going to tell you different because most don't know so because they are armchair commando's who only know about guns from magazines or press releases and don't have any practical experience, or aren't going to admit they sell damaged goods. Most shooters haven't shot more than a couple of hundred rounds through the guns to know anything. Get to a couple of thousand and then see.

Some Kimbers have problems, some Colts have them and some Springfields do too. They all have something inheriently botched in one form or another. Colt has the Series 80, Springfield has the two piece barrels and Kimber the MIM parts. You don't want to admit that there are any problems what so ever. Everybody is lying or bashing Kimber or whatever. You are the one with a problem. My problem is people reading bullpuckey articles and recommendations on how the Kimbers will do everything but cook their dinner, and then spend good money on one and IF they have a problem, it's not fixed or are given the cold shoulder. It shouldn't happen no matter who the company is.

The point here being, and you have missed it, is that there are a few known flaws in certain parts. Am I saying that you're gun will have these problems? NO! I'm saying that there is a track record of these parts failing and that it COULD happen, so be advised. You're guns may run forever flawlessly and never break, or it may break tomorrow, but if a parts does break, and it's the same one that has failed in other guns, then that's a manufacturing defect and it's the companys fault, not yours or anyone elses. You shouldn't have to send it to me or anyone else and pay them to replace the part or fix the mistake. Most gunsmiths would be happy about this because it would mean more money coming in. I am not. I have been on the other side of the fence and been through this myself and I don't want someone going into a situation blinded by a promotional campaign and without all the facts.

Well, as I've posted above, Dane Burns told me over the phone (before I even bought a 1911) to go for a Kimber, because he highly recommends the Jericho frames over any others, including Colt and Les Baer. This doesn't sound like what you've posted. Can you explain?

Kimber/Jerico slides and frames are of excellent quality. it's the smaller MIM parts that are the problems. Do I recommend the Kimber slides and frames? YES. I don't like front cocking serrations, but that doesn't affect the quality. That is a personal preference. I disagree that they are the best, but they are up there. Dane has had good luck with them and uses them, but if you check I think you will find that he doesn't use some of their stock parts like slide stops and such.

If you want to see some of Danes and my comments on this subject, go here -

I know Rik from AOL "Gun Talk." This guy supports Kimber till the very end. He defends their horrible customer service and flamed "MslokckNload" for telling us of how they burned her. Don't expect this conversation to go anywhere. I'm off to Gunspot. Have fun!