Neighborhood bully advice

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Try talking to the mom and the kids...introduce yourselves, shake their hands and welcome them to the neighborhood. Tell them to holler if they ever need anything. Becoming involved in the community takes work...on both your parts.

+1 To taking the high road, nicely put

Before you go and make enemies with the new kid and his friends, maybe being polite and helping may go a long way. Either way, I think it won't work, but at least you can say you tried to polite and couteous way the first time around.

It may be cold hearted to say, but hopefully this neanderthal tries that same behavior in the ghetto areas and gets himself beat down real good or winds up dead in a dumpster. He will have earned it.

:eek: I think this is very callous, and a terrible thing to wish on anyone, especially a young teen who while he may have his problems, doesn't deserve that which you wish upon him.
I disagree. I used to live in Camden NJ

After living in Mt Holly, Deptford, then Camden (both cities north and south of Camden) I can honestly say based on your neighborhood where you grew up can have a way of taking control of you. I lived in Camden for 1 year. Plenty long enough for me. I've seen gang bangs in ally ways, a good friend of mine shot and killed, car jackings, beat downs, drug deals, drug deals gone wrong..everything. And not to mention I was one of very few white folk in Camden. Never really left the house except to go to work. I've seen/met a few people from camden who live in the worst of it, and decided to make the best of it, and do something with their life.

It just depends how he was raised..right from wrong. And once you go wrong, it's very very hard to go right I've noticed..

I think talking to mom will only make it worse I think. If you talk to the kid himself, he wont feel like a child. Either way your response from the fool is 50/50..
I'd cover my legal bases first. Contact a lawyer and get information as to your state laws. Problem is a "bad dude" is going to stay a bad dude. You just don't want to get caught in there cross hairs or in the line of fire when the poop does hit the fan. It's not IF there will be problems its WHEN.
I'm happy to report that we don't get drivebys in my city, but it may happen.
Befriend a cop and get his/her advice as to how they've dealt with similar situations. And try to make any reports to the same detective so you will build repore. If you don't know your local cops, you probably will by the time this problem plays itself out. Knowing where your threat lies is half the battle.

You LIVED in Camden. :eek: I grew up in Philadelphia and even we wouldn't set foot in that cesspool. My hats off to you, you're one courageous mf'er.

As far as the @**hole, the problem is that nothings from big cities come to small towns and suddenly are role models to the wannabes and take over. I agree that things are only going to get worse. Lock your doors, start packing your gun and call the police if he so much as sneezes. Keep up the pressure in hopes they'll move.
Did they buy the home or are they renting? If they are renting you may want to contact the property owner. If this BG is doing this on the street imagine what condition the inside of the home might be. No property owner wants a renter that is destroying the property. No property owner wants a possible lawsuit for degrading the value of other property owners as well. If they own the home, well none of this applies; go with previous suggestions. Good luck.
Had a similar situation here. Now I live in a very nice neighborhood. There were very undesirable people living on our street. I remember on at least 3 different occasions multiple 5-6 police cars being out there. I even saw the police go in there guns drawn one time.

This woman had like 4 kids or something and some boyfriend living there. I think one of the kids was slow and the other people in the house got the pittbull they had to bite him up pretty good. He came to my door but I have 2 pittbulls and they go ballistic when a stranger comes knocking. I guess he was scared and started walking away. Bottom line I called the paramedics and they came to assit him. At first they started to ask me if it was my dogs and I said absolutely not wasn't my dogs. Even suspected they were selling saw a had to hand transaction.

These people were on welfare and renting . Our little section got totally fed up contacted the owners who lived in Colorado and were unaware of the situation. They were finally gotten rid of. The house was trashed dog feces all over. I saw the house being worked on for at least a month after that.
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"I think this is very callous, and a terrible thing to wish on anyone, especially a young teen who while he may have his problems, doesn't deserve that which you wish upon him.", Boring Accountant.

"You can take the savage out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the savage.", Jets 2007.

Yes, it is a very callous thing to say, Boring Accountant. It is what happens to people that come from those kind of surroundings, we become thick skinned. Jets 2007's statement best describes the reason for this. I may have refined myself to a certain extent, but that savage part still resides in my psyche.

There are times that it would be nice to not see those "kids" in that light. There again it may be better to know from past experience what those kids will do to you if you let your guard down. The saddest thing is that once these people are hardened, they are like an abused animal. No matter how much you want to help them there is something that can't be trusted and they may well bite the helping hand.

Granted he is a young adult and may be able to change course and become an upstanding citizen, however that young man may revel in his base behavior and enjoy his visceral, violent, anti-social disposition as well.

Whatever psychological problems that he is experiencing are best handled by a professional rather than a good samaritan. The saying, no good deed goes unpunished has a lot of truth in it. When it comes to the gangster mind set it is best to steer a wide course.

Once that "kid" became 18, he became a man. Since he is a man, he can face the music as one. When you go around threatening people and causing harm to others, it won't be too long before you find yourself being threatened and harmed if not killed somewhere in the process. If that happens it is poetic justice and was earned by living the life of a "gangsta". Cold and callous as that may be it is a simple truth.
walking his dog while carrying a baseball bat, talking trash to the older people (What the f$%k you lookin' at old man)

This got my attention . I live in AZ where everybody it seems carries . Now if you are sitting on your porch and this scenario presents itself AND you are carrying on your property as I believe you can in KY you can do your Di Niro routine . Just walk up to him and ask "You talking to me? Are you TALKING to ME? I'm the only one here so you MUST be talking to me!!" Now it's him with the bat and you with your sidearm . He's gotta know he's gonna lose . You have not instigated anything since he looked at you and said something which you could not understand . It's reasonable to walk over and see what he said . Then let him know that he's being watched . Let him know that his bat is a deadly weapon and will treated as such if a confrontation transpires on down the road . Let him know that "someone" can legally drop him if he approaches them in a menacing manner . Not you per se , just "someone". You will then know the depth of his aggression . If he moves the bat you scratch your side about 2 inches from your gun . Making "nice" does not work with bullies . Being bullies is all they know . They just need to be shown where NOT to be a bully . And that happens to be your street .
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I'm betting they're renters. It is possible that a single mom w/ 5 kids could buy a house, but I doubt it. Especially if they just migrated from the ghetto.

Any activity on the part of this family that implies property damage (loud crashing noises, poorly maintained yard, loud shouting matches, etc.) or hurts home values in the neighborhood (tenants, tenant's associates acting like thugs, playing obnoxiously loud music, etc) should be itemized and complained about in a nicely written, polite letter which points out what the tenants are doing and how it reduces the value of homes in the neighborhood. Make sure that legitimate gripes ONLY are in these letters, do not get personal. Sending videotape of thuggish activities to the landlord as well as police could also help.

If multiple households nearby the property send letters like these and many of them have "owner and resident" after the signature the landlord will sit up and take notice.
I really hate seeing the word gang banger mis-used...but anyways.

I relate to this story on two levels, one because I was that kid about 12 years ago, two because I had a similar situation about a year ago with a new neighbor next door.

I can pretty much guarantee that visits by the police will not help anything, the worse thing they will do is write a ticket for any littering/alcohol/noise pollution and be on their way unless someone gets physical with them. I didn't think about being considerate to my neighbors when I was younger and the few that called the police on me for music/hanging out did not benefit from their actions.

The problem I had with my neighbors got resolved only because they had a fight that turned into a stabbing that turned into a shooting. Their landlord evicted them the next day. They were already upset because someone had called the cops on them three times and they had a fight among themselves.

Reporting any violations to the proper agency sounds like a good idea to document problems but I guarantee that those problems will get worse unless you approach them with respect (like you would any random stranger you meet in public), explain to them what the problem is, and express gratitude if they can help you in fixing it...that's conflict resolution 101. It may fall on deaf ears at first but it will begin a respectful relationship (even "gang bangers" have a code of respect believe it or not) and you did the best you could to solve the problem like a man.

I do not like the idea of condemning someone because of where they come from or how they look, which is 90% of what I'm seeing here. I see we have some psychologists and sociologists present who are experts on the "ghetto" culture, the real problem here is that this guy is way out of his element and probably pretty nervous or scared. His reactions are making the problem worse, as any REaction does...a man to man talk will solve most of that if the guy is ready to listen. If not unless there are things going on that are a legitimate threat to your family or neighborhood (more than just bad neighbors) you have to do what you have to do.

As far as conjecture about how someone you don't even know will turn out in the long run...let's give all that condemnation a break, please. Hip hop culture has invaded the white middle class and the fact of the matter is that 95% of the people that are labeled "thugs" and "gang bangers" are harmless as a worm. The ones you need to worry about are the people that don't stand out like sore thumbs...
^look up camden, NJ. I lived there. And in other parts of Jersey just outside philly. I know what it's like, and this guy I would even lable as a gang banger based on his actions.

It's one thing to dress and look like you're important, but to act on it by walking a dog with a bat, yelling at people, I think it's safe to label him. And I know from where I used to live, good and bad sides of town in Jersey and also pittsburgh, people who act like this fool, are from the "ghetto" because thats the way of life.

Anywho and another thing you may want to try doing, is when he walks by, stand outside and watch him. See if he looks at you, says anything. If he dosn't say anything to you, but he will to the old man down the street, that says a lot. That he thinks he's tough, but he wont pick a fight unless he knows he wins. And that will help out if you talk to him if he'll take you seriously..or at least sleep on what you talk to him about
I think the two greatest words you used were "children" and "banger."

Let's not kid ourselves, monkey see, monkey do. It's insane for a child to grow up in that environment of illegal drugs and weaponry.

Personally, I think the local cops are out of their element with this type of crime. There are always larger amounts of cache (drugs), weapons and money in these kinds of set-ups. It's destroying the entire south-side of the town in which I live.

Like them or not, this is clearly a case for the BATF, (or BATFE as I've seen it written lately.)

There is nothing you can do, except endanger your own life and family. There is nothing that is going happen status quo, except get worse.

We pay taxes for this kind of uber-enforcement. I know I don't want crack imbibed bangers shooting up my neighborhood for fun or some misguided pay-back.

Call the experts.
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*Sigh*.. I hate it when big city people bring their "Little angels" to small towns to avoid big city..... Thats why more "Gangsta" crime is growing in Rural America.

One guy "Said he did this" But it is over the internet

He had a similar situation and he pounded in a sign on his front yard.

Fact #1. Bats, KNives ,and anything used as a club are deadly weapons.
Fact #2. THis is my property.
Fact #3. I own guns to defend myself.
Fact #4. The law supports me defending myself AND property. (He conveniantly left out that he couldn't do anything lethally over property).
Fact #5. I have Video Cameras watching my property.

I doubt it was very effective and I doubt he did it but amusing nonetheless.
Obtain his full name and age. DOB would be nice but not required.

Run a back ground check on him! Cost like $20.00.

You will find out if he's a genuine threat or just a attitude with legs!

Video him with the Bat and the Dog! Both could be construed as Deadly Weapon.

This one will get you a lot of info for free!!!!!
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Sorry to revive the dead post

sorry but just wanted to know what ever happened with this, Tampa PD has one of the best Anti-Gang Task Force Units in the US. If you think he is a gangmember call TPD and ask for the Anti Gang Task force and tell them about it, they will send someone out to get a discription and info on him and they will tell you straight out if you have anything to worry about, Tampa is actually one of the highest gang activity areas in the US, St Petersburg is a little worse. MS13 has just started getting here but usually when they get here all the little gangs leave or are assimilated into them.
In a dark section, the dog gets a swift boot and the bat wielding "gangsta" ends up on his back with a boot across his throat and gets a little "sermon" about proper behavior in a family oriented neighborhood... But that is just me...
Always remember, this type of person can be among the first to cry police
when the situation is reversed.
I didn't think about being considerate to my neighbors when I was younger and the few that called the police on me for music/hanging out did not benefit from their actions.

Around here they would; first noise violation is a warning, second is a ticket, another soon after is a night in jail. I'm not sure when it "resets," but after your first ticket, they can haul you in for the night on every violation for a while, and will.

It's a bit of extra effort, but after it's all said and done, the neighborhood gets to sleep.
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