Neighborhood bully advice

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So a family has moved into my neighborhood from Tampa, FL. Single mom, five kids. One of the boys (18/19 years old) is a gang banger looking guy and has been causing trouble for my block: walking his dog while carrying a baseball bat, talking trash to the older people (What the f$%k you lookin' at old man) type stuff. This is a very family oriented neighborhood with lots of children running around. Since this kid has moved in I've noticed a significant increase in bad guys cruising up and down our street and hanging out drinking and being loud and obnoxious. I assume this will only get worse until something bad happens. My neighbors and I have gotten together to talk about this problem and we don't know what to do. We talked to the police and they have been very helpfull and increased patrols in the area, but that only does so much. So I guess my question is what can we do as a neighborhood to legally get rid of these a$$holes. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You've already done what you can do legally, best thing will be to let them alone and hope they screw up. At least it sounds like your entire neighborhood is aware of the problem
100percent said:
So I guess my question is what can we do as a neighborhood to legally get rid of these a$$holes. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

have you tried talking to the mother? i think that would have been in order before calling the police.
Molson said:
have you tried talking to the mother? i think that would have been in order before calling the police.

Why? So the mother could talk to her hoodlum. Then Mr 100percent could have rocks flying through his windows in the middle of the night. Good Idea! Be sorta like "talking" to radical muslims. If the mother gave a rats rec. this wouldn't have gotten as far as it has.
This "gang banger" is carrying a potentially deadly weapon and is attempting to intimidate people. Do not allow him to intimidate you. Maintain eye contact and say nothing. If you are armed be prepared. Keep 911 on speed dial and use it. Form a neighborhood watch and get the police directly involved in your neighborhood program. When you have the law on your side the bad guys are at a disadvantage. Nip this thing in the bud, before that loser even begins to think about making the neighborhood into Loserville.

I am not sure in regards to your state laws, by VA law, I would be within my rights to shoot a person armed with a baseball bat if they attempt to attack me with said bat. This punk needs to understand that the neighborhood will not tolerate his behavior and that there are eyes always watching what he is doing, furthermore he needs to understand that no one is scared of him at all. These "gang banger" types are actually insecure little ninnys when it comes to brass tacks.

Once it is made clear that the residents of the neighborhood will have him and any other wise guys hauled off to jail, he will either get stupid and find himself and company in a world of hurt or he will take his retard behavior to the ghetto where it belongs.

It may be cold hearted to say, but hopefully this neanderthal tries that same behavior in the ghetto areas and gets himself beat down real good or winds up dead in a dumpster. He will have earned it.

I grew up in the projects and have seen many "gangstas" get what they so richly deserve. Every time one was stabbed, shot, and crippled or killed, there was a smile in my heart for there being one less piece of human garbage to make life worse for good people.

All you have to do is let this individual hang himself with the rope he is being given. Gang banger wannabes are not very intelligent and will most likely do themselves in, given enough time.
have you tried talking to the mother? i think that would have been in order before calling the police.

I agree. We talked to the mother after the first incident (a very loud and crazy streetfight in front of their house about a month ago.) The mom told us that she was doing her best and that they had moved in hopes of a fresh start. Apparently her son had gotten into some trouble in Tampa and she thought a smaller city would be better for him and the family.

We did not call the police the night of the fight, somebody on the block did but it was not us. We did not become completely aware of the situation until that night. We called the police when badguy traffic increased.
Thanks for the reply.:)
All you have to do is let this individual hang himself with the rope he is being given. Gang banger wannabes are not very intelligent and will most likely do themselves in, given enough time.

This will most likely be the outcome. The words "gangsta" and "happily ever after" rarely go together.
All you have to do is let this individual hang himself with the rope he is being given. Gang banger wannabes are not very intelligent and will most likely do themselves in, given enough time.

I agree completely, but...

Single mom, five kids.

I'd recommend that everyone in the neighborhood reach out to the younger ones, treat them well, and give them reasons not to follow in their brother's footsteps.

You're lucky that he's 18 or 19 instead of 15 or 16.
Get a video camera. Give the tape to the police department.

There's no reason for people like this to cause problems in your community.
Your best bet is to get rid of the whole group. The younger ones will grow up just like the oldest one more than likely. I hate it when people that have raised thug kids bring them to small towns and try to let the community raise them instead....they just poison a small community, as they are doing to your neighborhood.

When that @**hole starts threatening neighbors, make multiple 'Felony Menacing' (or whatever you call it in KY) complaints and get him arrested. Do what you can to get them evicted if they are renting by complaining to the homeowner. If they bought the home, start filing lawsuits against them for any damage they cause around the neighborhood.

If you don't get this problem taken care of, your property values will hit bottom within a few more years as other scumbags start hanging around more and more. I honestly think we owe it to all our seniors to provide them with a neighborhood they aren't afraid to live in...they did it for the generation before them. Hopefully you have neighbors who will stand up with you.

Sprinklers? Thad be a fun idea.....set them so they spray into the streets and make the kids leave turn them on and off manually when the come :D wow im clever : P
Go talk to the police. Bring it to their attention. From what you say, he will probably be a proud resident of the Kentucky Dept of Corrections in a short time. Keep your distance from the perp. If he tries to hurt you or you family, do what you have to do.
Try this angle. Most of these little creeps have a record and are on probation for something. Get his correct name. Look up the public record. If he is on probation then have the police contact his control agent. When he finds out that a phone call from the neighbors results in a weekend in jail he will straighten up or leave. :)
Get video and keep calling the police whenever there is a problem and .

Are they renting? If so, enough pressure on the landlord may effect a change, or at least move them to a different property.
Every slight noice complaint, or anything, report it ASAP. If they keep getting harrassed by the poo-poo they will just pack up and leave.

Myself I've delt with this kind of situation myself. I won't say exactly how I handled it becasue my method would probably get a few people to attack me making me sound crazy.

But yeah if he walks by, I hope you're packing, just incase. But if he asks you any question what you're looking at, or anything like that, just insult him. That your dog? man, he is jacked up, poor guy. Or if he asks about what you're looking at, come back with something like "A carrot? I'm till trying to figure it out, what are you trying to be cause I'm confused! gemme a hint!"

or if he walks by with his bat, ask him if his balls arn't big enough yet thats why he's not playing baseball.

Now my way of going about it would be a bit out there. But I don't really care because I would feel he wants people to fear him. You make jokes about him, he wont be too happy. And if I catch him in the act of doing something thats an easy way to get rid of him. But that's just how I am, and I don't recomend my advice unless you're willing to deal with the negative attention towards yourself. And like I've said, I've delt with a situation nearly like this, and I'm still alive with no property damage and I've got rid of that fool.
You guys are great! I just got off work (bartender;)) and your replies make me feel better. It's nice to know that some of you have been through similar circumstances. I carry a Kimber custom II. As much as I would like to... the last thing I want to do is drop this kid. He is young and very stupid. If it comes down I will do what I have to. Until then I think right now the best bet is to inform a LEO and open a Becks:). I have a beautiful woman that needs my attention...1911 FTW!..I am slightly intoxicated. God bless and good night!!
First, I say good on the Mom for trying to take this young man out of a bad environment. Taking the bad environment out of him may be a harder goal to reach. Hopefully the younger kids will get a better chance to avoid the poor choices now that they are out of that old neighborhood. Being around normal people and seeing a different and better way of life may be the best thiing that ever happened to them.

I wonder if the Tampa PD and the SO are aware of this family's new addy :)

Get together with the neighbors and make sure the street is well lit. Put on your outside lights at night. Find out what the noise ordinance is, and if they break it, call the cops. Are there any drugs involved? Is there under age drinking going on? Let the cops know. You can't do anything personally, but you can stay on their butts and keep the pressure on. Also, see if they break any local zoning ordinances. ;)
If you don't get any action from the police etc, contact your local politician. Bug him/her enough and you might get somewhere.
Better yet, throw a "block" party and invite all the nieghbors...including the new folks. Have the cops block off the street...just takes a phone call to the local precinct.

Sure, we all wonder about those young men who appear to be gang-bangers. But why not give them the benefit of the doubt at least once? Maybe that family is trying to improve their circumstances and just want a chance to be accepted by their neighbors...instead of the automatic suspicion reflex kicking in?

Try talking to the mom and the kids...introduce yourselves, shake their hands and welcome them to the neighborhood. Tell them to holler if they ever need anything. Becoming involved in the community takes work...on both your parts.

Just a thought. It could go a long way to making a better neighborhood.

If they spit in your face, then all bets are off.
Throw a tomato at his head. Maybe a blood will drive by and do the work for you.

Anywho tho, I forgot to add, I hope you can get this taken care of..I know when I had my lil issue, I felt like I couldnt leave my garage open, or my front door open (for warm summer air) or leave my truck alone for more than 10min with windows down..I don't want anyone to jack my stuff. I happen to own some nice stuff I worked for and last thing I want is some gang banger to jack my DiscMan cd player!!:barf:
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