Need Help with Arisaka

I'll keep an eye out for an original stock and barrel for you. I'll also see if I can watch the auction. It ends in an hour. It's up to $55 and I'm not sure if you're the high bidder.
I'll keep an eye out for an original stock and barrel for you. I'll also see if I can watch the auction. It ends in an hour. It's up to $55 and I'm not sure if you're the high bidder.

Edit! Look what I just found!

If you end up losing the auction, this is an alternative. Original Type 38 Stock and Handguard. No one's bid on it yet, either, auction ends in 11 hours I'll be asleep by then, but you might be able to bid and win on it. Good luck. Still looking for a barrel.

Edit Edited, just found a barrel from numrich. I doubt you'll get a bad one, as I assume it's luck of the draw. For the price, I doubt you'll get a bad one. Not sure if it has the front sight. I'll keep looking.

Did you win the bidding?
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No, I did not win the bid. It jumped 20 bucks while I was sleeping.
I might put in for the auction you posted. Ill wait till the auction is almost over before I do though. I think I can win this one. :)
Actually, i'll put a bid in now.

I am going to call numrich tomorrow and ask about the barrel. If its an original and comes with a front sight, then i'll buy it.

I ddint win the bid. I was the only bidder until the final 15 seconds when someone decided to out bid me. I was fast enough to increase the bid to 162.00 before the time ran out but the other person won and paid 165 for the stock. I hate when people do that. I thought for sure id win. Guess ill keep an eye out for another one.
If I can find a complete rifle for sale with a defaced mum id buy it and just use the parts from it. If anyone see's one let me know.
Here's one in pretty rough shape. I might be able to get most of that out, can't get all of it out. But it'd take alot of work to get the dings, nicks, and gouges out.

This one looks quite a bit better. It even includes the cleaning rod and barrel bands. Fairly new auction. I could definitely do a better job on it.

Good luck! I'll continue to look for anything you need.

Did you hear from numrich about the barrel? If not.
Not sure about the bore, but includes the sights.
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Ill be keeping an eye on them.
I showed my rifle to a dealer here in town and he had some interesting things to say about it. Some of which I knew but he was convinced that although the rifle was modified, he thinks the Jap Arsenal modified it during the war.
I wont sit here and say it was for sure, especially when I think otherwise, but who knows.
He said they used to cut them down to that length exactly the way mine is for special purposes. It may have, and it may not have been them, but i'll still be returning it to full length.
Just thought it was interesting that he thinks that. He knows a great deal about the Arisakas.
What special purposes were these rifles cut down for? I auctioned over 100 Arisakas in my collection when I moved and never saw anything like that. More B/S rumors. As for leaving the stock with the original finnish, what does it matter? It is pretty easy to see it was messed with. The finnish can go either way as far as value. I had some with shrapnel in them, one had a bullet wedged into the receiver and sear, and one(Type 30) was burnt to a crisp on one side. They all went for more than the best condition standard T-38 and T-99 I had. Gun values dictated by items for sale are meaningless. Check what the guns ACTUALLY were sold for.

I honestly couldnt tell you exactly why it was cut that way. Yea, it could be b.s. rumors, but then again you never know. Just because you auctioned off 100 and never saw one like that doesnt mean they dont exist. Now dont get me wrong, im having a hard time believing it as well, and I wont put any money on it that the Japanese did this without proof. I was only stating what I was told.
Ill still be on the lookout for a complete stock and barrel and return it to stock.
What special purposes were these rifles cut down for? I auctioned over 100 Arisakas in my collection when I moved and never saw anything like that. More B/S rumors.
I've seen three of these rifles in person. info on them is easy to find, wikipedia calls them type 38 cavalry carbine. military factory just calls them the type 38 carbine. over 400,000 of these rifles were built nearly 4 times the number of the type 44 cavalry carbine.

I did some research on the front sight as well, its a factory arisaka front sight.
So maybe I only need the upper handgaurd and barrel band.
That is NOT a Type 38 Carbine or a hacked up T-44. The reason you see so many of them is because they (T-38 long rifles) make excellent, cheap deer rifles when cut down. I still use a long rifle I re-cut to 6.5x55. Except for no F/sight, a scope, and bent bolt, it would be a twin to the picture. The rifle in question has a long rifle rear sight and stock. Look at the finger grooves in the stock. I bet the barrel dimensions (OD) are not the same as a carbine either. There were "Specialty" rifles reworked in handfuls or short runs to submit for testing, but these were well marked. Most were jump guns, and there was a Type 99 short rifle in production. Type 38 long rifles are everywhere (Even with no MUM). Money better spent buying one that is complete. Just reading this thread, I have come to one conclusion. If someone else does repairs on a military gun, then that person is a criminal. If the owner repairs a military gun it is "Restoring".
I'm not saying that what the OP has is a 38 carbine. I'm saying that if he was so inclined, the OP could add a handguard and stock to make it look somewhat like a 38 carbine.
I still have a Type 38 carbine. The guy I bought it off of said Tojo used it for target shooting. I find it hard to believe, "But then again you never know".