Name one thing you learned at your last match...

Shot my first match on March 11th. Lessons learned.

1. Always load your magazines fully.

2. Understand the course and plan in advance where you will change your magazines. Never let the gun run dry.

3. Know how the scoring works. Some scoring counts just the best hits on a target and misses are not counted. In this type, if you know you missed or don't like the hit, shoot again! In other scoring everything counts, misses subtract points.

4. Help the RO with scoring. It will help you understand what is going on.

5. Ask questions. Especially of those people in the upper classes. Most are more than happy to assist.

By the way, can anyone help with the names of scoring types? One was Virginia, I can't remember the other ones.
I shot an IPSC match on Saturday . . . .

(1.) Gotta' SLOW DOWN sometimes. To begin the first stage of the match, it took me 5 shots to knock down 2 pepper poppers at 10 yards (that in turn deployed some bobbing targets, upon which I got decent hits). I don't usually get nervous before a match, but I often shoot too fast on the very first string of fire on the very first stage before I settle down.
(2.) On the very last stage (of 7) I did a speed in-battery reload and somehow induced a malfunction. I had to strip the mag out of the gun and start all over. I had 12 "a zone" hits out of 12 rounds fired, but a stage that should've taken me about 12 seconds took me 20+.
Shot my first match - a BUG with Beretta 84BB

Lots of fun but learnt a few things:

1.- Never, or rather NEVER use brand new magazines in a match....At one point of stage had to switch mags and had a brand new, never used, 13 round factory mag.... Made the change, fired, nothing ! :mad: Pulled the slide, empty chamber :eek: Raked again (I know ... my mistake .did not verify chambered round indicator) and fired..nothing ! This time I pulled out the mag, reinserted it hard and raked again and this time it finally worked... All in all lost about 4 secs ... :o

2.- In the last part of the final stage there was a popper at about 15 ft and I still had about 6 rounds in the mag so I figured 1 or 2 shots and I would be out.... Wrong ! It proved to be a really stubborn popper ! Took all the 6 rounds (I could hear the hits on the metal) and it would not fall ! I run out off ammo and had no more mags on me when I saw a discarded mag on the floor with some rounds still in it (had done a forced reload a few seconds before) so I picked it up and fortunately it had 1 shot and luckily that last shot did it ! Lesson learned...Allways carry one more mag than you think will need !

As allways, it was great fun !:D

Stay safe,

Juan Carlos

Make sure you slam the (insert expletive of choice here) magazine home so a "bang" doesn't turn into a "click" followed by a "thud" and a finger being held up by the RO denoting additional time on your clock...'cuz the loaded magazine is on the ground looking up at you...:rolleyes:

Slam pads are named that for a reason...

How come gop? Did Sig's legendary reliability turn out to be more of a myth? Just kidding. Mi blaster es su blaster. (<---A little Spanish to remind you of your recent vacation:D )
First IDPA shoot

#1 It's harder than it looks.
#2 I shoot low under stress :confused:
#3 The way you're used to doing it is faster than the fastest way you could do it.
#4 I have a bad holstering habit I wasn't even aware of.
#5 It's fun watching someone shoot IDPA with a revolver.
#6 It's fun watching someone qualify Master.
#7 This stuff is dangerously addictive.
#8 I've got alot of work to do before the next shoot :)
You didn't perhaps go to the Linn County IDPA shoot did you? I couldn't make it, had to work. Hopefully I'll make the next one. I'm thinking about going to "Hell's Half Acre" next month. We should get a carpool going. I might know 1 or 2 others who'd like to tag along. PM me.
2nd year in competition shooting

I was too tired the night before to do an equipment check. So I decided to forgo. Woke up late and ran out the door with range bag and picked up my bro in law to go to match - 1.3 hours away by car.

When we got there and I opened up my range bag - NO HOLSTER. Luckily my cc holster fit my match gun, so we were able to shoot that day. But that is the last time I do not triple check my equipment before going out.