Name one thing you learned at your last match...

NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER shoot 1911's against an old dude who has been shooting them since he was 12......especially when you only have been shooting your's for a year:p
active hearing protectors?

(5.) Consider getting active hearing protectors, the kind that muffle loud sounds and amplify quieter sounds. They are of great utility in helping you hear range commands, whether you're at a match or attending some kind of shooting class. Consider getting a "low profile" design that properly allows you to mount a rifle with the hearing protectors on.
Quoted from op
question? does my slim muffs with batteries to increase / decrease sounds qualify as active hearing protectors?
i dont want to double up.

much obliged,

greater appreciation for the guys running the matches

We had an informal "action match" at our club yesterday. 4 of us started setting up at 7AM. Match started at 10AM and we finished at 3PM.
We had 16 guys new to USPSA type shooting. {I'm pretty new myself} That left the 4 of us to score and run the new shooters.
My first time keeping score and running the timer. Most of the new guys didn't get the concept of, help tape targets. :(

Wow, was I tired at the end! My hat's off to ROs at the sanctioned matches. It's a lot of work!
Don't forget your saftey glasses perhaps a cup.

When shooting steel or pins bullet fragments or sometimes entire bullets may come back at you.

While standing around waiting for my turn to shoot the carbine match, little bits of lead and copper went whizzing past myself and the folks I was talking to.

When I was shooting the match I had a 180 grain .40 bullet come right back at me after I shot a bowling pin. It hit a very sensitive area. I managed to finish the course of fire but I spent a good 20 seconds doubled over and swearing loudly. Ricochets can hit the best of us in the worst of places.
I learned to hold my gun with 2 hands while on the move to avoid swinging it which could get one called for a 180 violation in IDPA.
I can't watch TV and drink beer for two weeks and then expect to shoot well the first time I get a gun back in my hands. :D
When you shoot a run of 10 shots at a target (broken into strings), why is it that when 9 holes are counted, your shooting buddies of many years, don't believe you put one through the same hole. It isn't that hard at 20 yards with a handgun, now is it?

Match Director VS Match Competitor

I've learned you can't do both at same time.
The concentration required to accurately shoot is not there, when worried about safety of others and properly directing the Match.

Oh Well - the good of the One or the good of the Many - however SPOCK said it.
Here is two.

Always ground your shotgun in safe even if you think you shot it dry because it can jam and you can get DQ'd.

Always do a complete walk through no matter how easy the stage.
short sight radius

We finally have CCW in Wisconsin.

Since the law changed in November, lots of guys at our local club have some to matches using concealment holsters and smaller guns. Their intent is to practice with what they carry with, and I think that's an excellent idea.

They are finding that smaller guns have shorter sight radius, and if the grip is short, the gun feels different in the hand. They're finding they have to downshift a few gears to get good hits on target, in comparison with the speed they could achieve with competition holsters and specialized competition guns.

I've always competed (mostly) with whatever my duty gun was at the time.
Be careful with your own reloads. I don't reload but in the past two weeks, I saw home brew:

1. Blow up a Glock
2. Squib a 1911
3. Seize up a SW 625 with some primer problem.

Also, remember the order to shoot things (duh - that's me). A procedural.
IDPA classifier

I shot an IDPA classifier match last Saturday night.

I used my Colt Combat Commander in .45 in Custom Defensive Pistol Division (same gun I occasionally use in the single stack division in USPSA/IPSC)

Shot the best score I've ever had in CDP -- still high in "Marksman" class with that gun.

I usually do well on Stages I & II and have difficulty on Stage III. Like most people.

Last night everything went pretty well except that I had two clean misses on Stage II, which is very unusual for me.

One of them occurred for certain on the string where you engage the targets while moving forward. And the other? Maybe on the string where you engage the targets strong hand only? Or possibly while retreating? I have no idea.

I shoot strong hand only and weak hand only all the time. I get a limited opportunity to engage multiple targets while advancing and while retreating. (That's one of the reasons I shoot in matches -- to do things I can't do in "normal" practice at the range because safety rules preclude certain things)

I shot well on Stage III this time, although I did dip a few shots low. I made an effort to concentrate on trigger control and properly resetting the sear from shot to shot at distance and it worked. I also made an effort NOT to crowd cover, when shooting from the high barricade and around the sides of the barrel, and that helped too.
For the moment, I'm wearing a air cast/walking boot and still opted to shoot a local highpower rifle match yesterday. Pain, and delays in getting prepped and into positions makes it easy to overlook things.

What I learned was... making sight adjustments are truly meaningless when your spotting scope is looking at another shooters target.
I SUCK at weak hand loading a pump shotgun.

Make sure your earplugs are in well when shooting a compensated 308.
When you shoot a run of 10 shots at a target (broken into strings), why is it that when 9 holes are counted, your shooting buddies of many years, don't believe you put one through the same hole. It isn't that hard at 20 yards with a handgun, now is it?

I have the very same issues and they continue to call "MIKES" on the rounds passing through the same holes. Every once in a while i catch a glimpse of Superman's cape passing in front of a target just as my bullet gets there;)

I'll also swear that they use lead resistant pant just before I shoot steel targets. Man they like to toy with me trying to make me think I shoot worse than I do:eek: