NAA 22LR After 3 months finally its mine


New member
Here she is! Nice huh

Can't wait to get to the range with it

Watch out! Those things can be addictive. Ask me how I know. :)

Up until this past year, I never really saw the point to them, and now I have three of them, and just fought off the urge for #4 this past week (we see a lot of them used here, and at very reasonable prices). :rolleyes:

They are a quality little gun, and very well made.

I find with mine, when you aim, dont try and line the front sight up with anything in the back, as it will likely make your rounds go low. I sight/look along the flat top of the frame and really dont use the front sight other than to get center alignment.

I kept hearing you cant hit anything with them but found that not to be the case. I shot this at 10 yards, one handed, just point and click, and as you can see, they do alright. :)


This was shot at around 5 yards, again one handed, and as fast as I could get them off.


The one thing I will suggest for them, that really is a help in shooting them, and adds little bulk, is the rubber, slip on grip by Houge that NAA sells on their website. Ive put one on all of mine.

Desantis makes a nice pocket holster for them that also carries spare rounds for a reload. Not that youre likely going to do that real quick. :)
The gun has safety notches between the chambers for the hammer to rest in. There is no need for an empty chamber.
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I started with the miniest of the minis. The dedicated 22 short version. Tiny little cylinder, and over all shorter than the LR version.
Fun little popper, and I'm sure the begining of a complete set.
Gave my .22 lr Mini to one of my sons for Christmas several years ago. Still have the 35 year old Mini Magnum though. They are like little jewels with a big gang.

A Ranger II is on my want list.
On our 4 minis the safety notches are less than secure. While in 'safety' it takes a mere .018" to release cylinder and allow the firing pin to be in contact with primer-rim. A mild brush or touch will release the cylinder - same on all 4 of them. Try it yourself. As for me hammer down on empty - just not willing to gamble my gonads on eighteen thousandths of an inch.
Ive been carrying one of mine in my back pocket, alongside my wallet, both in and out of a holster, every day now since around the middle of July, and have yet to find the hammer out of its safety notch (I check it each night visually before bed). And thats day-long use (time Im up until Im back in bed) doing everything from physical work, hours long trips in the car, watching TV, etc.

Not saying it cant or doesnt happen, just that I personally havent seen it happen "yet".

While the cylinder can move without much hammer travel, if its in the holster, I really dont see it being able to move should the hammer somehow move enough for it to release it.

But, I suppose anything is possible.
This is the first Ive heard about it, and I've been paying pretty close attention to anything posted about them since I've picked mine up, so I don't know just how common it is. You're the first person I've seen bring it up.

And I have been giving it a good try too. I carried one around awhile empty when I got the first one, a couple of different ways, to see what would happen, and didn't have or see any problems.

I tried the same thing with a spare Glock 17 when I started carrying one and everyone said you HAD to use a holster. A year and a half carrying/handling that unloaded spare around the house while I was home, sans holster, in any manner you can imagine, and some you probably can't, and I never once found the trigger tripped. The only way that happened was when I deliberately pulled the trigger.

The holster is definitely the way to go, as it is with any gun. It keeps the gun in one place and properly oriented, and some protect both the hammer and trigger. Perhaps if you're just throwing it in a pocket, where it can move around, it might be a different story. Use a little common sense, and I don't think it's going to be much of an issue.

But, there's only one way to really find out. ;)