N.J. shoot on the 16th of March.....


New member
Here is the role call so far.......
From N.J.= RAY WOODROW 3RD, Hard_Case, Russell92, Rovert, FrankK, jmlv, Levelhead, Anklepocket, Mrs. Woody6, Armando B, Zekeluvs1911, GusGus, NeverAgain26.

From P.A.= SodaPop, 9mmMike, FlyinGN

From Del.= Jody Hudson

From N.Y.= K80Geoff

From M.D.= Chaim

O.K. folks. It's looking good! Any other takers? The outdoor range is free how easy can it be?
the pistol course, timed.

Here is the site for the course requirements.


We are going to shoot the 60 round course of fire starting out at 25 yards and working our way in to 1 yard. Page # 9-62 will give you the rundown on the course for those of you who want to practice. It is Qualification "IS R HQC 1" ($5.00 each, 50/50)

We are going to have a rope shoot and a pole shoot.

We will be shooting skeet with the shotguns and any other games we can come up with. Any questions, feel free to ask.

How far away are we going to be Shooting the Rope and Pole at? You realise I'm going to burn a major hole in My pocket if I shoot My 45acp all day. :eek:

I wonder how much ammo I should bring?:) Can I try the Qualification course with My Ruger Single Six?

Maybe I should bring My 38 Special instead:confused:

I'm not sure SodaPop on the distance for the rope or pole shoot at this time. I would like to state that for the police course we should use only calibers that the police might carry. I don't think they carry .22's:eek: The .38 might be better for overall shooting but the .45 is a definite for the pole and rope shoot I would think.

And about burning a major hole in your pocket, I thought you were good with your pistol? I guess we will find out! ;)
I thought you were good with your pistol?

I am absolutely not very good with Pistols. I'm defanitely a rifle guy.

I really need better sights on My 45acp. I'm getting better with the Beretta, but I really need trigger work done to that. Yours is much nicer:)

I carry the 38Special, so I probable should practice more with that, plus ammo is cheaper.

I don't know If I'll have time to do any reloading so I really need to watch My $$ right now.

Why does't ammo grow on a tree?:(
Whew! I thought you meant page(s) 9 thru 62 !

9-62 is much less ammo! ;)

Directions anyone? You've been there Soda? Can I follow you up, over, or what ever it is?

I'm in Trooper. I usually go up to Lansdale (ala 363) to catch the N/E extension for W&W or the Plymouth Meeting entrance of the T-Pike for non-extension travel. Is this a T-Pike trip or an adventure down 76 or the Blue Route?
We are going to be going down 76. I have a location In Trooper PA. Do you want to ride up together? Your about 20mins from me. I didn't know you were that close.
are we locked into the NJ training thang? Can't we just shoot for fun?? I know Im not that good to pass such a test..

Don't worry about it.........

Of course we can FlyinGN, its all in the name of fun. Believe me I'm not the best shot in the world either and in earlier posts you read SodaPop state the same thing. Nothing wrong with friendly competition.;)
Can I put My $5 in the pot and then Bet $10 who is really going to win? And then I'll take 40% of the Pot if I win?

How about an Affirmative Action shoot? Where the Winner lose's his money and has to give all the money back to the losers? Unless its Me of course:D

You know that we shoot at the range for free. Any donations are appriciated in order to keep the range operating that way and I don't want to charge anybody for its use. I figured this is a way for the range to make some money for renovations and repairs and give people a chance to win something in return. Does this make sense?
What are the Jersey rules for transporting? Are we allowed to have guns and ammo? ;)

What are the rules at the range?

I've heard so many stories about how anti-weapon Jersey is, that I wonder what is legal and safe to do there.

The rules are.........There are no rules! Except the proper safety things such as no shooting in the air (duh), no touching ammo or firearms when people are down range (duh), make sure your targets are set up so that the rounds you shoot impact the berm behind it, etc, etc. This is a private range. The only people who will be on it will be TFLers and some Buckeye Gun Club Members who want to shoot with us. We can set up any senario we want. In other words we can do things on this range that you can't on others. As for transportation of firearms, ammo and firearms must be seperate in different containers preferably locked and in the trunk or as far away from your person as possible. Magazines can only be 15 rounders or less. Hollow points are legal as long as you go to the range and back home without stoping within reason(need gas). Check out the N.R.A.'s web site and click on State firearms law in N.J. for anything I might have missed. Any other questions feel free to ask. YOU WILL HAVE A GOOD TIME, I GAURANTEE IT!;)

I hope to make it, and to bring my Katie too!

Makarovs Rule! Although Kate told me last night she's ready for a Keltec as well.

Renee and I would love to meet her. At least Renee wouldn't be the only "Rose among the Thorns". Are there no other N.J. Females that shoot? They must all still be in the closet and afraid their soccer mommy status would be destroyed or something.

The gun club now has a web site as of This Sunday. Here is the link to the website. Let me know if you see errors or if you have any idea's for improvement.
