N.J. informal pistol & shotgun shoot..........

Gentelmen & possibly Ladies.........

Lets keep it a TFL event. If you want to bring someone that is O.K.:)

Where is the rest of New Jersey's Finest? :confused:
Okay....this is wierd....I do most of my TFL browsing at work (shame on me, I know!), but I didn't get any PM alerts till I logged in at home...even though they are both logged in, same OS, same version of browser. Wierd...

This is a great idea, getting the NJ TFL'ers together. Unfortunately, I can't make it this time. I'm spending my weekend up in Lancaster with my Godparents. Haven't seen them in a long while, was planning it for months. Next time I'll try to move heck and earth to make it, though.

I'd only ask that someone be so kind to provide an after-action report....I think a nice synopsis of all the fun will be an extra kick for us to make sure to be at the next one!!
Ray ,Thanks for the invite. I`ll have to decline as I`ll be heading for Potter Co. Pa. on the 25th. Thanks again, Dennis (35)
Ray, my schedule's changed and I'll be there. Please let me know where/when it is and also what you'll need from me in the way of ammo.

Also, if anyone who's coming owns any of the .45 Glocks (21, 30, or 36), I've been trying to try one out, without luck. Would appreciate it if you could bring it along!

- pdmoderator
What to bring........

pdmoderator & others,
I posted in an earlier thread where the club is located. Check it out and see if you understand the directions. I am bringing down my two 12 gauges that take 2 3/4 inch shells. If you want you can pick up some skeet shot shells. If you want you can pick up a box of clays. In pistols, I will bring down:

my 9mm Beretta, 9mm S&W 3913, my S&W model 10 .38 revolver, my Colt Trooper Mark V in .357 mag., my S&W model 22a semi-automatic .22, my S&W model 18 revolver .22, my Rossi .44 special revolver, My Beretta minx .22 short semi-automatic.

I have a hard time finding .44 special so if you can aquire some of that it would be appriciated. Anything else is up to you so you choose what you want to bring and what you don't. Bring down what you want to eat and drink since there is nothing to buy there, or I figured we would order some food and drink once we all got there. Any other questions feel free to ask. Looking forward to meeting you! :D

Are you bringing somebody? confused: Rovert is.
All most forgot.........

Also, since there is no range fee, donations to the club for range and facility use will be appriciated. Looks like we are going to have a good group of TFLers.

So far we have:


Any other takers?

Ray, FYI, I just picked up 5 boxes of Winchester 12ga 1oz #8 lead shot tonight, so that gives us 125 rounds to shoot at the 2 cases of pigeons I have to go with it. :D

Let us know about the weather, and if we're going to reschedule.
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Range review......

We all had a great time and the weather cooperated. We had a total of 6 TFLers show up and 4 regular gun club members and I know for a fact that the day couldn't have been nicer. Rovert has the digital camera pictures that he will post and I have the regular pictures that I will try to get scaned onto this sight. To all other TFLers out there that didn't come, you missed a really great time to meet fellow TFLers! We all worked together and the whole thing went off without a hitch. It was just too bad that we ran out of time and day light. It was an honor to shoot with such safety minded individuals on such an unregulated range. I don't think I saw one major violation the whole day! I look forward to shooting with all of the TFLers who showed up today again. I think we all have to work on our skeet shooting abilities though!:D :rolleyes:
Ray, I also had a great time, and look forward to the next meeting when we can shoot some guns, and shoot the breeze.

As to skeet marksmanship, I'm 100%... all mine broke when they hit the ground. Speaking just for myself, I think I'd have hit more pigeons with a boomerang. :D
Great time Ray!!! Thanks to you and the club members. Great place to shoot!

The fireplace was the perfect ending :D

The rain held off untill we were done shooting:D :D

Another great TFL shoot. Now I have to get a flag made up for future shoots:cool:
Looks like a nice place to goto. When is the next PA shoot? I will be there for that one, on time also.
That is a Great place for Pistol Shooting! I have to get my front sight filed down or rob a bank and get sights put on my .45. I didn't shoot very well but I had fun busting Clays with my Ruger Single Six. I could have shot for 4 more hours.

Do you guys want to have a Bolt Action Rifle Gathering or just just a plane old Rifle Shoot next? Maybe in Mid-January we can get together?