My wife does not like me buying pistols.

My wife came from an abusive household and her father used to menace her with his handgun. When I first considered buying a gun I had a long argument with her about it that finally ended with her saying, "Go ahead, buy a gun, but I don't want to hear about it."

This has led to a sort of weird don't ask/don't tell gun situation in our house where I keep them securely locked down and hidden away and never discuss guns more than to say "I'm going to the range" or "I had fun at the range." I wish she was into guns and I could talk to her about them, but she has trauma in her past related to guns and I respect that she trusts me enough to handle them responsibly.

Of course if she knew the amount of money I have spent on guns, that would be a whole other argument, but it's never more than we can afford. We both have decent incomes and we keep our finances separate even after all these years.
In my house, guns come and go frequently as I get bored with one or another. One thing I learned a long time ago was...I keep them all black (no stainless slides) and my wife can't tell one from another. A dozen guns later and they all look the same to her. My FDE S&W SD9 was my first "new" gun in years (or so she thinks).
That's sorta how it is out this way too.
Peace, tranquility, control over my time and money, the ability to buy what I want, when I want it, no drama, lies or manipulation? Yup, Divorce was a good thing for me!:D
Never again. I love being single. Rib eye steak for breakfast, along with a Red Pill and my day begins. I buy whatever firearms I choose... after all, its MY money. :D. Life is far to short to live in misery with a person who takes you for granted.
It's all in your perception guys. Some men need to be married, some don't. If you find a a good one and they are as rare as unicorns, hold onto her. The vast majority of modern women only care about your money. From a financial standpoint, it's a BAD deal. :cool: And, don't forget, the Courts WILL take your assets and give them to her when she eventually leaves. The cards are stacked against you. Marriage is about CONTROL (legally, psychologically, financially and sexually)... and guess who has all the power?? Take the Red Pill, it will open up your perspective.
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Like being married to Sarah Brady? Caroline McCarthy?
Nope not ever going to happen. If she will not go to the range a few times a year and not complain about 'TOO MANY GUNS & AMMO' then maybe...?
My wife occasionally asks why I "need" as many guns as I have, but she also owns 2, and will go to the range with me a few times a year. I dont question her purchases of shoes or handbags, cosmetics or whatever else she wants, and she doesn't question my hobby.

We trust each other to manage our finances, together and separately. She also understands that a firearm is only as dangerous as the person behind it, and so there is no political or character issues.

I couldn't be married to a person that didnt trust me, regardless or the issue.
My girlfriend, been living with for 20 years so she's like a wife, is totally against guns except when I go shooting at the range with my one shooting buddy. She says that's different so it's o.k.

When it comes to new guns I normally just tell her, "Oh, that was in the back of the safe and I forgot about it." I learned I can only do that a few times. She caught on. LOL.

Now I just don't let her know if I bought a new gun. It works out much better that way. I even shoot competitions with no quarrel. She's anti-gun but she know why I have them and wants me to keep a loaded gun in the house just-in-case. Funny how that works.
I tell any woman that comes into my life about my guns and my love of shooting. Some have objected, those I let know that it is not an issue I will tolerate. If she objects and will not back down I show her the door. Straight up front, right off.

I also tell them I like myself fine like I am, I have no need or desire to change.
My wife of 51+ years used to complain about me buying guns until she realized it made no difference. She no longer complains but when I brought another home on Sunday, she did ask a pretty good question. She simply asked where I was going to put them all. She is right because my gun storage facilities are full. I sold two very old handguns and gave a shotgun to my grandson last summer to make room for "better" firearms.
Most would prefer you invest the money in something they consider useful, such as antique tablecloths, that have to be removed before you use the table.
I guess I found a rare one

We recently celebrated our 44th. I don't hide things from her, and she doesn't hide things from me. In our early married life, guns were not really a part of things because we married in Mass. and I was from the PR of NYC. When we moved to PA, I started my interest in firearms. She was not a great gun enthusiast, but felt that as long as I kept things safe it was OK. She did start going to the range with me a few years ago; we bought three revolvers that she likes to shoot when we go. If I felt that I needed to hide things that were of import to me, I don't think that our marriage would have lasted for this long. That is a fundamental fact of successful married life.
I'm a Marine, a retired police officer, a former probation officer, and I've been married for 39 years; 34 of those years with my current wife (knock on wood). I also have an M.S. in Mental Health Counseling, I'm a nationally certified and practicing clinical mental health counselor, and I have been so for many years now.

No offense to anyone but I have yet to find a human being who does not have "things of import" they opt not to share with their spouse/significant other and in many cases that is probably a good thing.

But hey, there is always a first!

Unfortunately, I fear I cannot use the mini-14 excuse or similar any longer. Since my spouse's retirement she has taken up the sport of shooting and has become quite knowledgeable on the subject dammit!
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“My wife does not like me buying guns” Dump her and after you recover financially you can buy lots of guns to keep you warm on cold winter nights :)
Ten years ago today my wife of 30 years packed her stuff and left.
Six years ago this month I retired, was actually terminated so the boss could hire cheaper help.
These are the happiest years of my life, I buy, trade and shoot to my hearts content.
My wife of 52 years does not like guns, never has fired one, but is happy because she receives jewelry that is comparable, or better, in value.
My wife of 52 years does not like guns, never has fired one, but is happy because she receives jewelry that is comparable, or better, in value.
About the same here. There is a place in the safe for her jewelry and my guns. She does own an older Walther PPK which I think she actually shot once 20 years ago. :)

Mine never shot a .22 until I started dating her. She doesn’t have strong feelings one way or the other. She is fine with me buying ammo and guns (she even says from time to time, “you haven’t bought anything new in a while; when are you going to?” and is fine with me spending a few hours at the range every week. I got really really lucky.