My new open carry conspicuously inconspicuous

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I agree. Lose the element of surprise and put yourself at a distinct disadvantage.

How often do you look at the belt buckles of people (men in particular):o:o??? Do you really think Mr/Mrs. John Q. citizen is paying that close of attention?:confused: The bad guys sure as hell ain't looking at buckles.:eek::o
So was the purpose of the trip to wallmart just to open carry and see peoples reactions, I guess that is how I read it when you say "I did the wallmart walk". I know there are people who do that, but flaunting a gun in anti gunners faces just to prove a point may hurt our cause more than help it. I guess that is why I prefer to conceal.
I went to Walmart to go shopping for food. The only thing I did differently was tuck in my shirt. Normally, it will be a concealed BUG under most of my shirt's. I do carry a .38spl snub also, FYI.

I like it, it's very convenient, and an easy way to carry, I didn't buy just to show off, I do wear a belt.

Sorry if you don't like it. No,....I'm not sorry.
To MikeNice. Surveys? Please. Don't believe everything ya hear and if someone who attempts the chance with me off duty they very well may not get to answer questions for a survey!
And to the guy/walmart shuffle. Sounds very immature to me. I hope you do carry a snuggle or something else, that lil gun will prob just get you a-- whooped
Hello 8shot357,,,

Is that mini the .22 short version?

My memory may be faulty,,,
But I thought the belt buckle only fit the .22 short model.

It's the short version on the 22 LR mini 1-1/8th inch barrel.

And to the guy/walmart shuffle. Sounds very immature to me. I hope you do carry a snuggle or something else, that lil gun will prob just get you a-- whooped

Can't read much? If you can read, I wasn't doing the Walmart shuffle what ever that is, I was shopping with one of those push things called cart's?

No, I bring other toys though, if that's what you want to call them. 100,000volt toys, special eyeball and face spray toy's, those are really fun, 38spl +P hp toys. Should I keep going? You can be the first in line if you like to play a-- whooping.:D
I sort of like that belt buckle gun thing.

I for one, as a true farmer, would not wish to be shot by one. Us real farmers keep a real 22 in the tractor for the varmints we encounter, a 22 is a killer for sure. But those dont know em talk trash about em, heh must be youth or sumpting.

Hidden in plain sight knda thing, I like it.
It is everyones right to do as they please as long as its legal or pay the price if you get caught, everyone knows that. And as far as the 22/belt buckle thing, I think theyre cute too just too over priced for me. And to the "real farmer" Yea you carry that 22 in your tractor and see a coyote at say 75 yards well even 20 yards and let me watch you shoot it. haha Id love to have it on hand if someone was physically assaulting me and I didnt have anything else but if I could have a pistol of my choice id also pick another one real quick too. Just me I guess but enjoy your gun....
A real 22, like my Ruger 10/22? I haven't found a belt buckle for it yet, but, if they did it would be kind of weird looking. You'd be required by law to put a red flag on the end.:eek:

Well, it was/is to kept under my un-tucked shirt, as that's how I wear my shirts most of the time. I have a CCW permit, but if I didn't, I'd have to open carry it, but I do have a choice unlike other states. Now you see it, now you don't.:p
haha Id love to have it on hand if someone was physically assaulting me and I didnt have anything else but if I could have a pistol of my choice id also pick another one real quick too. Just me I guess but enjoy your gun....

It's a two'fr, or a three'fr. The belt buckle can be used as a weapom also, and hold up my pant's but, not at the same time. Can you see a guy beating another guy with his pants at his ankle's?:confused:
see a coyote at say 75 yards well even 20 yards and let me watch you shoot it. haha

Geez I shot more yotes at 20 yards..... have you ever shot a gun?

My 22 revolver is also good for 20 or even 40 yards. The 22 is small, like a needle it will penetrate deep and a fmj gets the job done. Want to watch me kill a steer with a 22 short? done it many times. I live on a farm, raised on a farm, the 22 is the best gun for many tasks. I would carry one and feel well armed if I didnt carry a 1911.

The naa 22 mag is another I would carry, packs a whoolop. I find it best to not make fun of others choice of weapon, they may ask you to go to a range and spank the pants off you on targets :)
Us real farmers keep a real 22 ...

Holy cow you know the stakes are miniscule when somebody downplays apparent lesser guns starts chest thumping about his real 22!!

I don't care who you are. That is just funny right there. You go farm boy!
i have one of the original production and have worn it multiple times.
i still have my 9mm concealed, but i like OC, just because i can.

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