My new open carry conspicuously inconspicuous

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I just did the Wal-mart walk last night with my new open carry. First, I'm not really into open carry here in Vegas, but this is to cool not to open carry.

It's a little bulky, and cowboy'ish, and it a little cheesily built for $50, but it work's. I only got one strange look, but I was checking out that red necks hot girl friend. Not sure if he was looking at my 2006 Super Bowl T-shirt (Detroit), or my gun out in plain site.

FYI, it's a new design with a strong magnet, and a flip over lever.


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    Gun Naa new buckle.jpg
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Not a fan at all of open carry even if you could. If something happened youd be a for sure target. carry conceiled and you are an indivual Joe until threat is eliminated. I wear a gun open at work (Police) but conceiled off duty to blend in and rock someones world when and if I have to.
I consider it a joke. If I was to open carry (I never do) I would carry a substantial full sized pistol rather than a pea shooter;)
I agree think it's a joke but still don't get open carry when you can unless you are LEO and on duty. Just my thinking
It ain't the gun, it's the shooter

In the vein of posts 5 and 6, I just HAVE to ask.

Are you sure it wasn't YOU he was checking out? The girl could just be his beard.

Lost Sheep

First, I'm not really into open carry here in Vegas,.......

Not quit the responses I expected, but it's still interesting to get some feed back.

I know, it's a little cocky, but, you can't change me, and don't give me that (Ron White) "you can't fix stupid":confused:, I made it to 43 years, 20 years beyond my exp. date.:D
I'm guessing some of the posters don't get it that the gun in question is on a belt buckle. From any distance it would be hard to tell that there is a real gun there and not just a buckle. Not knowing any better I'd think it was a belt buckle, . . . Even at that, I would not be checking out a guys stuff near his stuff. . . .

As for OC, I only do that for quick access in the summer otherwise is it covered by a jacket / sweat shirt in the winter. Even then, OC only occurs when going to the scrap metal yard in order to fend off the crack heads. ( or when I'm making the rounds to and from said scrap yard ) OC does not occur when going to " civilian " businesses.
I don't OC often, but I have in Walmart, grocery stores & the only comment I have ever received was an older man in Burger King ask me how to get a permit. This is Az. & OC is pretty common.
I live in Texas and we dont have OC. I am a police officer so I could off duty but off duty I only carry conceiled for the reason stated earlier. I wouldnt care if it was common, its still not smart in my opinion. When I work I have prob. 25 lbs of gear that you tote around for 12 hrs and my reasons for police arent showing others what I can carry, they are strictly there for business to protect myself and others
I'm guessing some of the posters don't get it that the gun in question is on a belt buckle. From any distance it would be hard to tell that there is a real gun there and not just a buckle. Not knowing any better I'd think it was a belt buckle, . . . Even at that, I would not be checking out a guys stuff near his stuff. . . .

Both ways, you are correct, it's a damned "Belt Buckle", and the girl in question was right in front of me, if she was ugly, I still would have looked at her.:confused:

I'm sorry, but the way I'm perceiving the situation is that the gun is being treated as a novelty rather than a weapon.

Yes ser, in a way you are correct, but I do wear a belt, so the "Novelty" will wear off, but the belt/belt buckle stays.:D
I'll be the first to say, looks great man. I like it. It may help that I am enamoured with the NAA mini revolvers right now. I want to get one but funds are short.:(

Is that the only gun that you are carrying? A gun is gun when you need it but I would want more than 5 shots of .22lr protecting me. Regardless, the gun on a belt buckle is just sweet.
I'll be the first to say, looks great man. I like it.

Thanks, it is pretty cool. It really show's off my belly when I tuck in my shirt.

It may help that I am enamoured with the NAA mini revolvers right now. I want to get one but funds are short.

Yep, I had to sell another gun to get this gun, and buckle, but it was a cheap (By rep, a ATM 380 backup) gun. But my profit ratio was double.

Is that the only gun that you are carrying?

A gun is gun when you need it but I would want more than 5 shots of .22lr protecting me. Regardless, the gun on a belt buckle is just sweet.

Hell no! I carry a hand cannon in comparison.
First off, as looks go, that looks nicely done.

However, I would go to the question of whether or not that would actually be considered open carry - or if you could possibly get busted for illegal concealment due to the fact that, looks like a belt buckle.

Is it out in the open? Well, yes. But is it obvious that it is a functioning weapon? To me, it looks like a harmless (except to fashion:)) belt buckle
You do see alot of those. Yes they're cute. That's about it though also over priced I'n my opinion and actually they are open carry. Not legal to open carry, then that's what you'll get charged with.
I agree think it's a joke but still don't get open carry when you can unless you are LEO and on duty. Just my thinking

In surveys done on convicted felons 60% admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. About 40% admitted they would avoid a target they "thought" was armed.

With the average person's chance of needing their gun being so low, a further reduction of 60% would seem to nearly eliminate it. That alone seems like reason enough to me.

Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms, James Wright and Peter Rossi, Aldine, 1986
I am waiting to see someone do a buckle holster for seecamps.

Personally I think open carry is an ok choice if you have a GOOD holster, situational awareness and retention training . If not better to conceal.

I live in az and everytime I see someone oc with a 12 dollar nylon and Velcro holster I just kind of shudder and wonder.
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