My Mall Scenario :)

Not to be a lurker...


Yea, I've been following this one with interest. As always, you've come up with an interesting situation with lots of twists and turns. I will address myself to just a little of what I've read.

To begin, I have tried to get over the hero complex that plagued me during my youth. My primary concern is my family, generally my wife as both of my boys are grown and usually doing their own thing. Many folks have opined that their first action would be to contact their spouse by phone to make sure that he/she had successfully found safety. Not a bad first step. However, I have determined that I am much happier, and so is she, if we are together. I don't see many opportunities for us to be in separate places in North Star or Rolling Oaks (local shopping malls). Before the flames start, it's a decision we made. We go together because neither of us likes to go at all, so why not do it together and both be unhappy. And it cuts down on the time spent in those God forsaken places because we hurry through the ordeal so as not to prolong the misery. For what its worth except for when we're at work we are generally together enjoying or not enjoying whatever is going on. Most of the time that involves guns or fishing, sometime both...ever shot carp?

As you said, your interest is in what to do about AR-15 stranger guy in the parking lot. For me, not to complicated. If the guy ain't in uniform or I/we don't know him, I'm/we're going to ground and do our very best to make sure he don't know I/we exist. I won't risk my wife's safety on an unknown. I'll do everything in my power, whether armed or not, to keep her safe.

So, there it is. I think there are way too many different "what ifs" in this thread to really come up with a "this will take care of everything" kind of a game plan. Priority number one make sure my wife is safe. If that means we stay joined at the hip most of the time that's okay, it works for me, I kind of like it that way. She's fun to be with and smell a lot better than my other friends...

See you around town. Don't forget the snub gun shoot.

Thanks, Dave - if I get through May - then my time frees and we will get those snubbies shooting.

I've been think once I was past the Fiesta match to do a standard IDPA with my 642 for grins.

Since I carry that as much as my Glock 19 - I would like to get some trigger time with it. At the NTI - we had J frames and they were quite the little guy when the SHTF. However, I did find them useful.

My thoughts about the AR guy was that, I have no idea who he is. Thus, I agree to be low profile from him. Also, I was worried that any AR good guy who wasn't caucasian has a significant risk of being shot on site in a terrorist situation. I've read quite a few studies and simulation of such situations that suggest the differential risk based on race.
I am Hispanic and also worry about the possibility of being confused with the bad guy. Thats one reason I purchased a concealed weapon permit holders badge. It looks like an officers badge and the hope is the if I am ever forced to pull my gun, this badge will cause the responding officers or off duty officers or fellow ccp holders to think before shooting.

It is a well founded fear for all but especially minorities.
I would call my wife on her cell phone. If my wife is able she will have left the mall. I will exit the mall as quickly and safely as possible and basically make my way to the other side of the mall from the outside. Nothing I do will require handgun tatics or training. One handgun against mulitiple ARs is only gonna get me killed, very quickly, and leave my family without me. Any mall will have many entrances and exits, if I retreat enough I will eaisly be able to find one and make my way to the other side from the outside where I will find my family outside running across the parking lot.