My LGS has Guns They WONT Sell Me

I'm not trying to sound smug but if its in a law enforcement only case (that's clearly marked as such) and refuse to sell to you because you aren't law enforcement they are just doing their job. Maybe they can order a non leo one for you at a non leo price?
No one else is bothered that LEO's are provided a gratuity/discount that is not available to the general public?
No more than I am bothered by getting veteran's discounts. It's a business promotion, or perhaps even a true expression of gratitude for service - but it is NOT compelled by the government.
I would go somewhere else. Obviously these clowns aren't business people and refuse to accept you as a legit customer.
I'm assuming this is a sarcastic post, but the lack of any smiley faces almost tricked me into thinking it was serious...
I've seen this at a local shop I sometimes go to and have purchased from before (Shore Galleries in the Chicagoland area... I recommend them for small stock but great prices!). Reading the posts about this issue cleared up a lot of questions I had as well! I think, however, that here it's because there is so much patchwork in the law that selling an AR-15 in Cook County is just too risky unless they are LEO. All that aside...

I fully understand that he couldn't sell it to you (it was marked as such), for whatever reason, and that must be respected. What doesn't settle with me is that he had no reason to give and was unwilling to do more research into the fact. He didn't even offer to order one for you? For what it's worth, if he is unwilling to take your money, take the hint. I'm seeing the exact same gun you want on Gunbroker for around the same price and even less. Can you imagine the look on his manager's face when he's told about his idiot employee let $700 walk out the door? I don't expect all people to understand sales (as I am in the profession), but come on? Are you mental?!? You would've walked out of the store without the money if I were the boss!
I have a great aversion to bureaucratic nonsense and have been known to revert to sarcasm when I confront it (or them). I would ask the owner if he has a camera handy, and if so would he take a photo of my face because today will be the LAST TIME he sees me in his place of business, and then stroll on out the door.
I sometimes wonder if the world will end due to stupid people in positions of power or if Political Correctness will be our final nail-in-the-coffin. Nuff Said.

A little on the extreme end to react this way, when some LGS are required to sell those firearms to LE only.

I doubt they could do much about it or they will be breaking manufacturer contract on that firearm (if they have one).

Why not just have the lgs order you another one at regular price?
No one else is bothered that LEO's are provided a gratuity/discount that is not available to the general public?

Not at all, its just like veterans and senior discounts.

Some of you seem mad that their are LE only firearms. I don't know why you get made you can buy the same gun just not at the LE price.

Its almost like calling up General Dynamics and ordering a Abrams Tank, because the military has them, you should too. Some departments make you buy your own firearms, so why not get them at a discount. Plus that's the way Glock has it and its not going to change.
shaunpain ....I'm seeing the exact same gun you want on Gunbroker for around the same price and even less. Can you imagine the look on his manager's face when he's told about his idiot employee let $700 walk out the door?....
OP did not mention the price on that Blue Lable Glock, he just said he had $700 in his pocket.

Typically Blue Label G17's go for $398-425

You aren't seeing Blue Label Glocks on gunbroker, just Glocks.
No one else is bothered that LEO's are provided a gratuity/discount that is not available to the general public?

No. Glock also makes the discount available to fireman and military. It's a private company they could make a discount for pizza delivery people, it's their business who cares!
I understand the LE discount now. I never knew there was such a thing. The shop employee didnt explain it very well, and possibly didnt even know how it works. It is a simple matter though. They didnt offer to order me one, though Im sure that wouldnt have been a problem if I would have asked.

I was able to purchase an FNX-45, from a dealer, who ironically is LE. I paid $679, and its an excellent pistol. For the record, I have no problem with LE getting a discount on the tools they need for their job. These guys and gals put their life on the line everyday. Hell yes, they should get a discount. They should get their tools FREE.
No one else is bothered that LEO's are provided a gratuity/discount that is not available to the general public?

Not one bit. Officers who have families may not have a ton of disposable income, if certain gun companies offer their guns to officers at discounted prices more power to them. It could be the difference between an officer being able to purchase a quality backup or off duty gun and not. They willingly put themselves in harms way, they should have reasonable access to all the tools they need. Alot of companies like S&W also offer discounts to military and veterans which I also agree with, anyone who goes to war for this country deserves a few benefits here and there.
I will say this. One the LGS's I frequent has a seperate business for LEO sales (keeps people confused). The entire operation used to be Kieslers, until Orion Arms bought the public sales end, leaving the LEO operation as is. Now, they share the same building, and the one guy than manages their LEO sales also handles regular customers as well, but they keep their LEO section well isolated in a totally seperate case. Obviously the LGS did not do a very good job of communicating that to the OP until after he was ready to make a purchase, and this is something that could be easily corrected- even if it's just a small sign stating that these certain weapons are reserved for LEO/Gov't purchase only.
As others have said, I think the shop could have done better in explaining the program.

As for the motivation to sell to the gov't at a discount- the manufacturers do this for a couple of reasons.

1. Quantity discount. If a law enforcement agency wants to adopt a sidearm, it will be buying more than if the OP adopts that same sidearm.

2. If a military or law enforcement agency adopts the manufacturer's firearm, it gives the brand credibility in the civilian market. People will even buy ugly, blocky, plastic combat tupperware, if the cops buy them. As a matter of fact, it was one of Glock's biggest selling points.
I don't know what the big deal is. Certain manufacturers give retailers a discounted price to sell some guns (that were purchased at a lower price) at a discounted price to those that meet the qualifications. In order to participate in the program, the retailer has to follow the rules of the program. If they don't, the companies that offer this special pricing will simply stop allowing those retailers to participate.

The same people who are mad about this kind of program are the same people who get upset because of Military discounts. Want the special pricing or the gun? Do something to get you qualified. I know Glock's blue label program applies to retired and current LE, and military, as well as paramedics, firefighters and EMTs. If I'm not mistaken, Glock armorers are allowed to purchase one gun a year under the program as well.
Not the dealer's fault.

I don't have a problem if they developed a program for combat vets to get a special deal, but any LEO labeled pistols should actually cost more than what any average American has to pay.

Contact the manufacturers.

As witnessed by the excess $50 million the IRS had to play with, the government has plenty of money.

It is the honest taxpaying citizens who are in need of a price break.
You are correct that the only diference if the LE price. However, that is all regulated by FN and if the LGS does not follow the FN guidance they will not get more. This is no different than the Sig or Glock LE program. The mfgrs designate certain FAs as LE and deep cut the price.