Get what you want...
"Opinions are like ex-wives/ex-girlfriends...everyone has one or more and nobody else wants to sleep with them either."
- Dennis Miller
But seriously, I think everyone here has said about the same thing.
1) its a HUGE revolver, even in 4"
2) its a massive weight to tote around all day long
3) you will NOT be able to conceal it, unless you are the size of Chewbakka, the wookie. (but then the fur and bandolier of ammo around your neck would be more distracting)
4) the bullet will go through every known biped in this solarsystem
5) its only 5 shots...but if you are good enough, you only need one
But, there are some redeeming qualities to it.
1) if you run out of ammo, you can do just about as much damage throwing it at the other guy as well as anything
2) the muzzle blast alone will torch/bar-b-q your victim (use BlueDot for best results)
3) you really can say, "This is the most powerful handgun in the world and it will blow you head clean off...even if I MISS!!!"
Get an N frame revolver. Either a Taurus 608 4" (like what I have) or a S&W 627PC 5" for all your 38special/357 needs. Or, step upto something like a Ruger Redhawk Alaskan. Shoot 45LC or 454 out of it. (I think you might be able to get it in 480ruger as well, and load those down to 1100fps with 350gr bullet)
In any event, best regards.
What Fed office did you say you worked for? Dept. of Education?
My useless $.02