you probably are the type to carry a live round, under the hammer of an old SA wheel gun too, thinking that "I don't have a finger on the trigger, it won't shoot"...
Again you prove your ignorance on this topic. A Glock is nothing like carrying a SA wheel gun. Glocks have safeties that prevent them for firing if dropped our banged in any way. The only way to shoot one is to pull the trigger head on.
A SA wheel gun has no firing pin safety or hammer safety. Of course you new that already didn't you?
Again you point out your ignorance on the subject.
When I carry a gun my first concern is how quickly I can deploy it when needed. When you shoot defensively under stress your ability to perform fine motor skills, like switching a safety off, diminishes. The chances of you dieing because you couldn't get your first shot off in time are far greater than the after thought of someone stealing your gun from you. To many assumptions have to be made in order to rationalize that the other party would not know how to turn off the safety and then allow you time to get your gun back.
Why would the bad guy know you have a gun if you haven't pulled it?
If you did pull your gun wouldn't you have turned off the safety considering there is a threat to your life.
If you have the ability to go after the guy once he's taken your gun than why didn't you fight for your gun before he took it?
Again to many assumptions have to be made.
If you are concerned about someone taking your gun (like most Police Departments) you increase your retention methods (like most Police Departments) not the locks on the gun. Once drawn the gun should be easy to handle and accurate to shoot.
Your thought process is like buying a tank as your family car so you can avoid injury in an accident.
The point is that the less things that stand between you and firing your gun under stress the better. That's why most Police Agencies, The FBI, and many other government agencies have went with Glock.
Reliability, Ease of use, Accuracy, and Durability.
I can't wait to see the next name you call me.