My friend is on Top Shot!

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When it comes to firearms, it seems Cliff was always cool, calm and collected. When I saw that the red team lost with a bow, I new Cliff would be going home most likely in a challenge.

There would be a whole lot less melodrama if they chose the elimination challenge by the lowest scores. That would stress the Top Shot image better than the garbage that they put on TV now in this "reality" show.
I usually only have the show on when I am doing something else, like watching paint dry, and just pay attention when they are shooting something interesting.
Reality TV is all about the drama. I am not a Jake fan but he definitely showed he is going to be a contender. I was sad to see Cliff go too but it is what it is. The show is about skills and adapting to the challenges to get to the finals.
I hated to see Cliff go because he was a fantastic shot and a real gentleman and sportsman.

I will cheer loudly when Jake self destructs as I fully expect him to do. He is far too arrogant to win.

If it wasn't for TIVO, I would probably have stopped watching the show a long time ago. Can't stand all the "drama" but do love to watch the shooting.
I say "Go Jake!". If there's no $100K in the formula, then it may be different. It's a reality show folks, how boring it would be without the drama. I was hoping Jake and Michael would go at it, but it didn't happen. Some UFC thrown in there would be great.

If I wanted to see plain shooting competition, I rather go to my shooting range and see it live. I'm glad Jake is in it to win at all costs. So far, he can shoot better than any of them.
You know, Jake reminds me of that old saying "if the only
tool you have in your tool box is a hammer, everything you
encounter in life is gonna look like a NAIL!" Jake just seems
to thrive on the discord! :) And thats with his own team
members! But, as I said earlier, the guy can shoot!
Cliff was cool.

Jake went out like the whiney punk he was. Liked Cliff and hated to see him go, but somebody had to. He seemed pretty modest and decent. Like Dustin and his spirit. Reminds me of some young guys I know. This is a reality show, yes, but it seems thats most of whats on tv these days and has already been said, the show wouldn't fill the time slot without the drama thrown in. My wife is the one that got me started watching the show. We record it so we can watch it together. She loves the show too.

It's a good thing they have the rule about fighting or I think Jake would have got his butt stomped, as he deserved.
The awesome irony of it is when Jake took the coward's way out and quite they brought back the very guy that made is sting the worst. Jake was there for the drama anyhow. He never had the skills of the others in my opinion.
Jake was a PITA. Who knows why he was there. He may have just considered it an audition for other reality shows. Seems like someone with that attitude is in just about every one of them.
FWIW there is a new gun shop opening this weekend and special guest is suppose to be Mike Hughes. It said he was one of two semi finalists. Did they give something away???? Last I remember there were 4 competitors left.
I never miss a show. What a great season ending! I won't spoil if for those who watch it after they record it.

I would go on the show just to get in an elimination round. They get to have the most fun!
Thanks guys.

I just now saw this thread. Thanks so much for all the kind words and support. Top Shot was a great experience. It was the best vacation I ever had. There were no scripts for the show but when we get interviewed, the producers ask us questions so they can get the answers they want. The group stuff is real and it all happened. You have to remember that each show is 3 days and a lot of film that get boiled down to 45 minutes. Not all of it is drama but all the drama gets on the show. If you have any questions, just ask. I'll tell you what I can.

Thanks Chuck. You still fishing???
Top shot is not what I thought it would be.
I don't know if the contestants are acting but
they become cocky,angry,paranoid,jealous and downright
ugly to each other.
I don't watch it anymore.
Big deal right?

I used to love the show, and although I still thoroughly enjoy watching it, the challenges are turning into not "who's the top shot" but "who can do this outlandish challenge best". I'm not sure if everyone sees it that way. I really enjoyed watching Cliff, but Dustin was my man(Texas roots baby). All the ego starts to get a little out of hand, but a house full of testosterone will do that!:)
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