My friend is on Top Shot!

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When Cliff went to the elimination a few weeks ago, it appeared the other team members were hoping he bite the bullet. I wondered if it was because he was a little older or if it was scripted into the show dialogue (I recently heard this back-at-the-house stuff is scripted, but I just can't believe it :rolleyes: snort, snerk) Turned to the wife and told her that Cliff was about to smoke the other cat, who I think was a NRA instructor.

Don't care for the whining or chest thumping gobble de goop, but they do have some fun range setups. Record to DVR and fast forward through the bull sessions and ads when you watch it later.

Will be rooting for Cliff to make a good run.
FWIW: I record each new chapter of "As the World of Top Shot Churns." Then I watch it the following day. Amazing how much crap fast forward takes out of the proceedings. And I'm pulling for Cliff, too. "Course, the winner's already at home evaluating his contract offers from the likes of Crimson Trace and others.
Don't care for the whining or chest thumping gobble de goop, but they do have some fun range setups. Record to DVR and fast forward through the bull sessions and ads when you watch it later.
That's what I do too.

I don't like all that drama crap they go through. But I finally figured out that bullets have so much velocity that the show would only be about 5 minutes if it was all cut out. :D
Hey, I know a revolver champ around here who knows him too!

Anyway, I certainly fast forward the Red Headed Self-Proclaimed God of the Shotgun. :D
Anyway, I certainly fast forward the Red Headed Self-Proclaimed God of the Shotgun. :D

I'm not a fan of the redhead either...he's just not good. But I did gain a little respect for him in the elimination round with the gatlin gun. Drawing out diagrams and studying them.
Anyway, I certainly fast forward the Red Headed Self-Proclaimed God of the Shotgun.

I was actually kind of pulling for the guy until he blew it in the slug challenge. I mean, it was awful! Bad case of the nerves I guess. After that, I thought "he's doomed". I'm surprised he didn't go home that episode.

His cockiness annoys me. I wish he'd get eliminated already. He totally sucked on both the shotgun challenge and the shooting dice challenge.
I like Top Shot myself and I get chuckles when the whiners come out. Remember the last two still have to hit the targets to win. :D

Glenn, Its not Jerry Miculek is it?

Cliff Walsh is one of a few people who have defeted Mr. Miculek :eek:
He beat JERRY?!! Some bash Top Shot, saying these people aren't the top shots. It's just the name of the show, the winner is the top shot in the show, not in the world. They don't claim to be. Good luck to your buddy, sounds like if he knows a little about politics he should have a very good chance. I keep threatening to try out, but am too lazy to put together a tape:o
Cliff is flying under the radar as "just a revolver guy." Last night he was the ONLY one who cleaned both explosive targets with one shot each in the rope course using the carbine. He obviously is pretty good with semi auto pistols and rifles, at least.

The Cornershot looks impractical, specialized use but maybe too specialized. It is just a Glock mounted in a hinged stock with a camera sight. But who is going to carry that around with them? And it has the range of a pistol not a rifle. I could see it sits in a patrol car and pulled out when pinned down, but I can't imagine the military hauling one of those along on a patrol because you have to have your carbines, SAW, grenades and ammo. As big as a carbine with only the range/ammo of a pistol.
The corner shot is impractical??? What about the gattling gun or cannon? No one said it was practical but they do have their uses.
The corner shot is impractical??? What about the gattling gun or cannon? No one said it was practical but they do have their uses.

I believe the Gatling gun and the cannon used WERE practical at the time of their manufacture and military use. This makes them historically significant.

The difference is that the Cornershot is in current production and intended for current use. It certainly works around corners, but who is going to lug one around in place of, or in addition to, his normal patrol weapon?

Do any current military or police forces employ the Cornershot? Other than the Israelis who manufacture the CS? General issue, supervisor only?
I am not up to snuff on who carries what but in the show they did say that they were brought to popularity due to the recent more urban environment we are fighting in, in the middle east. Well maybe not urban but villages with buildings. Instead of:
A. Blind firing into a doorway
B. Attempting to quickly about face, asses situation, then fire

the corner shot is used.

What I was getting at is they all have their place. Shotguns are used in combat today, one may argue that isn't not practical to carry that either but people still do.
I only watch that show to watch the whiny *******s get humbled, I was disappointed this week, Coach Attitude survived.

I still can't believe the best challenges get reserved for the elimination round, the canon and the gatling should have been team challenges.
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