My favorite thing about revolvers (over semiautos)

My least favorite thing about revolvers is 6 shots. As far as law enforcement gun enthusiasts and military are concerned the revolver is going the same way as the dodo. Perhaps not instinct but you will see less of them about than you us to.
My least favorite thing about revolvers is 6 shots. As far as law enforcement gun enthusiasts and military are concerned the revolver is going the same way as the dodo. Perhaps not instinct but you will see less of them about than you us to.

The needs of a soldier or cop and the needs of a private individual are not necessarily the same. It is the job of a cop or soldier to go forth and confront his/her enemy using whatever weapon he/she has in an offensive role. A soldier or cop is justified in using his/her handgun in many cases that a private individual is not. For a purely defensive weapon, capacity is often much less an issue and, while the revolver may have fallen from favor as the uniformed duty gun of a cop, it is still quite popular as an off-duty/backup weapon.
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I’ve had only two revolver failures.

1. A squib from a batch of cheap reloads bought at a gun show. I’ll never buy like that again. It disabled the gun. Had to drive out the bullet with a spike.

2. A FTF from a batch of WWB. Yes, factory ammo and a FTF. Bad primer. We were plinking so it was no big deal to stop and see what was wrong. Had it been a for-real shoot, another pull of the trigger would have fixed it.

Case One would have disabled either type; revolver or auto.
Case Two would have disabled neither type; revolver or auto.

I had one auto (NIB) which proved to be so unreliable that I refused to sell it. It went to the anvil and 20# sledge. I still have the pieces and have been tempted to mail it back to the factory to let them mull over their POS. I’ll never buy anything of that brand again.

I don’t own handguns for playing at the firing range. I own these for defense and that means it must work first time or be immediately fixable, and enough power to do what’s needed.

I own autos and revolvers.

I carry a revolver.
I tell my people that if I was a LEO I would probably carry a 40 cal, maybe even a Glock. Neither of which I personally care for in my present situation. I have 2 semi-autos and 6 revolvers. I prefer the revolvers. I have had no problems at all with them. I have had problems with the autos feeding and stovepiping, but that was solved by a different ammo. I suspect that is usually the problem with autos. In modern, well maintained autos with the correct ammo problems should be very rare. I just think there is a certain "mystique" or something about revolvers that few autos hold for me. Also I am gettig tired of shagging auto brass. Shoot what you like, but revolvers do it for me.