My 68 y/o neighbor saved by his Sig


New member
My family has had a lakehouse since I was a kid. We have had the same neighbor for 30 years up there and are obviously good friends. The cove we are in has about 40 houses on a dirt road and surrounded by mountains.

My neighbor walks the logging roads in the morning to stay in shape. Well he was on his morning walk about 2 miles down an old logging road in the middle of nowhere when he came upon an old beat up truck. He kept walking by it bc he thought it was abandoned. Suddenly 4 thugs appeared around the front and started harrasing him. They were passing a bottle whiskey around and were most likely still up from the night before.(this happened about 630am).

One of the guys started coming towards him saying how my neighbors watch would look better on him(Its a Rolex he got from his company when he retired). The other guys started asking him if he was ready for an ass kicking.(their words.... and who the hell would do this to an old man:mad:)
The head thug grabbed a metal pipe and said, "this is gunna hurt"... To which my neighbor replied, "not near as bad as this":) and pulled his Sig P232. The guys jumped in their truck and drove off. My neighbor walked back through the woods so they couldnt come back. He told me he was absolutly positive the guys were going to beat him with that pole and at his age it could very well have been the end. The sheriff knew the truck and said the main thug was jacked up on Meth.

I have seen him take this walk hundreds of times and have even been with him on a few. NEVER did he mention or did i see that he had his Sig on shoulder holster. It rides nearly under his arm and can't be seen at all in a T shirt. He told me that he has been on this earth long enough to know that most people are nice, but it only takes one to destroy everything you work and live for...thats why he never leaves without his Sig.

Im very thankful he is OK and reiterates the importance of protecting yourself. Bc when the bad guy shows up, nobody will be there to save you. The story hit me hard and I hope you will find it beneficial.
Words of wisdom from the elderly man it only takes one to destroy.Good for him and Maybe the thugs will do the world a favor and OD on meth.;)
If the Sheriff knows who these guys are, why hasnt your neighbor pressed charges? Why havent they been charged with assault or communicating a threat for this incident?
"If the Sheriff knows who these guys are, why hasnt your neighbor pressed charges? Why havent they been charged with assault or communicating a threat for this incident?"

I have not heard what has taken place. The sheriff said he knows the truck and was looking into it. I have not heard if any arrests were made.
Glad to hear your neighbor is okay. Thanks for sharing his story.
Guess it do's not matter how big the gun is.
I just read a statistic about how on average 2mil attacks a year are stopped by the good guy brandishing his gun. Must be 2mil & 1 now.
Sadly,these guys will attack someone else.

And they also might come back to that trail packing,waiting for him to run back through there again.

Next time,they might be armed.

I am glad to read that he was armed and with that Sig,he saved his life,this time.

They know where he runs,that he runs alone and they also know what time of the day he runs there.

They could just step from behind a tree with a shotgun,kill him and get that watch they so covet.

Meth addicts are totally out of their minds and have no respect for anything,including the law.

Hopefully,they will leave your good friend alone.
It would have been better if he would have been able to shoot all these punks and help rid the world of some extra garbage.
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Sadly,these guys will attack someone else.

And they also might come back to that trail packing,waiting for him to run back through there again.

Next time,they might be armed.

Which is why the neighbor should be pressing charges...
Glad your friend is ok. Hope he takes some extra precaution`s for awhile. Maybe change walking route or time. Wonder why ABC and Diane Sawyer haven`t had any shows about this kind of scenario that happens to frequently :rolleyes:?
He said that his only concern is that they will bully someone else. He is my mothers age and they go to church together. He said that he would press charges if the sheriff calls him but that the sheriff didn't sound too interested.

The main guy has been in trouble all his life and in and out of jail. I would think they would want to lock him up. Now I won't let my wife walk up there without me. I kind of wish he would have fired so the rest of us wouldn't have to worry. IMO Dangerous meth heads don't deserve a second chance.
Sorry to say but I wish your neighbor squeezed the trigger on the thugs. 4 on 1, he would have beeen justified.
Sadly,these guys will attack someone else.

Might have been a female jogger, unarmed (though not necessarily), and the aftermath might have included a candle light vigil--- complete with tears and ulogies and news clips from neighbors saying "things like that just don't happen in our neighborhood", or "I just don't understand how someone could do that to somebody".
Another example of why people should carry guns. Would have love to have seen the faces of the 4 guys when the "easy prey" turned on them.