Multiple Dog Attackers

Three dogs come on my property and cause damage. I'm not talking about BMs...I'm talking tearing up 6 feet of drainage pipe and about 25 square feet of turf to get to a squirrel or some other prey hiding in the pipe. I have found a pellet to the butt will send them away for many months. I use the pointed pellets that are intended for small game. And by the way, I get one careful shot out the back door, usually from about 100 to 150 feet. If I take two or if I step out, a neighbor is sure to report me for illegally firing the pellet gun. But I have spent as much as $100 twice to repair the dogs' damage, so they don't get more chances and I don't take chances.

I would not dare kill a dog unless it had its teeth in me. Otherwise I would be accused of cruelty to animals and would be fined at the least. Simply being off it's owner's property is not sufficient. It must post a threat to life according to Kansas law. Having it chew on me would hurt like hell, but I would have more evidence than my word that it was charging with intent to kill. I think I could hit it with my eyes shut if it had a jaw clamp on my leg. And unfortunately I would quietly dispose of the carcass, for those who hurt of kill someone's beloved pet seem to always suffer from the law or the owner -- even if the pet is a stray that the "owner" claims because he feeds it sometimes. I have read of too many victims that have taken appropriate action and then are victimized for protecting life, limb and property.

Sorry. I hate for someone's dog to quietly disappear, but I hate court costs and vengefull owners even more.
When I was a kid my across the street neighbor had a springer spaniel that was mean as hell. He used to chase me every time I went out into the front of my yard or in the street while riding my four wheeler. This lasted for years. One day I went over there to talk to the neighbor. When he came outside, the dog came outside. The dog growled & bit me. The neighbor put him to sleep. To this day I get along with dogs, I like dogs. But just a hint of aggression from one and I'm ready to kill it. If that springer spaniel was still alive I'd kill it with my bare hands.

Point I'm making is don't let that dog dictate where you feel comfortable in your own neighborhood. Do what you have to do. A 357 will get you there.
I've seen the aftermath of dog attacks and there's no way I'm letting one get a bite of me, if I can prevent it.
I am a little hesitant to answer, I am a walker,(& well over 60 yrs) and have had some encounters, some have ended well, and some have not!! THIS IS PURELY HYPOTHETICAL !!, (when all else falls) a well placed CB .22 short at 710 fps (the lowly .22 short) will dispatch a pit bull mix, very quick & with very little noise, and (if you practice a little) you will not miss a step, If one were to do this, and it is nothing to be proud of!!! but, after you have exhausted all other avenues, it may be your only alternative, I am a dog lover and would rather see the owner take responsibility, But my Grandchildren take precedence over an unruly dog. Just my opinion.