Multiple Dog Attackers

Before usning a Big Bang. Try a small bang.

We keep a Crosman 1377 Pellet gun for various low nise purposes. Perhaps if they are just annoying, maybe a few pumps that are unlikely to cause harm to the animal might train them to avoid your area. Like..."I get hit with something every time I go to that house". If the owner won't train them perhaps you can. A yelp and a run never caused major harm or lawsuits.

If the animal attacks you and you can prove it, by all means protect yourself. Just don't give the legal system a reason to take your weapon or your permit. A dog is not worth it.
Keep protected.
Well I find that even asking "the law" will usually get different answers from different officers but in the city that's what you're going to have to do. Just move to the country where life is good and you can "shoot, shovel and shut up". Problem solved.
I've only seen one dog shot in my life. It was a small mix breed that had wandered into our yard and been adopted into our family. it was a young, friendly dog no more than maybe 20lbs. One day, a few of the neighborhood hoodlums decided to start trouble and called the police, claiming the dog had bit him. The police arrived and were asking my mother and I questions (I was about 10 years old at the time) when one of the officers heard the dog barking in the backyard, some 75 feet away. The officer drew his revolver - probably a S&W 38, but I'm not sure - and shot the dog from the front of our house. The dog had not charged him or made any aggressive move other than barking at what it perceived to be a stranger. The bullet hit the dog in the side of the abdomen and exited near its hind leg. The dog ran and hid in his doghouse until animal control officers arrived on scene to take it into custody. It was still hurt and hiding in the doghouse when they grabbed it with their noose and dragged it down our sidewalk, choking it to death as they went. In my opinion - it was an unjustified, poor shot made by an ignorant police officer. Better ways to handle the situation.
If life were perfect....

We would have 100% of all LEO's looking out for us. We would have a president that ACTUALLY CARED that we all have jobs. If life was perfect, your dog would be alive. But things happen and people slip thru the cracks. Perhaps that LEO did not have the temperment to understand people love their pets. At the same time, some people only see things and present them thru their own eyes. Perhaps you did not post all the comments pertineant to your dog being shot. It seems to me their might have been alot of witness's but I think we got the "sugar coated" version. If not..... I am sorry. But you are missing some facts in the story. Have a clipping from the local paper? That was a weapon discharge by an officer and would be investigated even if it was just a dog.....
I saw a dog was shot by a shotgun. Nephews <large dog> , was in his yard on a chain. Guy was walking up and down the block screaming about his wife etc. Dog barked, guy got gun and shot dog, dog had number 6 shot under his skin all over his front, head and legs. Dog lived, guy went to jail.

I had a dog was a good watch dog, a guy was in my house, didnt know him he came with someone else, guy takes his 38 out to show it off, dog grabbed his whole hand gun goes off hitting my dog in his jaw. Dog runs into bathtub till I got the bleeding stopped. I thanked the guy for the new 38 I just got, he left empty handed. I got 100 for the gun. Dog lived to be 10.
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I have been temped to report but I am afraid if I take action then I will be seen as excercising vigilante justice.

Reporting would not be vigilante justice.

Shooting the dog pre-emptively would be vigilante justice.

Shooting the dog that was attacking you would be self defense, and justified in most places. New Jersey, Chicago: YMMV.
Ben Towe "Markj, you are lucky the guy didn't get a good lawyer and ruin you. He could have done so easily."

Funny I don't see that at all.. The man pulled out a gun at a strangers house..The dog was defending his master.. What I see is the guy was lucky he didn't go to jail for reckless discharge of a firearm...
Markj, you are lucky the guy didn't get a good lawyer and ruin you. He could have done so easily.

No, he wouldnt go to the law, he was glad he got to leave in one piece and not full of holes himself.

Now I for one would never take my gun out to show it off in a strangers house. No matter who it was brought me. Good way to get shot, specially in that neighborhood.
A few years ago I was out walking my beagle early in the morning ... I live in a very quiet town on a golf course where nothing ever happens ... we're cruising along when I see movement about 100 yards away ... three dogs, with a huge shepherd in the lead, are barking their heads off and making lunging moves .... Shiner of course is ready to head for the barn ... the dogs finally charge ... like an idiot I had left my regular carry gun, a PM9, at home and all I had was a 3-inch folder ... I pulled it as a thought flashed through my head .. "this is gonna hurt." I yelled at them ... bad dog, go away ... at the top of my lungs ... about 20 or so feet from us they suddenly veered into the bushes and were gone ... I just stood there, stunned at the suddeness of the attack and the end of it ... we staggered home ... I had no idea who owned the dogs, tho I later spotted them in the yard of a house we've passed a million times with no problems ... turns out the family was keeping the shepherd a few days for a friend, he was the ringleader and his two toadies were dogs that lived at the house ... needless to say, I don't leave my gun at home any more ... a close call ... dogs are NOT to be messed with; if I'd had my gun, I'd have done my best to kill all three ...
getting feint-charged....

... by dogs who veer off at 20 feet, does not qualify as being attacked, in my book.

If I shot at dogs who did that, several of my neighbors would no longer have dogs. And, I'd probably be much more well-acquainted with my local Sheriff's office.
Back before I carried a gun and walked to work I was chased by a loose <large dog> in kill-mode into the back of some random dude's pick-up truck parked alongside the street. Was lucky that truck was there. Even if I was armed with something like say my Colt 1911 that would have been a nerve-wracking experience to engage that charging canine psychopath. A pack? Oh God.
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The instructor of my CCW class related to us his run in with a <large dog> at his outdoor range just the day before our class. Apparently the dog showed up out of nowhere and became threatening to people at the range. He came out and managed to back the dog up to the edge of his property and thought he would be able to end it without incident.

He said he took his eye of the dog and then it charged. He said it took 4 shots from his weapon to put the dog on the ground, and a fifth to the head to finish it off. Two shots straight to the chest and two in a couple various areas I don't remember.

.45 1911.
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thanks for your imput, MLeake ... seeing three dogs charging at top speed, snarling and snapping, would perhaps have changed your "not there" opinion ... is the idea to wait until the dogs are actually chomping on me before taking action? If I had had a gun that day, I would have taken the first shot at about that distance, since I had three targets to worry about ... I'm glad they veered off, but how long exactly do you suggest waiting before taking action? 18 feet? 10 feet? 5?

... would I have faulted you for drawing down? No. For firing? Probably not.

But you weren't attacked, as it turned out.
atlctyslkr I see that you are in GA close to me. First I want you to know dogs are a very big part of my life, but I don't condone vicious dogs--unfortunately some owners are irresponsible and the dogs have to pay. I can understand you not wanting to call animal control or the police because if they are anything like it is here it's hard to get something done in a reasonable amount of time (that's because they are so overwhelmed) and you make enemies out of your neighbors as well. But if it were me I'd have to step up and try to go the route some members have already mentioned. Report the dogs and get documentation. Perhaps you could speak to the AC Officer about keeping your information confidential. I was also going to mention the bear spray (I haven't tried it but it was recommended to me today) I have pepper-sprayed an angry dog before and it did not work. I know you are in a difficult situation, but what if one of those dogs gets a hold of a child or another innocent dog? Please reconsider reporting them...that way you will be covered if you do have to shoot the dogs and there will be no chance of missing and hitting an unintended target.
My well wishes are with you. I'll be quite now.
Is a 357 enough to stop a large dog. I am worried that with five shots that may not be enough to stop two dogs especially if I have one or more misses.

My grandfather dropped a big <mixed breed dog> with a single shot (hollow-point) from a scoped .22 rifle at about 30 feet. One shot turned its lights off instantly. It's all about placement.
A dog,if really attacking,can do 20 feet in less than a second.
You had better be on target way before then,as it is a lot different than the 21foot rule for humans.