Mugging defense senario

Gunsmoke, Are you saying that someday Urban will be fun to look at falling down the stairs LOL. At 6'3" he's gonna be really fun to watch.
'picturing an inked up old man laying at the bottom of the stares tangled up in a walker....'
that will be after my 30yr old wife pushes me, soon to find out I spent my millions on gold plated AK's and other miscelanious firearms....
Generally I try to park in areas where there are less cars. It makes it easier to see around and under my vehicle. Never carry my keys in hand, I leave them in my pocket with the engine key just outside. If I feel I'm walking into a dangerous situation, I will have my hand ready to draw, but not directly on or near my firearm.

My biggest thing is look alert, not stupid. Muggers generally look for those not paying attention. The 'surprise' factor lends alot to a succesful robbery. The 'weak' looking aren't always never know what's in that purse. Same logic applies to those that look 'strong'. In some instances, that can actually be an invitation to trouble as someone might feel they want to test you. Just best to look alert.
02-27-2006, 10:22 PM #1
Senior Member

You are walking through the parking lot one night to your car. It's after the movie is over. How do you spot and confront trouble when it is looking for you?

I try to watch in between cars, I watch what is in the cars around me if I can, I try to watch for suspicious cars going through the parkinglot or down the street (driving real slow as though spying me).

But what if I did spot something suspicious? It's too easy to say "Just pull your gun." But at what point? What exactly are you looking for? A subtle approach? A quick strike? What in detail qualifies as suspicious?


Doug the more I think about it, the more I think you just have to accept there will be times you are just going to have to accept you are going to be "Dead meat".

I drive slow through a parking lot ... looking for a closer parking spot, to avoid animals present ... a "Suspicious car" can be any other than belonging to someone I know ... anyone can appear to be "Spying you", especially another "You".

A well setup ambush will be successful every time ... you gonna have to relax and enjoy the movie I'm thinking. :rolleyes:
Hook, You are right. I just prefer to try to see the ambush before it is sprung and avoid it. Doug is asking for help that is very difficult to give, given the multitude of probabilities. Despite the difficulty, we should do our best to help, if we are able to.
I don't feel it's advice that is difficult to give. I think common sense and a little situational awareness will handle 99% of the potential dangers.

Can't it be that simple?

I refuse to do barrel rolls on my way to the armor plated mini van after taking the kids to see a movie.
Trip, yes it's simple - Alert, Aware, Avoid, takes care of most problems....... There is a violent murder in NY in the news . A college student . But in all the discussion I hear no comments about the fact that she was bar hopping . Out to the odd hours of the morning, mostly alone ,hardly the way to insure safety !!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Trip, Some people get the impression that we live paranoid. I don't go crazy looking in "grassy knolls" ect. I do scan for danger as I walk to my vehicle. I sit facing the door in restaurants, preferrably close to an escape route (exit). It is not living worried just being careful.

I don't feel it's advice that is difficult to give. I think common sense and a little situational awareness will handle 99% of the potential dangers.

Can't it be that simple?

For me it is. For Doug it isn't. He seems unsure what to do and when to do it. We can say use common sense but I'm sure he already does. He claims to scan for danger but here

But what if I did spot something suspicious? It's too easy to say "Just pull your gun." But at what point? What exactly are you looking for?

He doesn't know what to do. He sound worried about doing the wrong thing. Different scenarios call for different resolutions. They say to never pull your gun unless you are going to use it yet many have pulled it to defuse a situation before it came to deadly force levels. What is correct? I think that is what he wants an answer to. The answer is, it cannot be answered. You have to make the call, live. This is probably why Doug makes all these scenario posts. I tell you that I enjoy hereing how others have handled situations.
you guys might want to think about some sort of self defense/martial arts class. obviously nothing will help you 100% but what if someone gets the drop on you and you can't pull your weapon? or you do pull it and it drops, gets knocked out of your hand... even if the guy had a knife, or if there were more then one.
I can box, wrestle, karate, ect. I can also use a knife, tonfa (pr24), bow, chucks, sia, ect. I have knockout power in both hands despite only being 5'8" and 185. The problem is, there is always someone better trained or more willing to use violence. Plus I don't want to touch another person much less fight with them. In an emergency I can and will get nasty with the best of um. I'm also getting older, my muscles don't last as long, my joints crack and pop when I lift my leg to tie my shoe much less throw a roundhouse or sidekick. BTW hitting the head with those kicks is now only possible if the guy is the size of tattoo from fantasy island.

My best bet is to spot and avoid trouble.
I agree 1000% with that last statment but there's always that one time and it just seems that a lot of people rely too much on whatever they are carrying.
It all comes down to looks and attitude.

If you look and act like a victim, you will be a victim.

If you have them thinking, they will leave you alone. Theres alot of fish in the sea, they don't need the hassles, just like you don't.
GSD, I believe you are correct. I have often wondered why the things that happen to friends and family never seem to happen to me. I mean I'm not complaining about the good fortune, its just that so many stories of how this guy tried this or did that, from good people who go to similar places that I go, had me thinking. Maybe I give off some vibes or something. I'm not a big guy so it can't be size intimidation. I think you are right. The badguy, like a dog, can sense my lack of fear or something. Anyway, thank goodness for that special sense as I don't need the tension.
threegun, I call that "the art of fighting without fighting" even the biggest guys won't mess with you if you get them to thinking or wondering.

I think alot of it is from how and where you were brought up. I think its an attitude that you learned to get you through some hard times. I needed the tough guy attitude from the time I was a little kid. We moved around from place to place as I was growing up. I needed to be the little tough guy, I was the new kid 6 times and ended up at an inner city dominantly black school. You needed to be a tough guy to make it out of there. Plus the fact that I was a little guy too, that made it that much harder. Well, I did it, I made it out OK and now I'm 5'10" of today:) I'm on a diet to get down to 210lbs. I started out at 245lbs Jan.1 2006.

"The art of fighting without fighting."