Mugging defense senario

Glenn Meyers has a thread on your kind and thankfully you have chosen not to carry.
Please elaborate on this, Im not sure what "my kind" is. I would really like to hear how you view me and what kind of person you think I am, please enlighten me sir.
How does your brain keep you safe?
Search for "brain" and you might find a couple good posts. Or are you just trying to argue with me over everything? Your brain is your primary weapon a firearm is just a backup.
urbanassault: "the kind of person people are after".


That almost sounds like an accusation.

What if you are an 80 year old grandma going to deposit a social security check? You're the kind person people are after.

What if you meet a friend at the corner bar and, in the process, happen to look at the wrong creep for a second too long? You're the kind of person people are after.

What if you are being stalked by a disgruntled and insane ex? You're the kind of person people are after.

What if you accidentally leave your wallet at a restaurant, somebody takes it, uses your identity, and you catch him and press charges? What if he's a career criminal and doesn't much like what you did? You're the kind of person people are after.

You don't have to live in the ghetto or deal with loan sharks or be a drug-using club-goer to be "the kind of person people are after".

You can sometimes acquire this distinction by just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sometimes, practicing being alert can ward off some of the more random of the would-be assailants. That doesn't mean you necessarily have to sniff around under all the cars before you go to a parking lot. But some people are more comfortable handling their personal security that way. I don't see them as looking for somebody to shoot. Other aspects of their personalities reflect that better. Sometimes they outright say it.
Well you see a person who is using his brain and looking for potential threats to avoid them and thus remain safe as
LOOKING for somebody to shoot
or as potential quarry
good luck in the hunt

Glenn's post was about people who are looking for an excuse to shoot someone. Your train of thought seems to see someone being prepared the same as someone looking for a target. If my interpretation of your posts are as wrong as yours was of mine, I apologize. Again, despite what you seem to think, I have no desire to hurt anyone. My actions are all geared on preventing harm to myself and family, nothing more.
Search for "brain" and you might find a couple good posts. Or are you just trying to argue with me over everything? Your brain is your primary weapon a firearm is just a backup

We agree. My point is that when I use my brain to prevent an attack by looking for potential threats, you cry foul. Then you have the nerve to say that your sole method of self defense is your brain. Basically you use it to keep you away from danger........same thing you called me "paranoid" for doing. That is why I asked how your brain keeps you out of trouble. It is hypocritical to call someone paranoid while doing the same thing.
I do not mean to put you down for the way you go about personal protection it just seemed (to me) a little extreme. I am a 21 year old guy, I am 6'3" with a shaved head and 4guage earings and tattoos, I dont have any respect for people who look at me in a dark parking lot and think that I am going to hold them at knife point and kick their wife in the teath, so incorporating a firearm in that equation would make ME a target, for old fashioned, liberal, anti gunner's being targeted by society is a worse feeling than being targeted by a 17 year old kid with a knife who wants to get his arm broken.

I never thought I'd hear being liberal referred to as "old-fashioned" !

Um, urbanassault... First, it looks like 3guns is looking at you in the parking lot so he WONT go there and risk having to shoot you if he sees you and, from your appearance, concludes you are a threat. Not so that he WILL go there and shoot you. Sounds like a live/let live attitude to me.

But maybe 3guns doesn't look for appearance as you are assuming. Maybe he looks for behavior. Are you leaning against a car alone and not smoking or talking on a cell phone? That's what I'd look for, whether you are in a tux or naked.

Curious you should use the word "paranoia".

And thanks for the laugh.
Besides your looks (what many would consider strange) you would not draw anymore concern from me that any other strange (again not meant in a insulting manner) people out their. This country is loaded with different people. My job as a father and husband is to look for threats to my family. Not all criminals are tall,shaved head, pirates. The key here is suspicious activity not strange looking.

I asked you how your brain keeps you safe. I think I know your answer......avoiding trouble ect. What do you do when your brain detects trouble but avoiding it is not an option any longer? That is why I carry.
ROFLPIP=? never heard that. rolling on floor laughing pooped in pants?
Im a pirate? Now im rolling on the floor pooping in my pants. I wish I was a pirate, have a cap and ball as my CCW! I think that you are wrong in ruling out looks as part of the suspicion, although you say it Im pretty sure its in the back of your head maybe subconcious. Your point has been made, I understand what you are getting at. I did not mean for the questions to be a direct threat. I can understand somebody who is standing in a dark parking lot by themselves as suspicious, but looking inbetween cars for something suspicious, is well suspicous. Also I do not think that I am strange looking but that is part of the "old fashioned" paranoid, generalizations I am talking about....
The key here is suspicious activity not strange looking.
I use an equal opportunity badguy radar. Black, white, weird, doesn't matter. Everybody gets radared.

By pirate I was refering to the earrings.

BTW, I am clean shaven myself. No tats or other body disfiguring thingamabobs though.

OK we are cool then. You understand that there is a difference between paranoia and prepared and I understand your not wanting to be judged or targeted by your "strange" looks lol.
I could see if I was sitting on your porch when you got home,

then it would be okay to be allarmed, but it is unappreciated in public
it's "rolling on floor, peeing in pants", but you were close.

I'm still curious to know what's old-fashioned about being liberal. I thought old-fashioned was being a virgin, or maybe wearing your hair in a bun, or building a TV set with tubes.

Far as your looks (as you describe them) I see waaay stranger than that every day.

Looks like we have 2 people here who both judge books by covers, and to the point that they let appearances scare them.

Both of you (3guns and urbanassault) would do well to take the advice described earlier (I forgot who). Take an advanced self defense course or two (they don't just teach how to hit a target) and if you can't afford it, read up on the matter.

Two texts I highly recommend:


The Gift of Fear - Gavin deBecker (most likely available at Barnes & Noble).

Both are long reads. Neither is political. They're like textbooks. When you're done, you'll know what it's all about. Then, finally, take a long look at your state's statutes in two areas. Firearms/Weapons and Use of Force. In Florida they're different areas.

Put all that together, go to the range once in a while and you should be able to confidently protect yourself without being paranoid.
Looks like we have 2 people here who both judge books by covers, and to the point that they let appearances scare them.

Wow! I judge books by their covers? Really I don't. I assume all "books" are potential threats, even those which don't appear (looks) to be. My goal is to never be surprised. Like you said I45 your inner sense tells you when something isn't right. You said it in one word, behavior. If your behavior sets off warning bells in my head, I will avoid you at all costs. I don't judge books by their covers though. That innocent looking one might just get you.
yes that was not a very good assumption and you know what happens when you assume.....anyways, speaking of books, I like to shoot phone books, I tape two together and see how far my lead goes into them.....
Urban, Nice AR. Shooting off the back porch, must be nice.

then it would be okay to be alarmed, but it is unappreciated in public

How would you know I was armed ? How would you know that I offended you by thinking that you might be trouble? I don't wear a shirt saying I got a gun. Nobody would ever know.
Yeah shooting off the deck is pretty nice, the one thing that I enjoy about living at my parents again is being able to shoot whenever and right outside of our kitchen at that.
How would you know that I offended you by thinking that you might be trouble?
I would know you offended me because you would be offending me, I would know you thought I was trouble by the look (yes there is a look)

this is something that cant be avoided, it can happen while backing out of your garage at home or in a well lit parking lot with lots of people around. what works for one incident will not work for another, the brain is the only smart weapon you have, the body will react to the brain.
Urban, If you don't want those types of looks then why do things to your body to draw attention to it? Some will look at it as cool and some will think weirdo. Me, I try to avoid giving anyone "that look" as it could lead to trouble. The easiest way to start a fight (at least back in the old days) was to give "that look" to someone you wanted trouble from.

In the real world you wouldn't even know I was carrying (as it should be) and you would never know that I even looked twice at you. In 14 years, I have never been caught staring or thinking bad thoughts.

How does that Olympic Arms shoot?
Urban, I think your signature says all I need to know. We all were young and bulletproof once too.:rolleyes:
An old person is like a Slinky: Not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
gunsmoke::D (not bulletproof though:( )
3gun: I hear what you are saying, the people who give me the wierd looks are just old fashioned but.....the times are changing. The Oly shoots good, its an older one (has the stop sign thing on the lower) but it works good. I tore it down the other to find a piece of one of the gas rings missing:eek: so now I gotta fix that but otherwise it runs awesome, unless I run Wolf then it jams every 3 rounds.....just got a bayonet for it to and that really sets it off. Im trying to keep it original looking without all the doodads and gadgets, Ill build a carbine for that.