Much ado about Huckabee..

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If Ron Paul is completly irrelevant, why do you even bother mentioning him, I'll tell you why.

The Gulliani campaign is almost broke, Thompson will not have the funds to continue if he does not win SC, Huckabee raised a whopping $95,000 dollars after winning IA.

Ron Paul has millions upon millions and more keeps coming in every day.

I've been all over the U.S. in the last 3 months and I have seen hundreds of Ron Paul signs, banners and billboards.

The only other candidate I saw represented was one lone Obama bumper sticker.

While Ron Paul's contributions have exploded, Mike Huckabee is all but broke! How can that be? How can a political "front-runner" be out of money, while a man who "doesn't have a chance" is breaking fundraising records?

Many of the "kooks" who donate to Dr. Paul are active duty miltary.In fact, Ron Paul has received more campaign contributions from active-duty military personnel than any other Presidential candidate from either party.
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