Much ado about Huckabee..

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Besides his stance on guns, what is to like about this guy?? I've gone to his website and read his views straight from the horses mouth.

I like his stance on the 2nd...the rest? I just don't see what the Huckafans are seein'!

Most notably, his Iraq and terrorism stances. If he gets the nod, it'll be more of the same. Terrorism has been the biggest scapegoat in the history of the world for stealing our liberties. How many more innocent civies have died in the "war on terrorism" than in the "act of terrorism" on sept 11th? He'll keep us in that little dirthole country forever, and continue adventuring abroad with our military- despite our massive foreign debts and dependence, despite all of the problems desperately needing dealt with here in our own borders.

I just can't vote for a single issues. Guns are important. They're not the end all be all. I'd like to have a country I can be proud of as well.
Let me make a wild guess that you would never consider voting for a Republican. After reading through many of your posts I would assume Liberal Democrats are more up you alley. Nothing wrong with that but you should be honest about your obvious bias against Republicans. Don't pretend to be a Republican, when you are not.
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Well said, Arabia

I think there are a lot of people that unfortunatley are upset with Bush and believe that no matter what, any Republican will follow in his foot steps. I think even Huckabee is aware that Iraq went wrong and change is needed.
How many more innocent civies have died in the "war on terrorism" than in the "act of terrorism" on sept 11th?

I give up, how many and who did it?

How about the fair tax? All the dems have said they are going to raise taxes on "the rich", which generally means everyone with a job.
No matter what a person might say to be PC, I don't think there are enough "enlightened" people who will vote for a minority or a woman.

I hate to say this, but I would have trouble with that decision, myself.

I am inclined to aggree. Also the attiude is not entirely anti GOP. It's a dislike of the whole ball of wax.
I like constitutional republicans. Eh, if Reagan could be brought back in some form of zombie Reagan, I'd vote for him. I also like Paul, though he hasn't got a snowball's.

I don't know how you got the idea I'd vote democrat. I don't vote by party, though. I would vote for the particular candidate. I guess it comes from living in Illinois. Here, Republican doesn't really mean friend. Southern IL democrats are friendlier to us gunnies than northern republicans.

Liberal democrat? LOL. Just as a note, there isn't a democrat in the race I'd vote for. Surely my Hillary/Obama bashing didn't escape your all seeing gaze?! I also don't like many of the front runners for the elephants either. Rudy? Please.

If neocon is your flavor, be my guest. The war is going great! Everything is fine.
George Wallace (Rest his soul) said it best;
There ain't a dimes worth of difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Have to agree. I am not pledged to either party, and have not been since the Repubs. "Contract with America". What a let down after all the promises! I did vote Republican in the last 2 elections, but have found out that the lesser of two evils is still evil. Huckabee has no conservative stand on the border. To me, immigration is one of, if not the worse problems we face. It should be at the forefront of "the war on terror". I am thinking seriously of Paul, even tho he has little chance of victory (and he wants open borders). Who else?
Ok we will play your little game.

I like constitutional republicans. Eh, if Reagan could be brought back in some form of zombie Reagan, I'd vote for him. I also like Paul, though he hasn't got a snowball's.

You have stated you lined up with Gandhi on the political compass. Which would make you way left of center on the political chart. So I doubt you would support a Republican.

You also said a few times you support socialized medicine. A constitutional Republican would never support socialized medicine.

While you have stated you don't like Hillary or Obama does not mean you are not a Democrat. You have said little about Edwards or the other candidates. Though you have bashed all the Republican candidates. You are not a supporter of the war, and have gone after the Republican party because of their stance on the war.

I am not questioning your views on the RKBA. Which I feel are firmly pro-gun. All I am stating is that you are clearly not a conservative, nor a libertarian. From what I can gather you are a small s Socialist, with some anarchist thrown in for good measure. That is all fine and dandy but don't belittle us with stating that you are a constitutional Republican.
I voted for Bush twice; never voted for a Democrat for Prez; doubt that I ever will. Somebody with some character and sense at some point needs to get our young people out of Iraq. All of Iraq isn't worth one American life, in my biased, American nationalist point-of-view. How about pointing out a "Jeffersonian" democracy that's worked with uncivilized, primitive, tribal savages?
Much ado about Huckabee..

It's OK if you don't like Huckabee, but the fact is most of this gets down to personality. That's why Hillary did better in NH. Nothing to do with her stance, she just got a little more human...well as human as Hillary can get. A lot of people like Huckabee because he is relaxed, and pretty good at off the cuff responses. I don't particularly like his religious stands, but he has never indicated that he would cast aside the Constitution and replace it with the Bible. Just understand, a lot of this is an image issue. I was around for the Kennedy Nixon debates, and it had nothing to do with facts, just perception.

BTW, I don't remember reading that Huckabee turned Arkansas into a religious state, so what's the worry?

Did you see/hear how Hillary ended her NH acceptance victory speech? "God bless You", I guess she is getting ready for South Carolina.;)
read up on the fair tax,

the people pushing for it have spent quite a bit of time working it out, and I find it the most resonable form of taxation. Even if it's true that it can't bring in the same money currently coming in, that would only mean the gov'ners would have to stop spending all our money !! :)

Also, watch the film, America:Freedom to Fascism (you can find it on googlevideo). It brings up some interesting points, such as the current "income" tax isn't apparently valid (it brings into question the validity of the 16th amendment as well as the SC ruling that the 16th gave the fed no new powers of taxation) and points out that the IRS nor any other government person has ever provided a law which states income tax is required. IRS code seems to only mention it is voluntary.

based on all this, the current system seems to not even be legal. And the Fairtax would be both legal in the old constitutional context, and wouldn't have the myriad loopholes of the current system, nor the oppressive IRS man is gonna getcha stuff.

And consider this, no other form of taxation taxes legally and illegally made money the same. Currently, we get nothing other than sales tax from mafia types and drug dealers etc. Under FairTax, as those same persons go out and buy their MB's and BMW's and Caddi Escalades etc., they pay the same taxes the rest of us pay. When they go to Best Buy to buy a 70" Plasma and a HT setup, they pay a full tax load rather than only sales tax :)

and on the Immigration front, people forget to look at FT from that perspective. FT includes a "prebate" for all "Americans" or "others legally here". The Prebate is estimated at about $500 per month, and is to cover the expected tax paid by persons at the poverty line (~$20,000 income) so essentially all of us would pay no tax on the first 20g we earn. BUT, illegals would get no such "prebate", so they are underpaid workers, paying the FULL tax load the rest of us pay, and NO PREBATE, so essentially, they would be paying an extra $500 a month in taxes. And unlike now, they'd be PAYING taxes. Since they are "under the table" right now, there are no "income" taxes collected on them, no payroll taxes, etc. So where is benefit of being here illegally? You'd be underpaid and over taxed. That situation alone should dramatically slow if not stop the flow of illegals.

another interesting part of the FT is, no item would ever be taxed twice. Only NEW products would be taxed at the time of their sale so purchase of used items would have NO sales tax. It goes back to the concept that something should only be taxed once, and double/triple etc. taxation is the type of thing that started the revolution and the Boston Tea Party.

Now, keep in mind, the FT is a replacement for individual taxation. As I understand it, and I could be wrong, business taxation would stay as is. Also, something I recall from the A:FtF movie is that "income" tax pays for NOTHING except the INTEREST on the debt. It's payroll and other business taxes that are used to actually pay for stuff. Our taxes are only there to cover the interest. What's worse? Did you know the Federal Reserve is a BANK? Not a Government owned bank, a PRIVATE, run by the BANKERS bank! Essentially, our government is controlled by the bankers, because if they are short of funds needed to pay for something and need more money printed, they have to asked the Federal Reserve for the money. Now think about that. What if the Gov't is pushing some agenda the bankers don't like (oh yeah, and NO ONE knows who is on the board of the Fed, it's secret), since the bankers control the money, they simply say "nope, as long as you are trying to push xyz, we aren't going to give you more money". And there is NO WAY for us the citizenry to know when that happens. And worse, the Federal Reserve act wasn't even voted on by congress openly. Just like the Veterans Disarmament Act that passed over Christmas by a VOICE only vote with no record of the votes, the Fed act in 1916 or so was passed that same way. Why in the world are there rules that allow congress to pass bills and laws when only 5 or 10% of the members are present, and without a recorded vote? Talk about bogus!!!

So, definitely some things to consider during this election season.
think even Huckabee is aware that Iraq went wrong and change is needed.

I think he realizes change is needed, but I don't think he has a clue what to do. We don't need another governor from Arkansas with no military experience in charge of our national security.

That said, I would vote for him over Hilbama, but I know Huckabee will be very disappointing.
BTW, I don't remember reading that Huckabee turned Arkansas into a religious state, so what's the worry?

good point, and remember, Reagan was a devout Christian as well. And it's not like he tried to turn the country into a Theocracy. Matter of fact, have we even had a handful of Presidents who were NOT Christians? I'm not going to say we haven't, but off the top of my head I'm not aware of any atheists or other unusual (i.e. non christian) types. Has there even ever been a jewish person? none come to mind.

Being a Baptist myself, and knowing many, I tend to not be concerned because I find most have a very Patriotic mindset. Baptists were heavily persecuted in England before coming here and that was one of the driving factors in their letter to Jefferson about the "separation of church and state". It isn't a question of "no religious thoughts or ideas in government", it was a matter of "are we, Baptists, protected from Catholicism (or whatever other group) being made the State religion" and as such being persecuted all over again. That was their concern. That all flavors of Christianity would be openly allowed to flourish. And I believe it was the intention of the founders that in order to keep the smaller denominations from being persecuted, they used the language of the first amendment to protect all religious speech, otherwise someone would find a way to twist any restrictions on non Christian religions to eventually include ones that make the "mainstream" or biggest faction uncomfortable.

I do not believe it was ever the intention of the founders that religion be erased from public service, as it is being now. Every Congress is opened with Prayer, every Supreme Court session starts with a prayer that God will help the justices rule fairly. Everything about the construction of our country was based on the assumption virtually everyone would have a Christian world view. I think they'd be somewhat surprised by today's environment, mostly about how viciously christians are vilified by the media today. Otherwise, they'd be happy in how well that freedom has worked. It's the 2nd amendment I'm sure they'd blow a gasket over. They be appalled at so many Americans giving up that right. hopefully that will change in the years to come.
That said, I would vote for him over Hilbama, but I know Huckabee will be very disappointing.

are any of them truely great options? The person I wanted to vote for didn't run. I would have really loved for Newt to have come into the race. From all the times I've heard him on TV over the past 10 years, he seems to have really good ideas on how to get the country back on track.
Imo Huckaby is the best of the bunch although I don't like any of them all that much . At least , to me , he seems like an honest down to earth guy . Romney - the former Gov. of my state - will say anything to get a vote and what he did to his dog shows a real lack of character and was reprehensable . But I think he might be good for the economy . McCain seems like he's too pissed off about things and seems like he could snap at any time . McCain would keep troops in Iraq forever and give Illegal imagrints amnesty . Giuliani is , in a nutshell , a scumbag . Fred thompson doesn't want the job .
I just want to add - a lot of people on these forums like to bash Hillary . IMO she's not the evil witch everyone says she is . There are some things I like about Hillary and the Dems. and some things I like about Huckaby and the repubs. One more thing - Obama is by far the worst of any of them . He's a naive , smooth talking snake oil salesman . If he was elected potus , it would be a huge disaster .
I like Ron Paul best of all but he has no chance .
Baptists should get on with their REALLY IMPORTANT pushing homeschooling, routing out the Masons amongst us, and converting Jews to Christianity! :rolleyes:
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Reagan was a Christian, but he was far from devout. In fact, he was often given a bad time by religious groups for not attending church on a regular basis.

Here is a trivia question.

Who was the last "Born Again" Christian president?
Besides Clinton, Bush basically claims to be I suppose. and btw, any Christian is technically born again, but I believe you were meaning it in the sense of charismatic evangelicals?

A better question is which Presidents haven't been Christians. That will be a much smaller number since most all have been, if not all. Thing is, it was never an issue before 30 years ago, so I doubt it was asked or talked about before then. Well, other than with JFK because for some reason there was a big deal that he was a Catholic and not of Protestant persuasion.
For a Republican to win in November, that person will need to be "moderate" enough to attract Independent and conservative Democratic support.

Except for their very conservative views on Abortion and Same Sex Marriage, Romney and Huckabee might have a chance, IMO.

Specifically, Huckabee is the best political communicator I've ever seen. He can connect with Democrats. But, his conservative views on religion, while helping him now, could doom his bid if he is the Republican nominee.

If Guliani can stay in the race, he could possibly beat the Democrat. He's neither overtly religious nor too conservative to win.

Regarding preservation of the Second Amendment, any mainstread Republican nominee would IMO be better than Clinton, Edwards or Obama, especially if Democrats retain majority control of Congress.
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