Mozambique with a .41 Magnum

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nate45 said:
I'm just a regular guy who happened to be a natural born killer and who practiced for 30+ years. Ever since I was little I wanted to be a LEO, soldier, mafia enforcer, samurai, etc.

So which direction did you end up going?
Deaf Smith said:

Thats very true Deaf. When one does a 1.4 second Mozambique IRL, I don't see how you could tell if the first two COM shots worked and if they were failing to stop or not. :)
People always say that, "Don't hurt me, I didn't do anything, I'm innocent, I have a wife and kids, etc, etc on and on..."

Define innocents? Innocent bystanders? Haven't ever even nicked one yet, but a couple have gotten minor bruises and abrasions from automobile crashes. :( I've avoided a lot of collateral damage over the years though and gone out of my way to be nice and help everyone.

When my cousin nate.22, who works for the Outfit, CIA, Mossad, et al shows up late at night, thats the the time to worry. ;)


He has had that Beretta Model 71 .22 LR since 1985 and has fired untold thousands of rounds through it. Low, noise, low recoil, ample penetration, has NEVER malfunctioned in all these years.


Talk about fast, accurate and low recoil. Eight shots in the head A-zone from 5 yards in less than 2 seconds is the norm. Sure, not all shots always hit the A-zone, but I don't think it would matter much.

Is what enough? Enough shots to incapacitate someone? One .22 LR to the brain usually does it, despite what some armchair wound ballistics experts claim. Its like turning off a switch when it hits, all movement stops.

Ask people who used to slaughter hogs, beefs, etc one .22 LR to the forehead was all it took. Back in the day when farm families would get together to have hog killings on each others farms, my Dad did all the shooting he never made one squeal even. They all hit the dirt dead as wedges, from a .22 to the brain.

Of course he was using a .22 rifle, but at two or three yards, the Mini-Mag Copper plated 40 grain roundnose .22 LRs I use in my Model 71 penetrate well.
Is this the nate show? lol

Now when my nephew Josh m60 comes around, best watch yerself. Marine, numerous confirmed kills, and soon to be a teacher......
Thats why I posted the Rob Leatham video, just to keep things real. He shoots way faster and more accurately in the above video than I have ever claimed to on this site.

Its not all about speed and accuracy, but those are very important things. As law abiding citizens, when the trouble goes down, we're already going to be behind the curve.

Getting our concealed weapons out as quickly as possible and getting a shot or two off, might be very important. Or, it might not. Its very possible that in a violent happening the best shooter in the world could be there and not have time to react.

I remember us discussing the Gabriel Giffords shooting, it was all over before most people realized what was going on. Its doubtful that Rob Leatham, or someone else of his caliber could have even got their weapons out.

All thats not to say that practicing speedy presentations isn't important, because if and when the bad thing happens speed and accuracy might save our lives. I say might, because none knows what its going to really look like, until it actually occurs.

Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas
You guys need to talk to Paul Howe. He finds people like Rob good for learning a specific shooting technique but NOT combat shooting.

You are espousing game techniques and do not self defense

Now Rob is a good guy just as Brian Enos and others but game techniques are not the same as combat techniques and one as better learn the difference (and BTW Rob knows that and does not push his techniques as combat techniques.)

The Mozambique, as I have said, is a failure to stop drill and you have to LOOK to see if the two you fired failed to achieve what was needed.

Very true, which is why all my holsters, ammo and pistols are practical combat ones. I sort of got off on a tangent, when it seemed some were questioning the times I posted.
Good grief.

This thread has been all over the map, barely on topic to begin with and definitely off topic now. I deleted a few.

Take it outside, guys.

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