Mozambique with a .41 Magnum

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Had a gal unload one of them into the ceiling of our bar one night. Was very loud in that confined space. Had a small shootout there, dug 35 or more slugs outta the walls and ceiling that night. Bouncing was a bitch back then, couldnt carry a gun at all.
nate45 said:
Its not bragging if you can really do it.

Do what, exactly? You never really said. "+ or - 1.5 second Mozambique drill with a magnum revolver" suggested something, so for clarity, what exactly does "+ or -" mean? What's the par timer say you can consistently do a clean Mozambique (2body/1head) in, with the rig shown? Even with competition gear and a non-magnum DA revolver, consistent 1.5 Mozambiques with is impressive, methinks.
-2 seconds from five yards. I shot two head shots Sat in 1.4 seconds, it was on to separate targets placed 3 yards apart five yards away. Its really not that amazing. I can draw and shoot 7-8 times with a 1911 in -2 seconds, so three shots from a revolver in 2, not that big a deal. The first two to the A-zone happen very fast, I slow down for the head shot. I don't always hit the head A-zone, but it hits.

Sure there are times that I fumble and its closer to three seconds, but that happens. You should know how it goes all too well Mr.Borland.

There, eight shots of full power .45 Auto 230 grain HP, all eight shots hit the A-zone from five yards away. I was slow on the draw with a .53. Its like the 60 ft time in drag racing. Holster was a Yaqui slide on my belt like the Model 58 is above.
I never cared for the feel of revolver grips, especially one that is so skinny. I feel that semi-autos feel so much better in my hand and point so much more naturally.
nate45 said:
You should know how it goes all too well Mr.Borland

Indeed. When shooting a revolver, and mandatory head shots and/or steel are involved, the potential for disaster is high, and the payoff low, so I tend to be conservative. ;)
Indeed. When shooting a revolver, and mandatory head shots and/or steel are involved, the potential for disaster is high, and the payoff low, so I tend to be conservative.

Not if you thumb cock it with your weak hand's thumb. Then the revolver, say a good S&W, will drive nails into planks at 10 yards.

And I thought I was the only one who did Mozambiques with a SA revo!

Never been timed, I do need a better holster.

215 gr LSWC @ appx 1K FPS in shoots nice, hits hard and is very accurate in the 4 5/8" Ruger Flattop .44 Special.
I really like the idea of the two shot 'Mozambique' if that is really what it is. I mean after all its a .41 Magnum with full magnum 210 grain Gold Dots. One in the wish bone, one in the teeth should work. Even slowing the whole exercise down to 2 seconds, for two shots, should be rapid enough, especially if one draws from concealment and has the element of surprise.

I know its becoming a bit of a cliche, thanks largely to the internet, but Clint Smith is fond of saying, how he's never seen a timer IRL gunfight. If a man drew a .357 Mag, .44 Special, .41 Mag, etc from concealment and fired one shot at the sternum and one at the head of a Bad Guy and it all happened in about 2 seconds... chances are that it could work to extricate ones self from a tight spot.


The two shot drill might work with any handgun round. Any of the ones picture above will penetrate to the heart/spine and brain. A two shot 'Mozambique' might work if the chips are down.

Some might be asking why take the head shot too, why not just shoot center mass. Its because handgun rounds are puny, in the whole scheme of things, all of them. It takes time for even a shot through the heart to have an effect. When the other man is holding a firearm in his hand, switching him off with a brain shot is very desirable, even though as Mr. Borland intimated, its sometimes a low percentage endeavour. Which is why one shoots COM first, to guarantee a hit, with one or two shots, then you go for the head. Having it all happen in as short a time frame as possible, is also desirable for obvious reasons. :)
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What kind of lunatic carries a magnum N frame, with magnum loads...and a nickel one at THAT??


qualification target

I swear Nate, you remind me of myself 20 years ago ;) Just FWIW, the old 175 grain Silvertip is a great anti-personnel .41 load, when you can find them.
I shot my first S&W Combat Masterpiece when I was five and had my own, paid for by me, bought by my father, 4 inch blue Colt Trooper Mk III when I was 14. I ordered my copy of No Second Place Winner by Bill Jordan that same year.

I grew up ten miles from the Rio Grande River too. When Deaf Smith quotes Bill Jordan and says "It will do to ride the river" it may sound hokie to some, but it makes me a little misty eyed.

Bill Jordan, Charles Askins, etc didn't have cell phones, satellites tracking them and helicopter gunships on call. When they came across a group of bandits, they were on their own. A fast draw and well placed shot might be all that saved their lives.

Amen Nate!

In one CHL class I taught a old geezer had a 3 inch Lew Horten stainless .41 Magnum as his qualification gun. I told him he could use my Glock and that way be able to carry semi-autos as well as revolvers just in case he needed to.

But he said no. He did the whole qualification using Winchester Silvertip .41 magnums! And he was near the top in score.

Later he let me shoot his .41, first one I had ever shot (and still the only .41 I have shot.)

Well let me tell you guys, that old man could take care of himself. He knew that .41 well and aimed strait. Lots of others would get the shakes during qualification but not him.

Both he and his gun 'will do to ride the river'.

I know we all like these snazzy semi-autos and super fast double taps, transitions, speed reloads, and Mozambiques, but they are all rather minor stuff. It's those first few shots that matter the most.

Remember that. If you can't hit well and fast in those first rounds the rest won't matter.

And as Bill Jordan said.... 'Take your time, fast.'

What kind of lunatic carries a magnum N frame, with magnum loads...and a nickel one at THAT??

I just acquired a stainless one and a simply rugged holster......But mine is 44 magnum and my new EDC!


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Nanuk said:

44 magnum and my new EDC!

Very nice Nanuk!

Deaf Smith said:
And as Bill Jordan said.... 'Take your time, fast.'

Its like auto racing, sometimes you have to slow down, to go faster. I know it sounds counter intuitive, but its true. Two well placed shots in two seconds, beat three poorly placed ones in a second and a half.
What kind of lunatic carries a magnum N frame, with magnum loads...and a nickel one at THAT??

I've carried a nickel N-Frame before (though it couldn't fire magnums).


I've also carried a blued and stainless N-Frame with magnums as well.


Well if I was to pack one of my N frames..


The 3 inch 625-3 .45 ACP, with .45 Supers, would be my pick. I've had that gun for maybe 10 years now and I have maybe 450 .45 Supers sitting around!

Good 230gr JHP at 1000 fps (I chronoed it from that very gun) will do the trick.

Those are some nice N frames guys's!

I did not feel outgunned with a 6 gun in the 80's and 90's I think i will be fine today. Only hits count, and big bore magnums hit harder than anything else in a practical carry package. An N frame Smith weighs very close to a L frame, loaded steel 1911 or a fully loaded Glock 21.

My poor wife just does not understand my fascination with Performance center revolvers.
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