Moving to California!! Help!!

First of all, thanks to those who have given me helpful information.

Second, I did not start this thread as an open invitation to bash any state in our great country. So to those of you that are completely off-topic, please find another place to vent your anti-gun gripes.

I am only looking for information to maintain myself as a law abiding citizen. I love my country and am willing to modify my lifestyle to abide by the laws of the state that is providing me with a paycheck to support my family.

So to sum up the basic laws, no magazines over ten rounds, make sure that my pistols are on the approved list, and register them within 60 days at the DOJ. Is this correct? If anyone else has any additional information I would greatly appreciate it.
Re:Big Caliber

For twenty years running Nevada had the highest growth rate in the nation. Last year Arizona edged us out. Guess were most of Nevada's and Arizona's are moving from, I'll give you a hint, California. In fact, from what I understand, California is the only western state with a negative growth rate. Of course, we are talking about legal folks.

I still have family living in California. Once in awhile I go visit them. I can't handle the traffic, the polution, the drivers, or much else there any more. At least I don't have to chew the air before I inhale it any more.
CA bashing and a Staff/Mod hinting that someone should commit a felony but "keep your mouth shut and no one would know". This is why I don't post here anymore. Gun owners in CA are fighting damn hard and doing a damn good job of it. Keep in mind also that also that laws which are passed here by anti-gunners tend to end up as proposed national legislation. So if we all gave up or left we would be leaving an important front wide open for the Brady/VPC types. It may seem like a lost cause to you, but one could say the same thing about the Alamo.
rbounds217: One other point, you can bring in almost any non-assault weapon pistol when you move to CA. Once you get here and register the gun you call legally sell it. A CA resident cannot import the same gun. This leads of course to a high demand for these guns, and some guns can fetch quite a high price over what you might pay out of state. Visit and say hi, I'm sure you will get a warm welcome.
Oh boy, San Francisco... You'll need alots of lucks. As for the magazines, the posting are right NOTHING over 10 rounds. If I was in your shoes, I would accidentally lost those pre-banned magazines in one of the boxes and happened to find it in a few years after you been in California for a few years and moved out of San Francisco.

Personally, I would not register any of my older weapons with any of the government. It is none of their business, they don't need to know whats in my gunsafe. Oh, another law you need to know. If you have children in the house. All of the gun need to be locked in a safe or child proof lock, even the gun under your pillow. You'll have to tell the theft to waite till you unlock your gun first.:confused:
Since I live here in California I take offense to bashing us here that are gun-right supporters,not to say I agree with the anti gun laws we have here but im not running off to another state to cry about it, im here for the long haul and intend to fight the antis till im in my grave.


"We're paratroopers - we're supposed to be surrounded."

I spent five years in California behind enemy lines, and thanks to San Jose, for the rest of my life I'll have to indicate on my concealed carry application here in New Hampshire, that yes, I have had a pistol permit denied in "any other state."

I was pleased to work on gun rights there, but it's nice to be on the winning side now, rather than fighting a rear-guard battle all the time.

But once Heller is decided, I reckon Californians will be able to hammer away at gun control and start turning the tide. Should be an exciting time.
Oh boy, San Francisco... You'll need alots of lucks. As for the magazines, the posting are right NOTHING over 10 rounds. If I was in your shoes, I would accidentally lost those pre-banned magazines in one of the boxes and happened to find it in a few years after you been in California for a few years and moved out of San Francisco.
That's dismal, terrible advice.

If you think of an 11-round ammunition magazine as if it were a piece of kiddie porn, two ounces of pot, or a vial of LSD, you'll be on the right track to making sensible decisions as to how to deal with your standard-capacity magazines when moving to California.

Suppose you get pulled over for speeding and the cop thinks up a reason to search your car, or suppose that a screaming SWAT team busts in your door instead of the door of the meth lab down the street, and they find one of those magazines. They can prove when you moved to California based on your drivers license or handgun registration records, and it's going to be AFTER the ban was enacted, and you're screwed. There's no fine associated with this particular "crime," only prison time up to one year.
Steps som Kali residents taking to stop the roadapples

One step many of us are taking is to remain active in the California NRA Members Council and being very active in using the one click system at under the legistlation section where 1 email will be sent to every member of the appropriate house or comittee
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I Apologize

I am sorry for all the things I posted here about California. It is a wonderful state full of wonderful people. I shouldn't have ever moved, but since I did I am going to toughen it out.

I have one piece of advice for any Californian thinking of moving...don't.

Especially don't move to Nevada. It is an ugly state. Civilization hardly exists outside of a few cities. Most of the freeways get lonely with narry another car to be seen for miles. When you do see a car you get nervous. With our lenient gun laws you never know what they might be "packing". They might have a gun with a thirty or even a forty round magazine. They might even have some sort of 50 caliber rifle in their trunk. Full automatics are not uncommon either. Here is the really scary part, if someone fires off a gun, police officers do not repond. Heck, nobody even phones it in.

Now, if you are bent on moving please look at another state. Arizona is much better then Nevada. Our mornings are still starting in the low 20's as far as temperatures go. Phoenix probably starts the day with temperatures that exceed our afternoon highs.

Again I apologize to any Golden Staters that I may offended here. You are right to remain there. I was wrong for moving. Lets now keep it that way.
Lots of the Californian people are quite good people, but the political system produces what we all hate through elections rigged via gerrymandering and inept opposition efforts. Those who wish to bring the state back in line with reality are more fragmented than a windshield hit by buzzard going 80 mph and as well heard as a mime trapped in a 6" thick glass dome.
You couldn't shine up a set of golden hand cuffs bright enuff for me to move there! I would turn down a $500,000 dollar salary keeping my family in poverty rather than give up one single right I have in Florida! And I don't even own a banned item in cali... But might want to!
Ranger Al- what would happen if I were to keep my 14 rnd capacity mags completely disassembled with the parts stored in separate locations? Surely it cannot be illegal to own "parts" to firearms!!

Roy Reali- Thanks for your additional comments, Phoenix would have been a preferred choice. I have been there twice and love the climate, the option to move there just was not available.

mvpel- It looks like I will have to break down and get some 10-rnd mags to play it safe. I have also heard that Vermont is one of the most lenient states as far as gun laws go. Since you are in NH do you know anything about this?
Re:Big Caliber

I appreciate it. At least you have traffic congestion in Southern California. That gives you a chance to flirt with a pretty girl that is sitting next to you while stuck for hours on the freeway. With our low population density we don't have that luxury in Nevada. You jump on the highway and zip, you are there.