Moving to California!! Help!!

Not Here

Gun owners don't hide in foxholes around here. We are tolerated and even liked, even out in the open. Its not unusual for a bunch of us hanging around our local doughnut shop with someones newest toy sitting out on our table for all to admire. Customers, even LEO's, coming into the shop hardly raise an eyebrow.

Like I said, I choose to use whatever time I have left in this world maximizing my enjoyment.
Please Tell

Several of you on this thread seem to be putting those of us that moved down. You say that you are staying in California to fight for your gun rights. I have some questions for you.

Exactly what are you doing to help the cause? Are you donating money? Are you volunteering? Are you joining progun groups? Or are you just posting your gripes on gun forums?

I do realize that your gun laws might become our gun laws someday. So I figure that the strategy you are using to defend your rights and reverse your laws would then be useful here.

So please tell us, what you are doing to help gun owners in California?

While there are great people living in California, as a group the citizens of California have proven themselves to be a herd of donkeys on issues relating to self defense.

The laws there create monopolies on power for police departments which like any group of humans are not corruption resistant. The laws create safe work environments for criminals.

I can't fault anybody for voting with their feet and leaving. Why support a state that does that?

If you want to stay and support these policies while working to change them then good luck, we will pray for you. I also respect many that do that. Great people like Rabbi Mermelstien a prolific gun writer, activist, and holy man.

Perhaps the situation is so bad there that only Federal Legislature can change it? Berkley sure changed it's tune in a hurry regarding the Marines. Perhaps cutting of Federal LE money and resources to states which insist on placing their citizens in danger with unconstitutional laws?

Why should my state which allows effective self defense pay and contribute via federal taxes on it's citizens to a state which creates more problems through unenlightened emotional unconstitutional policies?
Re: Perldog007

Great reply!

I am just curious to know what steps all those California gun rights crusaders are taking. One plan seems to attack anyone that moves out of there. There are other states with laws that are not much better then the ones in California. I am sure those folks want to know how to battle for their 2nd amendment rights.
A Public Service

I guess that the tactics used by the gun owners of California are so complex that it is taking them awhile to respond here.

You Golden State gun owners should take this as a public service announcement. Even though more folks are moving out then moving in, the incoming folks need a heads up. They can be recruited to join your causes. In fact, you can just wait by the borders. You can make and handout brochures outlining your strategies.

Recently my wife and I picked up a Nevada brochure. It has 101 things to do for fun in Northern Nevada. Several of the things mentioned involve guns and shooting. See, the Silver State is already ahead of you.
roy reali, where do you live now that you have such freedom?

"Gun owners don't hide in foxholes around here. We are tolerated and even liked, even out in the open. Its not unusual for a bunch of us hanging around our local doughnut shop with someones newest toy sitting out on our table for all to admire. Customers, even LEO's, coming into the shop hardly raise an eyebrow."
Re: Wyocarp

I live in a small, rural, town in Nevada. You just drive until you reach the end of the Earth. Turn right and drive for about 14 miles. You can't miss it.;)

At least you walk the walk. But I venture to say you are in the minority.

Your state's population is about 30 million. If one fourth of the state owns guns that would be about seven and a half million gun owners. If ten percent of the gun owners mobilized that would be three-quarter of a million folks fighting for better gun laws. Heck, outside of Vegas, we don't have a city with that many people.

You would think that many people would be able to generate some noise against stupid gun laws. The only noise I hear is the complaints against those that had the God-given sense to move out of there.
The California DOJ dosnt wanna hear name.
We have succesfully fought
The right to having AR15s,AKclones etc. they may have to look a bit different but we can now own them!
Check out what OLLs mean in California,the DOJ is NOT happy.
We send donations to those falsely arrested.
You couldnt buy certain pistols PERIOD! till we showed them just how the law was written because of the drop law.
Over 20 Congressman have signed on to the Heller case supporting gun rights.
The San Francisco gun ban has been over ruled.
Micro stamping will be almost impossible to implement.
We send Boresnakes, cleaning equipment etc. to the troops.

A lot of this was because the DOJ here just didnt TELL you what was legal,they usually would suggest that it might be illegal and if not shortly would be.
We have COPYS from the DOJ letters that people are sent here,many showing even the DOJ isnt sure of the laws.You can print them out from the web sight.
The Tide is turning because we DONT GIVE UP!
A lot of States DO look at the anti-gun laws here as models,but they can also see the victorys we have won.
Make NO mistake they are seeing us fight back and by seeing that, YOUR State is most likely to not take on the BS gun laws.

Our AR's can look any way we want them to look.

Seriously, I am happy that you are making some progress against the knuckleheads that run your state. However, to bash someone because they moved to a friendlier gun environment doesn't help your cause one iota.

If a fellow Nevadan was to find a state that was better for gun rights and moved there I would congratulate them. I wouldn't post any gripe about it.
I saw a commercial ( Here in Texas) today that was Ol Arnold and His wife begging people to "take another look at California" California is full of excit ment and crap like that. I wonder how bad the government has shot themselves in the foot with their idiotic gun laws. As was said before, it is a safer work environment for the criminals, and not the law abiding. I wanted to send an Email to the foreskins that wrote and or passed the laws regarding guns telling them to open their eyes. I for one, when getting out of the military 7 years ago , passed up a nice job there in the Silicon valley mainly cuz of these 'tarded laws they got there. It also had alot to do with the $3000 a month for a 1 bedroom apt ill admit, but the Gun laws where the nail in the coffin for that deal. Itd take alot of zeros on the end of that paycheck to live there, lots and lots
More Then The Gun Laws

To be honest, gun laws had very little to do with me moving. It was a job I couldn't pass on. The friendlier gun laws are just frosting on the cake. But, liking it here goes beyond gun laws.

Drivers around here actually use their turn signals. Occasionlly you see a driver make a turn without using their signals. Nine out of ten times the car has California plates. Drivers also stop for pedistrians around here. Speed limit signs actually mean something. Stop signs tend to be obeyed 99 percent of the time.

I was listening to a coworker recently. He moved his family here a dozen or so years ago. He also moved from a major west coast city. He remembers his first weekend here with the wife and kids. Someone left his gate open and their small dog got out. A couple of hours later his dog returned and shortly after a police car pulled up. Apparently this officer had spent the last few hours chasing this dog around town. He apologized and the LEO told him to keep the dog confined.

Mind you, this was on a Friday night. This guy figured that any town in which the most the police have to do is chase a pooch all over town on a weekend is a town to raise a family.

Shortly after moving here I was invited to a friend's daughter's graduation. A Christian prayer was actually uttered at the begining. Every guest speaker was introduced as a hunting buddy by the MC. In California you don't dare pray or talk about shooting sports in public. I don't want to hear different, I spent most of five decades there.

If the gun laws were the Golden State's only problem that would be bad enough. It goes way beyond that. I now understand some of the stereotypical attitudes folks have about California.