Moving to California!! Help!!


New member
I will soon be moving to the San Francisco area of California. Are there any special laws that anyone knows about regarding handguns and shotguns? Maximum clip sizes? Permits? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
When I lived in CA, the only people who could legally own mags holding more than 10 rounds were people who owned them AND were in-state residents before the effective date of a state law that banned all mags holding over 10 rounds. I think that law took effect on January 1, 2001 (or maybe January 1, 2000). After that date, no one living in CA could legally acquire any mag holding over 10 rounds.

If you moved to CA after the effective date of the law, you could not bring such mags with you. Didn't matter when you acquired them. You could have owned them since your Army days in 1950, but if you weren't living in CA before the effective date of the law, too bad for you.

So if you have any mags holding over 10 rounds, either sell them, give them away, or stash them somewhere outside CA.

I don't recall any permits needed, but I left CA in 2005, and the laws could have changed. Also, some types of guns are on the CA banned list and others are on the approved list. I may be wrong, but I think any handgun you bring into CA right now must be on the approved list, and any rifle must NOT be on the banned list.

There is a website with the current info. I don't have the link, but if you search for "California" and "Attorney General," you should find the CA AG site, which has a link to different lists.
I am moving into California and I own several handguns. What are the new-resident registration requirements?

You are considered to be a personal handgun importer as defined by California law. You may bring all of your otherwise California-legal firearms with you, but you must report all of your handguns to the DOJ within 60 days as required utilizing the New Resident Handgun Ownership Report. [PDF 518 kb / 2 pg] You are not required to report rifles or shotguns. You may not bring ammunition feeding devices with a capacity greater than ten rounds, machineguns, or assault weapons into California.

(PC sections 12001(n), 12072(f)(2))

I may be wrong, but I think any handgun you bring into CA right now must be on the approved list, and any rifle must NOT be on the banned list.

Yes, you are wrong about the handgun part. You can bring handguns that are not on the approved list but they must be report them to the DOJ within 60 days. Once a CA resident, you can then only purchase handguns from the approved list.

If you have Daisy Red Ryder you shouldn't have any problems with it. Everything else, good luck figuring out and interpeting their laws.
Seriously, buy all the handguns you want now because you are limited to 1 handgun every 30 days here. Oh, and good luck. We're a little nutty down here in LA, but the liberals in Frisco (yes, I know they hate that) are really freakin' crazy.

YOU MUST buy a copy of this book

It will answer all your questions in plain English.

How to own a gun and stay out of jail California 2007 edition.
+1. That was my mini-Bible when I lived there. I bought one every year ... because the laws changed so much.
Just Crooks

There isn't a more crooked state in the union then California. They want to fleece folks out of $19.00 per handgun.

Here in Nevada you do not have to have a hunting license to shoot pen raised, released gamebirds. In California you do. Why should someone have to get a hunting license to shoot at birds that are not wild?

The insane gun laws in Califronia are one thing, but it is only the tip of the iceberg.
Since I live here in California I take offense to bashing us here that are gun-right supporters,not to say I agree with the anti gun laws we have here but im not running off to another state to cry about it, im here for the long haul and intend to fight the antis till im in my grave.

Could you be willing to say the same about YOUR state if it becomes anti-gun?

Why not try to support us here instead of bashing us all collectively.
Cracks me up! People from California make the laws all but unlivable and move out to Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico and start the same crap all over again:eek:!
I live in California, and for my part, the rest of you are welcome to bash all you want. California has earned it. Most of the gun owning Californians I've run across "fight the antis" by big talk and rhetoric. I just don't see many finding pro-gun candidates and rallying behind them. Those who do, go to the head of the class. Those who don't, try doing something meaningful (not just pushing hot air) or learn to live with the bashing.
Limited Life

One thing we all have in common is that we have a limited time here on this planet. The Good Lord can take any of us away at any time. You can take that finite time and spend it in a state that tramples all over your freedoms or spend that time in a state that actually allows you to have some fun. I want to enjoy life as much as possible until that time. One of my major enjoyments involves shooting sports. I therefore want to be in a place that I can maximize that fun. If I see a gun tomorrow morning in a gun shop I could be out shooting it tomorrow afternoon. If I want a fifty round magazine to spray the desert with lead, I can go buy one tomorrow. If I want to go buy 23 handguns tomorrow, I can.

Yes, you are free to live in California. I do hope you put up a good fight. I just rather spend my time actually not worrying about stupid gun laws.

I do have one regret about moving out of California. I regret not doing it sooner.
Man I was just kinda kidding around bashing California, mostly the celebrities that try to spread their anti gun, anti war anti bush anti petroleum anti fur way of life. I feel sorry for you poor suckers over there in CA with no "assault rifles" ( highly accurate semiautomatic detachable magazine modular weapon as I call it) and the gangs and drug runners all got them. damn you guys are unprotected. Led by another Actor, ( who I used to like back when he was slinging a M60 in each hand blowing up bad guys. Now hes just a democrat gun grabbin wuss. Yeah I know he's a " republican" :rolleyes: aint got me fooled