Movie quotes

Jesse "The Brain" Ventura in Predator - "I ain't got time to bleed."

Robert DuVall in Apocalypse Now - "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."
"There are two ways we can do this Mr Rat.
Either you stop eating Wong's grain--or else
--------Well it looks like or else!"
(shoots rat) John Wayne of course.
John Wayne in THE TRAIN ROBBERS to Ann Margaret after she told him her age: "Hell, my saddle's older than that."

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
From The Adventures Of Ford Fairlane:

"So many A&&holes, so few bullets"

"Have a twinkie, Snappahead"
"They were Girl Scouts- I took two boxes!!"

"Something from our wine list?"
Harry Callahan We're not just going to let you walk out of here.
Crook: Who's "we", sucker?
Harry Callahan: Smith, and Wesson, and me.
"S.O.F. Special Ops Force" (1998)

Benny Ray Riddle: There's nothing like the smell of cordite in the morning to make a man appreciate his right to bear arms.
"Soldier of Fortune, Inc." (1997)

Benny Ray: Sir, I can field strip this weapon with my tongue, and I can shoot bullets with my teeth.

I think what you were looking for is:

"Gort - klaatu berada nikto". Day the Earth Stood Still.

BTW, great movie -- shame we didn't learn something from it. (Though as a kid, I had screaming nightmares about Gort!!!)

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country"

Guess who?
From "The Cowboys": wife- "I'll think about you before I go to bed each knight. John Wayne- "You do and you won't sleep much."

From "Lonesome Dove": Robert Duval- "You haven't changed a bit." Tommy Lee Jones- "When was the last time you changed?"

From some western movie that I can't remember the name of: "You shot him in the back!" Lou Gosset, Jr.-"His back was to me."
K80- I think that one goes without saying. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
"Rebellion happens in the mind, you can't create it, you just are that way." - SLC Punk

"The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important then either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental."
Lee Marvin in The Big Red One after one of his guys stepped on a land mine and blew off one of his testicles:

"Don't worry, son. That's why God gave you two of them."
Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

1st Peasant: How can you tell he's the king?

2nd Peasant: He's the only one who doesn't have sh-t all over him!
Gus as he lay dying: "I God, Woodrow, we had a party, didn't we?" Lonesome Dove

Let us not forget on this great day . . .

Everlovin death fart of a warthog - White Sands
You're loosin it Ray, you're loosin it the same way Artie did
-White Sands
The burden of civilization is upon us
- Night of the Comet
There can be only one
- Highlander
It was a good death
- Legends of the Fall
Are you watching where you're driving or are you using the force or something
- Beaverly Hills Cop II
The bet is $20, you must have carnal knowledge of a WOMAN this time
- Top Gun
This is what I call a target rich environment
- Top Gun
I want you to got ou there and hit the Pace Car
- Days of Thunder
Indianapolis, but my name's not Andretti or Unser, on the other hand a stock car is a stock car
- Day of Thunder
Uh oh this is gonna hurt
- Days of Thunder
Because we live here
- Red Dawn
Did IQ's just drop sharply
- Aliens

As to marksmanship, it is not what you once did, rather it is what you can do on demand.
>Conan's father to young Conan: "No one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts."
>(points to sword) "This you can trust." --Conan the Barbarian

Ohhhh I love that one! Often thought that if I could get it translated into Latin or Greek it would make a terrific sig!


[This message has been edited by macondas (edited December 29, 1999).]
"I'm your worst nightmare..." Rambo

(I've also been known to say it a time or two... <smile> )

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...

[This message has been edited by Dad2Jane (edited December 29, 1999).]
Macondas, try this (English-Italian):

"Nessuno in questo mondo possono voi fidarsi di. Non uomini, non donne, non bestie. La vostra spada che potete fidarsi di."

DC, is this even close? :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
"Watch your fire and check your targets. Remember, we are looking for civies in here." - Sgt. Apone in Aliens

"Remember, short controlled bursts." - Cpl. Hicks in Aliens.

"I like to keep this handy for close encounters." - Cpl. Hicks in Aliens as he works the action of his pump action shotgun.

"We need bigger guns. Big f***ing guns!!!" Dirk Duckin in Split Second.

"The greatest gun ever created. The Colt Single Action Army." - Revolver Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid. I know it is from a video game and not a movie, but the game had a better plot than most of the movies being made today.

And now for the best movie quote from all time. . .

"Game over man, game over!!" - Pvt. Hudson in Aliens.