Movie guns

Too late! I am hopelessly addicted to them. I have expanded my time period to Trapdoors, but I love them all. Just need more time to shoot and more money to shop.
In the movie "Killer Elite" Deniro has a militar rifle of some type with a large scope. The center of the scope looks to be at least 6 inches above the barrel. Actually there's a tube of some kind (not the scope) and the barrel is below it. Anyone know what it was or if it's just a prop? Mark
Don't forget the movie about WW1 aces called "The Blue Max" (starring George Peppard) wherein in the early trench scenes the Germans were all using British WW2 Enfield rifles. Then when it showed the British soldiers they had them use the same WW2 later mark (I forget the name of the mark) Enfields that didn't exist until WW2 Lol.

Bye the way, that supposed "Gatling" used in the Eastwood "Dollars" movie that was written about and a link provided to the movie clip earlier in this thread was not even a real gun but a propane fired non gun prop gun. Look carefully when he finally finishes firing and lets it tip downward and you can see the tubes attached to it for the propane. It didn't even have a fake hopper feed nor belt feed. It magically fired with no ammunition carrier! LOL.

They have been using propane powered prop non machine guns for years in movies as well as on replica WW1 fighter planes today at air shows. I've seen several WW2 era war movies with them using fake propane fired non gun "machine guns". I also saw one used in an old Zorro movie once too that was propped up to look like a water cooled twin side drum magazines crank fire Caldwell machine gun (they called it a machine gun but it really isn't being crank fired). Here's the patent drawings of the real Caldwell crank fired MG of 1914 that even though crank fired was reputed to fire faster than the Maxim.
And the 1937 Republic serial "Zorro Rides Again" starring John Carroll (who later co starred with John Wayne in "The Flying Tigers")....using a fake propped up Caldwell machine gun. Why they chose to create a fake Caldwell instead of an easier to make fake Browning or Maxim is a mystery to me.

A similar one like the propane one used in the Eastwood "Dollars" movie was used in the original Django movie where he dragged it around in a coffin. What was funny was it had a belt of cartridges hanging out the side of it that didn't advance when it fired Lol. The one used in the Eastwood "Dollars" movie didn't even have a fake belt in it. Lol. Those fakes kinda reminds me of my truly water cooled crank fire dress up stock for the Ruger 10/22 only mine is a prop stock housing (but with an actual water filled jacket) built around a real 10/22 rifle as seen below. But heck, even mine would have looked more authentic for the period with turning a crank handle than those other two I mentioned that were used in the "Dollars" and original "Django" movies.

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was not even a real gun but a propane fired non gun prop gun. Look carefully when he finally finishes firing and lets it tip downward and you can see the tubes attached to it for the propane. It didn't even have a fake hopper feed nor belt feed. It magically fired with no ammunition carrier! LOL.
That's hilarious.
I saw TSJC's four barrel shotgun made (and used) for the movie, Big John. Only the top two barrels could fire (and only if the firing pins were installed). According to the article, the actor who wielded it said it was fine when fired with blanks but when real shotshells were used, it hurts and his hands were numb for a while.
The bolt action rifles used in Big Jake looks to be the same gun and scope. I've paused and looked many times but I still can't make out what they are. Anybody here know?
In Traded, the main character Clay Travis is kidnapped and finds himself chained by the table. On the wall opposite from where he is seated is a T/C type Hawken rifle. Look at the rear sight. The trigger group may not be right though (I don't recall seeing all that fancy brass). Beneath it is a pretty powder horn with a long, sculpted neck ala F&I or Am Rev.

Methinks in ambush scene Clay fires seven shots from his revolver.
Just saw Black Gold with Anthony Banderas (sp). Anyway, in the scene where one prince kills another, the killer's Broomhandle Mauser does not have a firing pin.

One hour and thirty seconds into the movie they show Arab gunmakers making rifles. There's a guy with a small axe hewing out a stock.
The bolt action rifles used in Big Jake looks to be the same gun and scope. I've paused and looked many times but I still can't make out what they are. Anybody here know?

Mauser Danzig.
There is an Australian-Pakistan movie, Son of a Lion, which is about a gunsmith's son who doesn't want to learn his father's trade and instead seeks an education. There are interesting shots of a Paki style shop and from what I've seen on YouTube, their method of function testing (shoot into the air) is depicted frequently in that film. It's one of those, "Don't try this at home kids" type of thing. They have Tokarevs, what appears to be a S&W 3rd Gen pistol, AKs, Mauser 98 (which they call an Enfield) and in the background, a G-3.