Movie Break!

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"Saveing Private Ryan" was one of the bset movies I have seen in years. I also liked "Clear and present danger" and "Patriot games" and "Shindlers list" (I think that's how you spell it?)

[This message has been edited by Gun Plumber (edited March 02, 1999).]
How could you guys have missed;
Hamburger Hill- the best Vietnam flick made.
Gallipoli- early Mad Max,good flick about the stupidity of war and incompetent commanders.
Pork Chop Hill- same theme as the above two flicks, is there a pattern here?
The Battle of the Bulge- I saw this one in german while stationed in Germany, what a Hoot!( The German title "Panzerschlact in Den Ardennen" although they did cut out the Malmedy massacre scene).

Steve McQueen wasn't in "Grand Prix"-- that was James "Rockford Files" Garner. Although Mr. McQueen wasn't in Frankenheimer's finest directorial endeavour, Grand Prix is by far the best racing film of all time!


Happy racing!
Huh? Did I say that??

I meant Le Mans....

But Grand Prix is a great movie in and of itself, if it doesn't have McQueen in it!...

Thanks for the correction...

AS long as I am in this thread, I should add Von Ryans Express to the list, especially since I am watching it right now! It is a great Sinatra war movie.

Shame on me for not remembering Hamburger Hill, Aliens (and Aliens), original Die Hard, Shawshank Redemption nor Kelly's Heroes.

Thanks for the help with Stargate, fal!
Yes, yes - I can't believe I forgot Shawshank Redemption. An excellent film indeed.

Movies are definitely a kick. Heck ... I still believe Pepsi and popcorn are a food group!

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited March 03, 1999).]

The Spike Lee movie you refer to is Crooklyn. Which, of course, is excellent. The scene where the boys throw the cat is great.
I agree with whoever above that was disappointed with "Starship Troopers". "Aliens" was a better "Troopers" than "Troopers" was.
You bet I remember "On Any Sunday"!!!! Been a dirty bike guy since a little kid.
I'll go ahead and tell my "Red Dawn" story though no one will believe it. When I was in 7th grade I started writing short stories for fun and came up with this idea of how school children might get in the act if the Russians should invade. (I had a head full of adolescent romanticism). While travelling between DC and LA the guy sitting next to me on the plane noticed my scribbling and asked to read it. He offered a criticque that I didn't ask for and gave me some tips on how the Russians might phrase their demands through the bullhorn at the schoolchildren. He said he thought the basic idea was interesting and went back to his magazine. I hit a block a short time later, never finished the story, and forgot about it. Eight years later my jaw drops when I see "Red Dawn". The first 10-15 minutes are my story down to the tee, right up until they jump in Jed's truck and haul ass. I still have the original pages of my story. I always wonder just who that was on the plane back in 1974?
Okay, anyway I like "Play Dirty" and "Where Eagles Dare".
Hello, This is my first post here, most of my favorite movies have been posted already but here are a few.

Any of the Sacketts movies with Tom Sellick
Joe Kidd
The Bridge at Remagen
A Bridge too far
Last stand at saber river (TNT movie)
The undefeated
The Blue Max

Work time got to go make bullets.
This is a fun topic-enjoying it quite a bit.
Here's a few of my favorites:

Lonesome Dove-I can watch it straight through and still be sorry that it's over.

Conagher-Sam Elliott is the best cowboy star we have these days.

Red River-The Duke shows he can play the bad guy as well as the good.

Saving Private Ryan-Overwhelming visual experience.

The Shawshank Redemption-Movies don't come much better than this.

Just about any movie directed by John Ford.

magnumBD: I believe you - I sent in some story works to Gene Roddenburys people working on Star Treck. The send my script back saying it was too violent and Federation starships are never the fire first types... then in the FINAL episode ofthe Next Generation, at the end - who saves the day? The Latest Enterprize version - just like I scetched, and first thing they did was SHOOT, with a Big Freakin Gun... just as I described. This was many moons ago when Next Generation was fresh.


Resistance is Futile
First of all, this is my first post,and from what Ive on this and other threads on this site, you all seem to be a great bunch of folks; Im glad to be here!

While you guys do have some great movies here, I am very surprised that you have only included one movie starring one of the best damn actors ever--ROBERT DE NIRO!! The Deer Hunter was a great movie, but you forgot about Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Casino, Heat, Awakenings, Wag the Dog, and Cape Fear to name a few.

Ron, Im glad you didnt forget about ol' Steve McQueen;he was great. Two other good ones of his are Papillon and Soldier in the Rain.

Other good movies:

One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Graduate
Don't be a Menace...
The Big Hit
The Fifth Element
Home from the Hill( Robert Mitchum rules!)
Jackie Brown(Sam Jackson and De Niro!)

As for "non-movie" stuff, You cant mention Eddie Murphey without including the man who taught all these young-buck comedians everything they know--Richard Pryor!!!

Well, that's my $0.02, you guys do have some great movies here; you actually gave me some rental ideas for the weekend!
All the Clint Eastwood "Spaghetti Westerns". Especially "High Planes Drifter" took me a couple times to figure that one out.
Rob, it was so long ago that I hate to speculate, but whenever I see an interview or a picture of John Milius......???????

I agree with Bill Mitchell about Sam Elliott- not only is he a great actor but a hell of a nice guy. I worked with him on "Woman Undone" (a "Showtime" film that turned out real crappy) and he was never anything but relaxed, friendly, and professional, even when the director spent the whole day looking for his ass with both hands.. I waited for a couple of days until I asked him for an autograph for my wife and he teased me for taking so long. BTW my wife kept me grinning for a LONG time after I brought that little present home! :)

Kodiac- no use fretting- you and I are far from alone with our experience- I was really put out for a few years but I got over it. Almost everyone I feel comfortable telling that story to can cite at least one other example of the same sort of thievery.
Forgot to mention:

And, as previously mentioned by someone else, those CE spaghetti westerns.

Say, how 'bout some lines from the favorites:

KH : Big Joe-"ODDBALL??!!!...HE'S A FREAK!.."
Oddball-"..rightoverthemutherbridge." (say real fast)
"Have a little faith, baby, have a little faith."
"Don't hit me so early in the morning with those negative waves..."
Aliens : Vasq-"LET'S ROOOOOCK!!!!" (of course. I use this as my bootup sound.)
Hudson-"I say we grease this ratfu** son of a bi***."

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