Mountain/Woods Handgun For My Daughter...Which Caliber?

.44 Special or .45 Colt ????

So, there is not enough advantage to these calibers...say in Taurus Tracker or in a S&W...over the Ruger Speed-Six or GP100 in .357 Magnum? Especially, in the heavy-for-caliber 180-200 grain hard cast bullets?

Ruger Super Redhawk in .44mag. in a 6.5" barrel. Heavy enough to absorb the recoil enough it won't hurt her to shoot it and accurate enough to put the bullet where she wants it out to 50 yds. The DA gives her the opportunity if needed to just draw and shoot for protection. If she cocks it and shoot single action she can fine tune her aim and take game with it.

The .44mag will be excellent protection from most any animal she'll encounter in the woods - 4 legged or otherwise.

Make sure to get her a good leather holster for it too.
357 or a glock 23 (40). She'll probably use it more for self protection against humans or a piece of mind than on a bear anyhow. Revolver to keep it simple but a auto if she can operate it.
Due to the popularity of the Judge series of pistols, the 45colt has a more variety of cartridge offerings. For a little while all that I could find was cowboy action loads.
I can't recommend that an inexperienced shooter with a small stature get a 44 mag for woods protection. The amount of recoil is very important. But so is having a firearm that is powerful enough to provide some protection when necessary. I believe she will find the 357 mag uncomfortable to shoot. So I recommended the Ruger GP-100 in either a 3" or 4" configuration as the most powerful handgun caliber that is practical.

I think the "Judge" (Taurus or S&W version) would be a poor choice as would an airweight revolver. But I do suggest a revolver over a semi-auto pistol.
I didn't recommend a judge.....I stated that because of the judge, the interest in 45colt has created more ammo choices.
Ruger Security-Six .357 Magnum with a 4" barrel.
If you are willing to send that to her she will be as well served with it as any other gun she could get her hands on. Got my first deer with one at 135 yards in New Mexico a whole bunch of years ago and still wish I had it. It was a great shooter on 200 yard targets on the rifle range and just as handy at the pistol range on Bullseye targets. Even took a rabbit or 3 or 4 or well a bunch of them using 38 spcl wadcutter ammo.

Not real proud of that deer though, only deer I ever had to shoot twice and now I restrict myself to 100 or under but the gun is up to it if she is. It sure made me feel better when I was walking around in mountain lion country.
I'm a .357 Magnum believer through and through

A .357 Magnum is a proven stopper of beasts of all kinds. Want reduced recoil? Load it with any number of .38 Sp loads. Want ultimate stopping power? Load it with 125-158 gr hollow points. Practice with the .38s and guard thyself with .357s. The range of available revolvers is wide, from Scandium-Alloy J-frames snubs to 8" barreled hunting rigs.

I've carried a Ruger SP101 for over 20 years (3" barrel, factory grips). It's a bit heavy, but absorbs recoil quite nicely, conceals adequately and will handle 1000s of rounds without a hiccup. I also carry a S&W M&P 340 because it's highly concealable, lightweight and once's a .357.

Ever since Law Enforcement gave up the .357, they've been searching for a caliber that will stop as effectively. .45 ACP is as close as they've gotten, but for pure consistency in stopping power, there's nothing like the magnum. The ballistic nature of the 125 gr. SJHP has been termed a "lightning bolt effect."

As for limited firepower, I understand why departments have gone to auto loaders. However, for most civilians there are very few circumstances that require more than 5 shots (I believe the actual average of shots fired is 3).

So...while there are many fine handguns and excellent reasons for carrying the various calibers, for me it is obviously the versatile and highly effective .357 magnum.
Accuracy is so so on the "Judge" with 45LC. You read about both extremes, so I don't know what is reality. I wanted one when they first came out for a fun gun, but have since crossed them off my want list.

RickyRick, you did say that. I didn't mean to offend you.

I would rather she got something like the S&W 625 or something similar in 45LC than the big cylinder on the judge which nudges you toward using 410's. There is a great power range available with the 45LC, but most factory ammo is not real powerful unless you buy from Buffalo Bore or similar loadings. Of course, you can always load to about 1000 fps which would make a controllable package. You can do the same things with either the 41 mag or 44 mag of course.
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Is she comfortable and proficient with firearms? I generally think its a mistake to push the issue with somebody who isn't comfortable with firearms or willing to put in the training with firearms. This is serious business.

I didn't see post #7. My mistake. I think a DAO revolver with a 3-4" barrel is hard to beat. I really wouldn't trust a semi-auto smaller than a 40S&W against wild animals. I generally have more faith in revolvers than semi-autos out in the woods.
Yes, the op stated that she was proficient with firearms. My understanding is that he wishes to purchase and send her another one.
Ruger 3" SP-101, or my favorite the 3" or 4" GP-100 is my suggestion again. I believe I'm going around in circles.

Good luck with the choice.
Got a Phone Call....

Well, I received a phone from my daughter just after lunch. She had questions about her SUV. However, I brought the gun and backcountry issue. We talked about the various gun options including buying her a new one.

She is a very practical person. She has shot my Security-Six quite a bit and is comfortable with it and how it performed in her hands...and, well, she asked if I would object to her having it. What's a dad gonna say??? I will be packing it up and and heading to my local firearms dealer.

She has access to a lot of heavy hardcast .357 Magnum ammo. That, with her promise to practice at the range, often, makes this a great choice for her.

Thanks for ya'll's input.
Fantastic choice. Having grown daughters of my own I know it makes you proud when they take responsibility for their safety. Shows she has good common sense.
As the father of two girls who LOVE shooting and hunting, your story nearly puts a tear in my eye. Must be a cat in here!
Yes...she is a strong thinker with common sense and in most cases very independent. She has a strange mix of caution and boldness within her character. As a father, I am scared for her at times and want to intervene...but, I am more scared to squelch her focuse and drive and thirst for life.

Her approach to life is that anything that makes her nervous is just exactly what she delves into. Which is how she became involved in competative swimming, running/jogging mountain trails, sky diving, and, now she is heading to the Middle East for 2 months (scary time to be over there). :eek:
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I spent two months in Israel and Palestine and one month in Syria in 2007. Wonderful, beautiful place and people despite the politics. She'll be fine. Just tell her not to visit the Western Wall with a CQC Knife in her pocket...the IDF frowns on it.
Plenty to Choose From

If she and the Ruger Security-Six can handle the recoil, there seems to be plenty of choices for ammunition suited for the backcountry. Certainly, not grizzly defense ammo. But, I would think anything else would be in jeopardy if struck in the right spot with these.