most versatile handgun

Has anyone ever considered a "Glock 22" in .40 S&W?

Before you go shaking your head... I have a 9mm conversion barrel with 9mm magazines, a 357 Sig barrel with magazines, and a .22 lr conversion kit with magazines for the Glock 22.

I think four calibers on one frame would make this handgun pretty versatile. :)
Another vote for a 4-inch .357 mag. Make mine a GP100 with the compact grips that come on the 3-inch version. Now if Ruger made a 5-shot .44 on the GP100 frame, I might have to opt for that instead.
I don't know about anyone else, but IMHO, a 44 Magnum of any make or any larger gun simply is not suitable for CCW use.

Well now, I have to disagree.
If it were said that a 44 was not ideal for CC I'd agree, but I carried a 6 1/2" S&W 44 and also two different 4" S&W M58s (41 magnums) for several years concealed, and did just fine with them all.

I am not a tall man, but I am (and was) fairly large. I am about 190 pounds and have a 34" waist and a 46 inch chest. So I have the size to hide a large frame S&W.
There days I carry a small 45 auto and it's easier to hide than the old N-frame S&Ws but the statement that they are not suitable is not something that can be said universally.

Years of doing it myself prove otherwise.
3 or 4 inch .357 Maggie for the obvious reasons or

Glock 23....
Can use glock 22 or larger magazines
Can easily be converted to 9mm
Can easily be converted to .22
Plenty small to carry yet big enough for nightstand duty
Accessories and parts out the wazoo
Will shoot something like a bazillion rounds before it might break a spring or some such thing the internet said. ;)
If you're including SHTF and concealed carry, but not "rifle substitute", then tough to beat the likes of a CZ P01 / 75 PCR in 9mm.... or similar.

If you're ALSO adding "must serve as a *just one gun*, including rifle substitute, for game", then you really can't beat a Ruger Redhawk 4" or S&W Mountain Gun 4" in .45 Colt (pre-lock of course). OK, I'll allow same in .44 mag, too, I suppose. What's not to like about a gun that can (ethically) bring down meat for a couple months with one shot, and allow for concealed carry defense of an adequate nature for most scenarios? Albeit not the easiest thing in the world to conceal - not a pocket gun.
I really like my 4" 357 Ruger Police Service Six. It's more compact, lighter, and more streamlined than a GP100. The SP101 is another nice one from Ruger, and a 3" would be a nice compromise for range and CCW. I have a 2-1/4", but only use it for CCW. The SP101 has a 5-shot cylinder.

For 44 Magnum my S&W Model 69 is just about perfect. As an L-Frame it's a little big for CCW, but as a field gun its great. It's the same size as a Ruger GP100 or a 686/586.

As for cartridge versatility I've been playing with a S&W Governor, which chambers 45 Colt, 45 ACP, 45 GAP, 45 Schofield, and 410 shotshells. Some see it as a gimmick, but I think it's a good snake/field carry gun that I also use as a hotel nightstand gun (I travel a lot for work). It's basically a big bore snub nose revolver, but a little too big for CCW except under a heavy coat.
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Delta Elite, or other 10mm 1911. There's not an overabundance of variety in factory ammo, but a handloader's dream.
Here is my "Do it all" gun, a S&W 65 with a 4" mod 64 barrel. It handles everything from a 000 buckshot with a pinch of bullseye cat sneeze load to some 180 LSWGC thumpers that I handload. Not much you can't do with this gun, it carries nicely and is accurate with it wide target trigger and hammer.
The bottom gun is a S&W 60-4 with a 940 9mm cylinder fitted to it. Accurate and quick with moonclip reloads

"Which do you guys think is the most versatile handgun and why? From open carry to concealed to the nightstand ,recreational , competition and even out in the woods and what ever I left out. I know there's different guns for different tasks but which do u guys think can do most of this the best?
IMO it would have to be a 3-4 inch 357 magnum. You can shoot weaker loads than 9mm to some hot stuff like BB.
What handgun do you guys think can "almost" do it all?

I'll have to give my nod to my Glock 17 which will do all you have listed in your post...admirably, I might add.
the rukh said:
I'll have to give my nod to my Glock 17 which will do all you have listed in your post...admirably, I might add.

Although you may believe that your 9mm can serve "admirably" as a woods or hunting gun, you'll find that in most places it is illegal (for good reason).

Example: Ohio Handgun Hunting reg:

Handgun: with 5-inch minimum length barrel, using straight-walled cartridges .357 caliber or larger.
.357 or .44 Mag. revolvers are the most versatile. Others may argue but facts are facts.

What if I need to put twenty hits on a target in ten seconds?
Say, I'm carrying a plinking load, and a fleeting shot on game presents itself, and I have to reload before taking the shot?
Something in my gun breaks, and I have no tools to fully disassemble it for repair?
I'll think of some more, but neither of your choices would be much good under those conditions.
Facts are facts.
Hard to beat

If "out in the woods" means bear country then a 4" 44 mag/44 special. A Ruger would be my all around choice. They are built like tanks for hand loading. If you are not worried about bears then you can drop down to the GP100 in a 4 " 357/38. Also built like a tank. Both of these choices gives you two caliber choices 44mag can handle 44 special and 357 can handle 38's as well.

Versatility is the name of the game, A Sig can be converted between a .40 and .357 sig. Nice, but not the same flexibility of the 44 mag or 357 mag

With bears = 44 mag, without bears = 357 mag . If you take CCW off the list, then a 12 Gage with rifled slugs.
I'll have to agree that a 4" .357 Mag revolver from any reliable manufacturer (I prefer Taurus or old Ruger) is without a doubt the most versatile handgun. As weak or as strong as you like and the 4" barrel is accurate enough and legal for hunting (in most places), and compact enough for CCW and home defense.
wheel gun, I want a Medusa .380 .38 super, 9mm, 38spc, .357 mag, maybe a few more if you are scrounging ammo you will find something it will shoot.
Auto, my G23 and a boat load of its many weight offerings of ammo, if there is a job to be done there is a .40 round that will serve the purpose