Three things come to mind:
1) The great .380 drought when cheap practice FMJ was selling for over $1 per round. I don't own a .380 so I don't know if this has ended yet.
2) The great primer scare of 2008-2009
3) The great semi-auto scare of 2008-2009.
Seriously people, you didn't learn the lesson from between 1994-2004? As soon as the AWB sunsetted I bought a gazillion full capacity mags for every gun I own, and a couple of AR's with evil flash hiders and bayonet lugs. We had four good years to save our pennies and learn from the past, but once the Barackalypse came AR's were right back up to selling briskly at preban prices.
Buy it now if you think you'll ever need it. Buy it now.
Seriously-buy it now.