Most overrated deer calibre?

Dr Max said:
My pick for overrated: the 25-20; good plinker, but a lousey deer cartridge.

Who the heck rates the .25-20 as a deer cartridge?

Come to that, who the heck ever rates the .25-20?!? ;) An 86 grain .25" bullet at around 1600 fps isn't even on my list of contenders.
Those of you who know me also know that I have very little use for a 7MM Mag.

Is it a bad cartridge? No

Is it a usefull cartridge? Yes.

Does it have a very real meanigfull purpose? Yes but that purpose is not what many hunters try to make of this cartridge.

If you get past the "magnum" title and look past the ridiculous belt balistically speaking you've got a .30-06 class round. It is very close to what a .30-06 does and offers less in the heavy bullet department.

It is not a laser beam flat shootng round. It is not a good long range round on big animals such as elk and moose.

But for some reason only known to gun writers and marketing execs, hunters tend to try and make this round into an excentric long range death ray. Resulting in plenty of wounded game. I find that this prevailing attitude about the 7MM is responsible for more fouled up shouldn't have been taken in the first place shots than just about any other caliber out there.

Is it a good round for deer? Sure just like most of the others mentioned on this thread. :D
At the time the Rem 7mm Maggie first came out, if you used a 139-grain boat-tailed bullet you had the flattest shooting critter available. Even better--slightly--than the 7mm Wby Mag.

It's not the cartridge's fault if people go running off in all directions about the how-to and what-for in using it. :)
