Most obnoxious gun?

I was at a large indoor range in North Carolina in 1972 or 73 and had just bought a new Marlin 45-70. I had some 405 grain Winchester and I and my Buddy commenced shootin'. The owner must have thought that rifle was pretty obnoxious because he threw us out for wrecking the backstop behind the target.
Mosin-Nagant at an indoor range. The fireball and concussion are far worse than just about anything else I've had shot next to me. Hate 'em!
Strum-Ruger Blackhawk in 30 Carbine.

The first time I heard one, my reaction was "What the ^&*% was THAT!?"
Unpleasant even with muffs and plugs.

Close contender: 7mm Magnum rifle with a muzzle brake. Ouch.
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I have a 15" .308 win barrel with a factory brake in it for my encore. It always get attention at the local range.
I thought it was obnoxious until my brother put a JP howitzer brake on his 15" .270 win barrel on his encore.....:eek:
There's a video on YouTube featuring a 50 bmg blowing lettuce and paper towel rolls to shreds just by placing them to side of muzzle.

I'm a member of an indoor range. Short barrelled 12s are loud and annoying to the ppl not firing them. Larger caliber ar styles being fired as rapidly as possible are also guaranteed to throw your aim off.
4V50 Gary said:
12 gauge handgun? How long was the barrel and was it rifled?

The 12 Gauge Shotgun I saw on you tube had the barrel sawed off to where a 3 inch shell would be flush with the end of the barrel. I'm not sure if the barrel was rifled or not but the gun had a stock. The guy tested it using a string at first (with gun bolted to a table) and then by himself. I don't know what would happen with a 3.5 inch shell...I think he referred to having a tax stamp.
Black powder cap and ball revolvers.

I used to shoot black powder cap and ball revolvers, so did my shooting buddy. We would usually have 2-3 that we would take to the range, either Pyrodex or original black powder was used. These were either .36 or .44 caliber, six shot guns.

I prefer outdoors for these, but we were regulars in the indoor ranges too due to the weather being cold in Minnesota in the Winter. I remember cocking and firing my Colt/Remington replicas and just spewing out thick smoke one shot after another like a garden hose, that rotten egg smell. The lanes would look a heavy fog after just one revolver fired, than the other one would go boom, boom, etc. Slow to reload, we were shooting for hours. We saw people leave in short order, than had the place to ourselves gagging on the smoke.

Eventually these indoor ranges outlawed black powder gun usage, but did get "Black powder nights" due to some members wanting to shoot their smoke poles.

The other is when I shoot at my rifle club the .308 cal. AR-15's with the muzzle break next to me actually slap my face from the side blast.
Why would you want to be obnoxious? Save the artillery for an out door range, if you can. The worst hand cannon I was next to was actually a Desert Eagle in 44 Mag, but that was a very long time ago.
I wouldn't want to drive people away - might be some new shooters there that will be completely turned off by the experience.
Shooting a rifle with a muzzle break next to someone in an indoor range is obnoxious.

A black powder gun at an indoor range is obnoxious.

A 50 cal with a muzzle break next to another shooter is especially obnoxious. I'd say this is downright rude and damaging to a persons hearing.