Most Effective Non-lethal Weapon

OG -- I like your attitude. Some will misinterpret your intentions as being a vigilante or troublemaker. I will not. Your style and meaning are right on the mark.;)
I'd be more afraid of the dog....

April 16, 2011, 10:21 PM #4
Senior Member

Join Date: December 1, 2009
Location: Stillwater, OKlahoma
Posts: 2,824 Pepper spray,,,


The stuff made by Fox Labs gets real nice reviews.

A friend of mine accidentally (wink-wink nudge-nudge) sprayed her husband,,,
He whimpered like a little girl for a half an hour.

Was it wrong of me to laugh out loud when she told the story?


That OC spray feels like it melts your eyes.

A buddy from a neighboring department told me that the night before he was to get certified (sprayed) to carry OC Spray, he made up his mind that no matter how much or how bad it burned, he was going to not show any effects to anyone who would be watching. A few days later, I asked Big Joe (6'6" 250 lbs & a super officer & human being) how was it? His exact words were "Terry, there's not enough water in the world. It felt like hot shards of glass were being electrocuted into my eyes."

If you've been exposed to it a few times, it does become more tolerable each time. Still a bad day regardless.....

But personally, given the choice to be sprayed w/ OC or to be attacked by a vicious dog, you can go ahead a juice me. The last thing I would want is an aggressive dog biting at my groin area. Which is about where a big dogs head is level with on my 5'10" frame.
This is going to sound kind of dumb but I would say bring a couple friends.

If that is not an option the I would go with the dog. If that also is not an option I would go with Bear spray.
There are drawbacks to every thing you can think of.

There are also circumstances where nothing will work.

That said, it would be more difficult for a single badguy to chase after you if they cannot see and are having trouble breathing due to a shot of pepper gel directly into their face.

Having been maced and exposed to a number of different OC, CS, and CN products during various training scenarios, after being exposed to the compounds my capacity to accurately aim a weapon or fight was compromised.

Given that a small cannister of pepper gel is a relatively convenient item to carry with you - especially for people who routinely go about their lives with a handgun and a pocket knife - it also acts as a reasonably effective force multiplier most of the time.

It gets my vote for being inconspicuous and relatively convenient, all else being equal.

Sarcasm worked very well for Doug Piranha. So did his merciless use of dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and satire.

Even his brother Dinsdale feared Doug.

Aside from Doug, Dinsdale only feared a giant hedgehog named Spiny Norman.

Y'all think a criminal would be deterred or intimidated by a sweet little doggie like this?


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I'm all for having a dog -- be it a German Shepherd or a Pomeranian -- but wouldn't have a dog for self defense. That gorgeous white GS in the pic in the previous post looks to me like he'd distract the perp by making friends. (Well, that how it would work with *me*, anyway.) ;)

In addition to my carry gun, I carry pepper spray and a small tactical flashlight in my purse. These mean that if a situation doesn't warrant lethal force, or if using lethal force might put innocent bystanders at risk, I've got other options. I was nearly electrocuted as a kid, so whatever I might know about tasers intellectually, they freak me out and I won't have one. When I'm hiking, I've got a good, stout walking stick with a steel-shod point on the end, but that's mostly to keep me from tripping over rocks or invisible specs of dust on the ground.
Pepper spray

It's the best by far, I'm taking this chance to quote the hangover "some of these big boys need an extra shock to take them down" do you want to carry two tazers? But pepper stray blinds you, I didn't know I guy in my who regiment who could orient them selfsame enough to attack after being hit with a small spray of the stuff and they sell some that can spray across a room, and that's perfect if you are not worried about your life enough to kill the perp