Most accurate Rimfire rifles at reasonable prices ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ???

Like I said, I got the CZ 453. I shot my first match yesterday and was blessed with a BUNCH of beginners luck!!!
I got first place....... Certainly not a bunch of great shooters there, this is a bunch of local guys that compete twice a month.
It was a funky combo for me, I used a Sinclair F Class Bipod up front and a sand bag at the rear. I used Eley Orange box ammo. I used a Weaver T-36 scope.
I'll post a picture of the target later......
CDNN still has some CM-2's left, page 26 in the current catalog. You won't find a better shooter for less. Mine will one hole at 50 with Wolf MT and GI Jenny behind the rifle. (Nothing shoots as good for me as it does for her, for some reason. :o ) It's a single shot, dual aperture, target rifle.

You also can't go wrong with a Biathlon Basic, if you can find one. They're somewhat scarce, it seems. They're a midweight barrel (.720) Fortner action, Ishevsk built, sporting rifle. No sights, scope only.

You can find all the info you want at Rimfirecentral. The guys over there are buying them all up.

Well, actually don't have a clue..

All I can tell you is the most accurate FOR ME 22 rifle I've ever owned. I'm an old fart (68) so 50 yards is about as far as I can actually see well enough to "hope" for a good group.. :D

With that range, or less, in mind I have found, surprisingly actually, that my Marlin 39 Century Limited (1970) lever action (blinged up Mountie I believe) with the all steel model 70 Redfield Peep Sight is about as good as it gets.

Several months ago I bought the CL from the original owner who had replaced the factory iron sights with the Redfield and taller front sights early on, and it is a joy to shoot.

I believe I paid $465 off GB for the rifle plus shipping ($30), and ffl transfer fee locally ($25). So I guess I have $520 or so in it, but folks tell me the old Redfield model 70 is worth a hundred bucks or so..

Everyone has a particular 22 rifle they enjoy and recommend, and I have another CL, also a Marlin 39A, a couple of Browning SA22's and a sweet Winchester 63, which are all pretty accurate, but it seems when I just want to make holes in paper in the back yard I pull out the CL...

Best Wishes, and hope you'll find just what you're looking for.




I sure like my CZ453, I did nothing special to this rifle before our local competition. No trigger work, didn't lap the scope ring...NOTHING!!!
I used unsorted Eley Orange box and a Weaver T36 Scope.......

The best most accurate and reasonable priced 22 rifles are marlins. Any lever action or semi automatic is Class A Accurate. Trust me,Im a loyal fan of marlin that has several.