Most accurate handgun...

my most accurate handgun is my smith and wesson 986... 9mm in a revolver this size is very accurate and comfortable...
The most accurate revolver I've personally shot is a 686+ 5".

The most accurate semi-auto I've personally shot is a Para Pro Custom 14.45 (Gasp! Not a Para?!!!)
I've seen this question before, and suggest most barrels are accurate if maintained, and will always shoot straight in the direction of the muzzle. Accuracy is in the hands of the shooter. If practiced with NRA guidelines, and you squeeze the trigger rather than pulling the trigger, holding your breath (breathing) before the firing, and follow through, you will be accurate.
All true, Boncrayon, but the op is interested in opinions as to which handguns are the most accurate. No matter how well you squeeze the trigger, practice breath control or maintain the proper sight alignment, some handguns are intrinsically more accurate than others. The op (and others) are interested in learning which ones are.
I think you are going to have to beyond 25 yards to sort them out. A number of them can make one hole at that distance. My .44 Ruger Redhawk is slightly tighter than my Freedom Arms .454 at 100 yards but not enough to be relevant. I'm sure that a little more work on load development could change that if it was enough to matter to me.
Interesting so many think revolvers are the most accurate. I would guess that would be if you fire groups from the same chamber as I have previously read from a number of reliable sources that the way revolver cylinders are cut leads to inaccuracy between chambers.
I would think a fixed barrel semi would be a clear winner.

"Production" "factory" might eliminate most of those depending how you define production.
johnwilliamson062 said:
Interesting so many think revolvers are the most accurate...I would think a fixed barrel semi would be a clear winner.

I said as much in my post, but I wasn't dogmatic about it, and I was comparing revolvers to the most common semi-autos (i.e. without a fixed barrel):

MrBorland said:
As far as platforms, revolvers and semi-autos each have their compromises, but generally, revolvers get a slight nod for out-of-the box accuracy.
The most accurate hand gun I ever owned was a Ruger single six in .32 HR Magnum . Its one of the guns I traded off and wish I did'nt . I was young and impreshinable at the time and let others comments that it was just a popgun get to me .
Here's the most accurate one I have in the safe, a Remington XP100 in 35 Remington. Probably considered cheating my some. The upper group was 4 shots at 50 yards, then I biffed the last shot. I haven't stretched its legs out to 100 yds yet.

Then I have this guy(actually my dad's). An E. Arthur Brown chambered in 6.5mm BRM (Bench Rest Magnum). I just loaded some rounds up for it, but haven't had a chance to try it out. They are supposedly extremely accurate.