Mosin Nagants Overrated

Now, about that Taurus Judge.....

The word "UGLY" doesn't do it justice. But the word "over-rated" does.

Argyle, sorry your MN 91/30s are giving you trouble. Just enjoy it for its intrinsic historical value instead of shooting value. I cuss mine out once in a while too (sticky bolt syndrome with surplus ammo that I've yet to resolved with all the tricks posted on the web) but it fits the niche of cheap fun. Kind of like plinking with a 22LR but with a bruised shoulder at the end. Every rifle is over-rated on the Internet so add the MN91/30 to the list and enjoy it for what it is.

I have a MN 1946 carbine. The ones made after WW2 are in significantly better condition. I shoot it all the time and always hit what I'm aiming at. Considering I paid less than $90, I never really considered whether or not it would fire MOA.
Twins: check your head space.

These ol' toys are great for what they are, there the best multi purpose tool I have in the house.
Twins: check your head space.

KX, I haven't checked the headspace of the rifle (hopefully you're not talking about the space inside my head) so it may be the next thing on the list to do. But before I do that, the bolt sticks after rapid firing 4 or 5 rounds with surplus ammo. No sticky bolt with non-surplus or handloads. I'm guessing it has to do with the "coating" they put on these Yugo surplus ammo. The heat causes the case to stick till it cools?

I've done the prerequisite cleaning, steaming, bore paste, drown the chamber in hoppe's, varnish remover, etc.

I'm cheap and don't want to waste the surplus ammo when plinking with the 91/30. Otherwise, I'm happy with it while shooting handloads.
Considering you only have two posts and this was your first post, am going to go out on a limb here and say: TROLL ALERT
What difference does it make that he has only two posts here...he may have had hundreds on other gun forums. You only have 66 must be a troll.

Calling, "Troll alert", is pointless, childish, and serves no purpose. If you think he is a troll, DO NOT RESPOND TO HIS POST. A controversial posting is not "trolling", it is providing input for stimulating debate.

That being said, my experience with a Russian 1943 Mosin-Nagant carbine, is that it is difficult to operate (very stiff bolt compared to the M98 Mauser), took excessive pressure to load with stripper clips, had terrible triggers, very ugly finish on the utilitarian wood. Other than that, they only cost what they are worth.
overrated compared to what?

Can you buy a $90 deer-killer anywhere else that is Minute of Buck accurate and will not fail under extreme weather/environmental conditions?

There are several problems related to storage (primarily cosmoline) that are common to all equipment stored for decades. MNs are no exception. The solutions to these issues are fairly easy to find on line.
Who Is Doing The Shooting Is What Matters

Looking at it's historical record, I think that it was effective for Russian Sniper Vasili Zaitsev. At the Battle of Stalingrad he killed nearly 100 Germans including the Germans top sniper, Major Koning. He killed over 400 Germans during ths war. I guess it depends on who is pulling the trigger.
Their popularity comes from their price tag,,,

It's the same reason that British .303's and German 8mm Mausers were so popular in the early-mid 60's.

They weren't especially great tack-driving rifles either,,,
But you could order a .303 from Alden's Catalog for only $14.95,,,
The German 8mm Mauser was a bit more of an expensive gun at $19.95,,,
I mean if you wanted to go cheap, you could get a 7.7 Japanese rifle for only $9.95

Those guns and those low prices are gone now,,,
The replacement is the ba-jillions of Nagants that have hit the surplus market.

I don't think anyone ever said,,,
Oh Wow! A real live genuine Mosin Nagant finally available!

I think what they said was,,,
Oh Wow! A real live 30 caliber rifle for only $90.00!

mosin overrated

hello everyone im sorry if my post can across as being brash i did not mean it like that. i agree that for less than 100 dollars you cant go wrong. but around here in washington state a non war year mosin is often 150-175 dollars and i got my mauser for 190. Thanks to Twins for actually understanding my position!
I bought a number of Finnish Nagants and a few Soviet back when they were $69.00

I have had rim lock. Sometimes you get an interference between the cartridge stack and the round going into the chamber. I believe it is a combination of rim diameter and interrupter tolerance stack up.

Heck, I have had rim lock with my 375 H&H. The belt on the top round jammed on the rim of the round below it.

Rim lock is another good reason why rimmed rounds were obsolete the day the 8mm Mauser was introduced.

All my Nagants, including the M39's, have substandard trigger pulls. I recently handled some Finnish target rifles that had excellent pulls, I wish I knew what was going on under the wood. The trigger/sear mechanism on a Nagant while simple, is not simple to adjust to a fine trigger pull. The best I could do was swap sears out.

As for accuracy, Nagants do surprisingly well even when horribly bedded. With a good barrel they will shoot 3 MOA which is service rifle accuracy. Folks have this idea that service rifles are target weapons, accuracy the primary consideration. Accuracy was a consideration, along with others, and how accurate the rifle depended on how much weight was put on that factor. Based on an examination of old bolt gun performance, I believe 3 MOA was what most Militaries thought was an acceptable average. You have rifles like the K31 that are better, and you have some that shoot a little worse.

Pre WW1 infantry was expected to engage targets at ridiculous distances, just look at the rear sight elevations graduations for proof of that. What the military did was determine the target size and distance. If the target is a human, then the rifle has to hit the human at the specified distance. The target might be a human head, human torso, etc. Anyway if you thing you are going to hit a human at 1000-800 yards, then your rifle has to shoot something close to 3 MOA.

By the time you get to WWII, the military figured out the average infantry man could not hit a thing and 300 yards became the accepted combat space. AK’s are what 5-7 MOA?, just fine for untrained cannon fodder.

Hey, the Nagant is an 1880's design. It was was obsolete the day the M1892 Mauser was introduced in service but it still clunks on. It has proven itself reliable in every environmental condition on earth. It was killing Germans in the Arctic regions, it killed Americans in the swamps of Vietnam.

If you want more performance, you gotta pay more than $100.00 But for $100.00, a Nagant is a steal.
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I just realized that the mosin nagant is the mini-14 of the 30 caliber mil-surps......

I say most of the posts offer fair descriptions of th M-N
Jamming on feeding isn't only caused by rim lock. If the interruptor-ejector doesn't move freely for lack of oil or dried cosmoline, or the stock not being relieved for it it'll jam. Also, the Mosin Nagant should be operated with some gusto and not babied.
Once you understand the rifle and it's quirks, it is a good rifle.
Sorry for calling you a troll, it's just that you came off kinda strong against the Mosin Nagant in your first post in The Firing Lane, and it initially seemed more like a rant to get people riled up. Anyway, welcome to the forum. Hope you decide to stay.
If you say that a mosin nagant is not accurate... You've never got your hands on an accurate Finn or a m91 built by Remington or Westinghouse... My Remington built m91 is an easy sub 2 MOA gun...
I'm putting on a GSM Clinic on May 21st, I'm extending you an invitation to attend the clinic free of charge, bring your Mosin or use mine. I'll show you how to shoot it. Those suckers hold their own in the Vintage Rifle Matches.
Hey craigwy-- I hate them thing to:D;) Is offer good to me too:D
Just kidding,,,Very nice offer you make.
I'm putting on a GSM Clinic on May 21st, I'm extending you an invitation to attend the clinic free of charge, bring your Mosin or use mine. I'll show you how to shoot it. Those suckers hold their own in the Vintage Rifle Matches.
Hey craigwy-- I hate them thing to Is offer good to me too
Just kidding,,,Very nice offer you make.

Yeap it is. Actually I don't charge for my clinics unles you want CMP ammo furnished. Then I only charge actual cost of the ammo.