Mosin Nagant questions


New member
Ok guys, I've decided to get a Mosin Nagant. Couple questions for you before I make my purchase. Some purists will cringe at this, but I'm planning to invest in a synthetic stock and a scope for the Mosin. I've already found a few stocks I like, my question is, with how long the 91/30 is will it look strange with a synthetic stock? And will the extremely long barrel have enough support?
That's a picture of an SMLE No4 Mk1, not a Mosin Nagant.

For the price of a MN and the stuff to sporterize it, you could purchase a Savage Edge, Stevens 200 or Mossberg 100 combo and have a rifle that is much more accurate and in a commonly available caliber.
That's a picture of an SMLE No4 Mk1, not a Mosin Nagant.

For the price of a MN and the stuff to sporterize it, you could purchase a Savage Edge, Stevens 200 or Mossberg 100 combo and have a rifle that is much more accurate and in a commonly available caliber.

Except that the ammo for the Mosin Nagant can be had for a little over 20 cents around. Thats like a third or a forth of the price of 30-06 ammo and that makes all the difference since I plan to shoot this gun quite a bit.
There is an old saying that applies..."The sting of poor quality lasts long after the thrill of a cheap price has faded."

Put bluntly, I bet you become frustrated by poor accuracy in spite of 20 cent ammo shot by a mediocre rifle. I've BTDT, learned through the school of hard knocks. Enjoy your time in that classroom.
keep in mind that that cheap ammo is most likely corrosive. the cheapest non-corrosive fodder I can get in 7.62x54r is more than the cheapest non-corrosive .308 ammo I've been able to find.

between the cost, and the lack of quality scope mounts and stocks I would say find yourself a good entry level rifle like has been suggested. I've tried what you're thinking, I've been there. I still have some of that stuff kicking around my closet.

the mosin is a good rifle and fun to shoot if you know what it is and isn't
Maybe I should restate what I mean. I'm purchasing the Mosin Nagant because it is inexpensive to shoot (I realize the Mil Surplus ammo is corrosive, but plenty of people use it and just clean their guns after use). I plan to slowly do some upgrades to it, and purchase some high quality ammo for when I want to do some long range shooting. In all honesty the majority of the time I'll be plinking at less than 200 yds due to range limitations, and the cheap ammo should be fine within reason at those ranges.

This gun is just meant to be a fun to shoot, and inexpensive to shoot gun with the upside of having the ability to pay for much better ammo if the occasion calls for it. Anything wrong with that?
Haters gonna hate cause they spent too much money on their mall ninja fantasy guns. Do what you want with your Mosin, tho I recommend using a jmeck scope mount if you plan on using one. And don't listen to the nooblets who think their preferred rifle configuration is the ****.
Haters gonna hate cause they spent too much money on their mall ninja fantasy guns.
You have no idea how far off base you are.

With respect to MNs, its like bighoss posted "know what it is and isn't"

six 91/30s (various makers, round and hex receivers)
three M44s (various makers)
two M39s (B barrels)
one 91 (SA marked NEW)
one M27

Only the M39s and M27 shoot well, with the NEW close behind. Its the magic touch of the Finnish armorers when they reworked them. The others just don't shoot accurately, even with handloads.

If you really want to put it in a synthetic stock then just look around for a 91/30 barrelled action only, which will be cheaper than entire rifle, and put that in a synthetic stock. You'll still need a modified bolt handle if you want a scope.
i wouldnt bet all my money on that statment DnPRK. I have 3. a 91/30 '29 hex reciever, 91/59 very light, and a Hungarian M-44. all are in great shape and all 3 are damn good shooters, with the 91/59 being the most accurate. i bought some S&B 174gr. ammo a few years back and killed a huge doe at about 200yrds. im sure if i scoped one or two of these dudes they would prolly shoot better than they do. i do agree that the finnish mosins were better quality. my reccomendation.. find one that shoots well without a scope then build around it. if you get one that shoots all over the place it prolly wont shoot well scoped. look for one that hasnt been counterbored with good strong rifling.
I guess I must be a Mall Nija. I like the Mosin, mine is a shooter. But being a CMP GSM Master Instructor, I like them 'as issued' so I can shoot them in CMP Vintage Military Rifle Matchs.

Load some diecent ammo, and you'd be supprised what those old work horses will do.
If you are not doing anything to permanently change the rifle I don't see it as a big deal. myself I have been thinking about a scout mount for one of my rifles and the after market stocks I don't really like but if that's your style I say go for it and save the original stock so you can put it back, same if you use a scout mount.
Has there been any research as to possible health risk to shooting corrosive ammo? I am referring to the risk to the shooter and not the gun.

I have not experienced firing corrosive ammo to my knowledge; therefore I have no insight to the possible smell or gas from corrosive primers. My question is most likely totally off-base.
If you own accessories that individually are more expensive than your AR, you might be a mall ninja.

If you buy any product that has the word tactical on it, you might be a mall ninja.

If you are doing your best to find a silencer for a .50bmg, you might be a mall ninja.

If your YouTube name is nutnfancy, you might be a mall ninja. (jk, big fan)

If your ammo is part of your retirement portfolio, you might be a mall ninja.

Someone take it from here :p
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A big badass Russian military surplus rifle plus inexpensive ammo is begging to be messed with. Classic Arms in SC has Mosins starting at $70.00. At those prices you could buy two, keep one stock, and modify the other to your heart's content.

I found the attached pic online, not too shabby if you asked me.:)


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