More California craziness: permit to purchase ammo

At a time that they're struggling to even fund the essentials, of course their solution is to add bureacracy, turn away sales that bring in revenue, and piss off more people who earn a living to make them move out of state.:rolleyes:
revance wrote:

I just don't understand why they need this...

are their laws on guns not working?

I mean, with all those great gun laws they have, how could a bad guy have a gun?


Somehow, for reasons perhaps unknown, "the bad guys" simply do not abide by the law. It is also ever so much easier to erect stupid, idiotic, possibly unconstitutional hoops through which the LAW ABIDING can be made to jump than it is to take real action against the above mentioned Bad Guys, for whom some can always find excuses. I guess that that's about what it all boils down to, and yes, it is sad, sad as all hell.
It is also ever so much easier to erect stupid, idiotic, possibly unconstitutional hoops through which the LAW ABIDING can be made to jump than it is to take real action against the above mentioned Bad Guys, for whom some can always find excuses.

Or maybe the politicians just feel a certain kinship with the criminals, and they are trying to disarm the good guys as a "professional courtesy." :rolleyes:
Just received this:

California Firearms Retailers Launch Ad Campaign
Opposing Ammunition Registration Bill

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The California Association of Firearms Retailers (CAFR) and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) -- the trade association of the firearms and ammunition industry -- have launched an advertising campaign in opposition to AB 2062, legislation that would fingerprint and register all purchasers of ammunition in the Golden State.

The 30-second radio spot, playing on stations throughout California, details the many obstacles that retailers and purchasers of ammunition would face should AB 2062 become law.

'Assembly bill 2062 would require handgun owners to have a permit to buy ammunition and would oblige retailers to send every purchaser's personal data (including fingerprints) to the state,' warns the ad. The ad goes on to encourage listeners to visit the NSSF Web site for additional information on how to combat the bill.

The CAFR and NSSF have made defeating AB 2062 a top priority in the state. 'In addition to launching our radio ad, CAFR and NSSF have issued a legislative alert in the state and distributed a petition opposing the legislation to all firearms retailers in California,' said Marc Halcon, president of the CAFR. 'We're encouraging all sportsmen, gun owners and firearms enthusiasts to visit their local retailer and sign on to defeat this ill-conceived bill.'
It's nice to see them finally get openly involved in opposition to some of the craziness the Demoncrats persist in foisting on us!

Best of luck to both you and your wife. Many years ago, while working overseas in Western Europe, I worked and lived for a time in London, which was in 1970, a fascinating place, in some ways, like an outdoor museum.

I was "visiting" Stone and Webster, and Anglo-American engineering firm in London, where a couple of the people I met at the office turned out to be competitive rifle shooters. They could not underestand why all the fuss in A from the Britiash Rifle ASssociationmerica over and or about "silencers", after all, they said, one has a muffler on one's car.

In any case, one weekend, my wife and I went out to Bisley, via the surburban train, and a brief stroll down a tree shaded country lane. I even got to shoot at Bisley, having rented a .303 Lee-Enfield Rifle, and a couple of boxes of ammunition, from the British Rifle Association people there.. Had a lovely afternoon. Later on, back in the U.S., when I got into competitive rifle shooting, I ran into some people who had shot in the Palma Matches at Bisley Camp in 1972.

Of course, many things have changed since 1970 0r thereabouts, and as has been observed, while change indicates movement, it isn't always movement in the direction of improvement. Once again, best of luck in the U.S. and remember that even California didn't used to be as nutty as it has unfortunately become, see the above..
Big Don writes:
California Firearms Retailers Launch Ad Campaign
Opposing Ammunition Registration Bill

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The California Association of Firearms Retailers (CAFR) and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) -- the trade association of the firearms and ammunition industry -- have launched an advertising campaign in opposition to AB 2062, legislation that would fingerprint and register all purchasers of ammunition in the Golden State.

The 30-second radio spot, playing on stations throughout California, details the many obstacles that retailers and purchasers of ammunition would face should AB 2062 become law.

'Assembly bill 2062 would require handgun owners to have a permit to buy ammunition and would oblige retailers to send every purchaser's personal data (including fingerprints) to the state,' warns the ad. The ad goes on to encourage listeners to visit the NSSF Web site for additional information on how to combat the bill.

The CAFR and NSSF have made defeating AB 2062 a top priority in the state. 'In addition to launching our radio ad, CAFR and NSSF have issued a legislative alert in the state and distributed a petition opposing the legislation to all firearms retailers in California,' said Marc Halcon, president of the CAFR. 'We're encouraging all sportsmen, gun owners and firearms enthusiasts to visit their local retailer and sign on to defeat this ill-conceived bill.'

It's nice to see them finally get openly involved in opposition to some of the craziness the Demoncrats persist in foisting on us!


Isn't it interesting to actually see people and or groups who earn their lunch money in gun and ammunition sales taking part in the fight. Isn't it also a shame that they waited so long to act, or am I being overly critical?
As a California resident, I will ask for help. California has NRA membership councils (the website is One of the features is the one touch system, which will automatically send 1 email to every person in the appropriate committee or house (you write 1 email, the system sends a copy to the right people as an original (every one sent will get 10 or 15 responses while in committee, more on the floor).\:D:eek:
David J Carson
Sorry if someone already pointed this out in a previous post, but...
AB2062 was passed on Tuesday. NRA's update states, "Assembly Member Greg Aghazarian (R-26) objected, noting that AB2062 violates Joint Rule 54 (c) which prohibits a legislator from authoring a bill that is substantially the same as a bill that he or she previously authored in the same two-year session. Assembly Member Aghazarian moved to refer AB2062 to the Assembly Rules Committee for a formal determination of its fate."

Since California legislature violates our constitutional rights, they probably have no issue violating the "joint rules" as well.

Thanks for the link and info David. I just signed up, but what's this I see about a $20 fee to send emails. What do you know about that?