More California craziness: permit to purchase ammo

"Killing fornia"

I have name for the local law enforcer here "trouble shooter" If they think there is potential trouble, they'll shoot first and settle in court if you life threw it!
some people and politicians don't have anything better to do with their time. somewhere someone is always thinking of a way to put a hurting on good law abiding citizens.

people hunt,people defend their homes and families,people target shoot. ammo is needed. so the politicians look at that and say. hey lets make it harder for them to get ammo.because the gun control thing don't seem to be working too well. criminals are still getting guns. so we'l make it hard for them to buy ammo.

they need to bring back public hanging. you rob someone and kill them. you hang . you rob someone with a gun or knife. you hang.

they better shut that stubid bill down. and they better not bring that junk here to NJ.
While they're at it, California and New Jersey should require permits to buy crack and heroin. Because, you know, that would fix the drug problems.

Why stop there? CA and NJ could require permits to join the Bloods, the Crips, MS-13, and the Latin Kings. That would fix the gang problems.
The people this kind of action almost bans, is the competition match shooters, in spite of the near nonexistent accident rate in that activity.

You can really rattle through a lot of ammo, in a serious shoot.

Robbers drug dealers and such rarely shoot very many rounds, even in murderous operations. What do they think they are doing?
armedtotheteeth said:
I just hope Californiaitis is not contagious to the rest of the states.
As former Californians move from their home State to other, less populated States, they bring with them the baggage of their Californian ideals.

We've seen that here in Idaho, where cities like Boise and Coeur d'Alene, have become the new bastions of liberal thinking here... Outshining the traditional left thinking of Blaine County (Sun Valley, Ketchum and Hailey - otherwise known as Hollyweird North).

Just north of Coeur d'Alene, sits Lake Pend Oreille and Farragut State Park. Home to the States largest and oldest rifle and pistol ranges. Open year round, it's host to many competition shoots, local and national. Yet the people of Bayside have been trying to get it shut down for several years. Why? They don't like the sound of gunfire, as they sit on their mountainside porches. Most of these people are California transplants.

The State just passed legislation that puts severe restrictions upon any local governments units that attempt to regulate existing firing ranges out of existence. As well, it places restrictions upon local units for new firing ranges that may be built later.

Also last week, the legislature passed a bill that makes it unambiguous that the Legislature of the State intends to occupy the entire field of firearms and ammo legislation. Again because of transplanted liberals trying to change some of the local or State Agency administrative laws.

Both bills are expected to be signed by the Governor.

So yeah, some of their views are infectuous.
I moved from England to Texas, where I got my taste for guns ;)
My wife and I are almost through a 12 month period in California (she is a veterinarian and is doing a years internship here in downtown L.A.). We have both been offered good jobs (mine a promotion, hers a ful time position with 5 times the pay her internship paid). I couldn't stay in this nanny state for one second longer than we need to. As it stands we both head back to Texas at the end of June - neither of us has secured a job or home yet; it looks like the wife will have to cover emergency shifts until we can find 'real' jobs.

Not all those heading out of California have had lobotomies :p

I can't wait to get back to the real world.
I would advise people in Cali to buy all the primers and powder they can get their hands on while they still can. Anti-gun bills fly through the California legislature with minimal resistance.

I'm sure this plan will give all the drug dealers and trafficers a nice way to suplement their income. ("Yo homie, lemme git a rock an a box o nines.":cool:) I wonder if California LE will handle the ammo war as beautifully as they've handled the drug war.
This is retardedly outragous.

I will be on this emailing thing.

EDIT: Message sent to all those list.

Okay so it wasn't a Shakspearian masterpiece. But it was better than sitting on my bottom doing nothing.

What have you done?

EDIT2: here it is.

Hello there,

As a law-abiding concerned citizen of California, it appalled me when I received news that Assembly Bill 2062 introduced by Kevin De Leon (D-45) has broken forth.

This outrageous bill is beyond belief that it had even been conceived. The order to which this bill is relative is similar to mandating that all motor vehicles of all make and kind are required to phone into a call center with personal information to inform the teller that they are purchasing gasoline in the excess of 20 dollars per week.

Because this bill is extremely likely to irate law-abiding normal citizens because they are being quite literally punished for practicing a legal, safe and exciting hobby, I urge you Mr. [Person the email was addressed to] to strike this bill down with utmost haste.

Many thanks.

Within a minute I got this back. <3

Thank you for contacting our office.

To ensure your issue is properly addressed, please contact me via my website at:

Assemblywoman Fiona Ma

In Peace and Friendship,

Fiona Ma
Assemblywoman, 12th District
Majority Whip
District Office (415) 557-2312
Capitol Office (916) 319-2012
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Just checked the Kali Assembly Bill website...the committee action took place today. Website said "Hearing cancelled at the request of the author." Not sure what implications this has, but AB 2062 is unresolved for the moment.
I just knew, when I first saw this thread, that there had been another, just like it and recently... But do you think I could find it?

Thanks to Big Don, for pointing me in the right direction.

Threads merged.
This is a typical tactic of the California gun banners. They set a date for a hearing, and get all the gun owners and activists ramped up to take time off from work to make the long trek to Sacramento, pack the hearing room and testify eloquently and forcefully against the bill, then the gun-banners change the date at the last minute, throwing the activists into disarray.
When the big quake hits or the LA riots Part 2 breaks out, they'll wish they had some ammo to put in those guns.

You all remember when the gun stores provided cops with guns and ammo in a time of need during the riots?

This is how it will play out next time:

Police officer: "Hurry, we need more ammo!"

Store clerk: "I'm sorry, do you have an ammunition purchase license?"

Police officer: "NO WE ARE POLICE!"

Store clerk: "Well I can't sell to anyone who doesn't have a license. Why don't you have a license?"

Police officer: "We don't need a license, our dept. buys it for us!"

Store clerk: "Sorry, you're gonna have to go get some from them because I can't sell you any without a license."

Law Abiding Citizen: "Here, I have a license, give me 100 boxes of 9mm"

Store clerk: "Ok, that will be $10,000"

Law Abiding Citizen: "Here you go... quick, the officers outside need help!"

Store clerk: "hold on, I gotta call this in"

-- pause --


-- pause --


-- hands law abiding customer ammo --

Law Abiding Citizen: "Here officers, quick, take this ammo"

-- hands officer ammo --

Police officer: "Sir, please turn around and put your hands behind your back"

-- Officer arrests man for illegal transfer of ammunition --

You laugh now, just wait :)
The anti-gun politics as the main way to repress unstoppable crime has its roots in regions of overwhelmingly black or hispanic population. Wouldn't it therefore be much more effective to, in those plagued regions, deny blacks and hispanics the right to own or carry arms? Get to the root of the problem, I mean. Not that it would be constitutional, but since the lefties don't mind over running the constitution, why not try something that would work?
I'd say go about it exactly the opposite: start getting as many blacks and hispanics over to the pro CCW side as possible to extinguish both the crime AND the neocommunists at the same time. Both need to be purged from society.
They are the non-fiction equivalent of anti-heroes. They don't do things. Things just happen to them. Oftentimes bad things. But they'll never do anything but cry.

I think an Antihero is a hero with significant villian-like dark qualities, like Batman, "Dirty Harry" Callahan, Holden Caulfield (Catcher in the Rye), and "Dexter" (from the new TV Series)
How about a license to commit crimes.:p

If the criminal doesnt have one then they could arrest them, and heck they could even make it illegal to shoot people and illegal for criminals to own guns, heck back it up with A SEVERE PENALTY.:mad:
As Thomas Jefferson was supposed to have offered, "people usually get the sort of government they don't vote against". True then, likekly still true.

I could tell a story or two about Clifornia, where I lived for a time, late 1960's through early 1970, but why bother, as it's ancient history anyhow. In any event, it strikes me, from what I read these days, that the mentality has declined.
I just don't understand why they need this...

are their laws on guns not working?

I mean, with all those great gun laws they have, how could a bad guy have a gun?