More California craziness: permit to purchase ammo

Big Don

New member
Well, since they might be thinking they can't take the guns away, they'll just make it next-to-impossible to put ammo in them! This is from an NRA alert to we poor souls who have to live in this nuthouse. Mind you, we were able to get this same bill stopped last year, thanks to the NRA and Members Councils in CA but we can't sit on our laurels from that victory. These Dems will not stop so we have to do it for them.
California Assembly to Consider Severe Restrictions on Ammunition Sales!
Stand Up and Make Your Voice Heard Today!

Next Wednesday, March 26, the Assembly Public Safety Committee will consider legislation that would require gun owners to obtain a "permit-to-purchase" before buying handgun ammunition.

Introduced by State Assembly Member Kevin De Leon (D-45), Assembly Bill 2062 < > puts ammunition sales in the crosshairs. AB2062 would require that law-abiding gun owners obtain a permit to buy handgun ammunition and would impose severe restrictions on the private transfers of handgun ammunition. Applicants for a "permit-to-purchase" would be required to submit to a background check, pay a $35 fee, and wait as long as 30 days to receive the permit.

Under AB2062, it would be unlawful to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a "handgun ammunition vendor" in the Department of Justice's database. Ammunition retailers would have to be licensed and store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers. The bill would also require vendors to keep a record of the transaction including the ammunition buyer's name, driver's license, the quantity, caliber and type of ammunition purchased, and right thumbprint, which would be submitted to the Department of Justice or the number of his handgun ammunition purchase permit. Vendors would be required to contact the purchase permit database, to verify the validity of a permit before completing a sale. All ammunition sales in the State of California would be subject to a $3 per transaction tax. Lastly, mail order ammunition sales would be prohibited. Any violator of AB2062 would be subject to civil fines.

Please contact the members of the Assembly Public Safety Committee and your State Assembly Member TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose this onerous attack on our Second Amendment freedoms. Contact information for the committee members can be found below. Please click here;view=myofficials to find your State Assembly Member.

State Assembly Member Jose Solorio (D-69), Chair
(916) 319-2069

State Assembly Member Greg Aghazarian, (R-26), Vice Chair
(916) 319-2026

State Assembly Member Joel Anderson (R-77)
(916) 319-2077

State Assembly Member Hector De La Torre (D-50)
(916) 319-2050
State Assembly Member Fiona Ma (D-12)
(916) 319-2012
State Assembly Member Anthony J. Portantino (D-44)
(916) 319-2044
This is the reason that I left Kalifornia

Thanks for reminding me why I left my home state of 60 years and moved to Idaho 4 years ago. I just could not take it any longer. The insanity of the liberals just will not end!

In Idaho where I now live, I have never been happerier. I can step outside my house, look over the beauty of Lake Coeur d'Alene and shoot one of my many guns on my own shooting range. All of this without worrying about someone throttling my right to freedom and to just breath free.

Bottom line is that they just love my guns in this state.
I thought Australia was bad

My God, this is far worse than the harsh gun laws in Australia, all we have to do here is show our firearms licence at the gun shop and we can buy any ammo, no questions asked.
One more reason--of many--to move. In a few years this State will be run by Marxist politicians and tribal warlords--oh wait, it is already...

I went through Coeur d'Alene a few years ago. Stunning.
If you can't run the gun makers out of business, or keep people from owning guns, you can start making it impossible to buy ammo. It is actually quite surprising that the Brady Campaign hasn't hit the ammo makers harder than what they have. The "micro stamping" in my opinion, is more about making it harder to produce ammo (and more expensive and restrictive) than it is about solving crime.
Is there anything about getting ammo across state lines?
I could see something coming up where someone would ask to see a proof of sale at a range or something.

I'm dreading my move to California this summer/fall, but I don't really have a choice.
Hear, hear, Elker 43 ... I left kahleforneeah in 2003 after more than 30 years there, just could not stand the politics and the crowds ... living in Texas now, I too have a lovely view of a lake -- Lake Travis -- and the freedom to live my life more or less as I choose. All the ammo I can use, 10 gun purchases a day if I want ... and no loonie Lefties dreaming up new ways to strip me of my Constitutional rights ... wouldn't go back if you gave me a free house on the PCH ...
Be Careful

All of you making negative comments about California better be careful. The folks there are overly sensitive.
Respecting the quality of "legislators" the electorate there seems intent on send to, then returning to Sacsramento, have there been reasonable grounds to expect better than what is obtained? I think not, but I've been wrong before.
If there's an individual rights ruling in Heller, such a law would be dead meat the moment a lawsuit was filed against it.
Lived in Phoenix for over 5 years. Had friends kept asking me if I wanted to go out to California. Didn't have any desire back then to go, and that was back in the early 80's. Always felt like it was the land of fruits and nuts back then. Guess it still is.
Of course the same liberal politicians of Kalifornica just know that the criminals and those who want to be criminals will pay attention to another goofy law.

This one is even goofier than the microstamping and no lead bullets nonsense (that's probably why it will get passed).

Glens right about the land of fruits and nuts.....
Lead Free was the first go! The Next step is to limit ammo via access!
Still no lead free .22lr available, but that's OK ....They didn't even wait until the dust settled. Aren't you lucky?

I sure am happy I live in the Podunk desert card Bord box called a mobile home!

I have two states between you and me and that may not be enough!
Now entering Illinois! Welcome!

As to the state line issue, proof of sale at a range would never fly. How would reloaders ever shoot then?

The result would just be buy with the license, or buy elsewhere. Sellers (or at least reputable ones who want to avoid summons elsewhere) bear the burden of abiding by regulations. With my experience in IL, many sellers simply won't ship to Illinois. Others (CMP & Cabela's come to mind) will ship ammo, but first require that you fax a copy of your license (in IL, Firearm Owner ID) which permits you to buy ammunition before they will ship.

Much, much better since I came to Ohio.
Calif. Trying to Restrict Ammo Sales

California Assembly to Consider Severe Restrictions on Ammunition Sales!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stand Up and Make Your Voice Heard Today!
On Tuesday, April 8, the Assembly Public Safety Committee will consider legislation that would require gun owners to obtain a “permit-to-purchase” before buying handgun ammunition.

Introduced by State Assembly Member Kevin De Leon (D-45), Assembly Bill 2062 puts ammunition sales in the crosshairs. AB2062 would require that law-abiding gun owners obtain a permit to buy handgun ammunition and would impose severe restrictions on the private transfers of handgun ammunition. Applicants for a “permit-to-purchase” would be required to submit to a background check, pay a $35 fee, and wait as long as 30 days to receive the permit.

Under AB2062, it would be unlawful to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a “handgun ammunition vendor” in the Department of Justice’s database. Ammunition retailers would have to be licensed and store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers. The bill would also require vendors to keep a record of the transaction including the ammunition buyer’s name, driver’s license, the quantity, caliber and type of ammunition purchased, and right thumbprint, which would be submitted to the Department of Justice or the number of his handgun ammunition purchase permit. Vendors would be required to contact the purchase permit database, to verify the validity of a permit before completing a sale. All ammunition sales in the State of California would be subject to a $3 per transaction tax. Lastly, mail order ammunition sales would be prohibited. Any violator of AB2062 would be subject to civil fines.

Please contact the members of the Assembly Public Safety Committee and your State Assembly Member TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose this onerous attack on our Second Amendment freedoms. Contact information for the committee members can be found below. Please click here to find your State Assembly Member.

State Assembly Member Jose Solorio (D-69), Chair
(916) 319-2069

State Assembly Member Greg Aghazarian, (R-26), Vice Chair
(916) 319-2026

State Assembly Member Joel Anderson (R-77)
(916) 319-2077

State Assembly Member Hector De La Torre (D-50)
(916) 319-2050

State Assembly Member Fiona Ma (D-12)
(916) 319-2012

State Assembly Member Anthony J. Portantino (D-44)
(916) 319-2044
The stupidness of California no longer shocks me. They would ban or impose restrictions on anything there. I just hope Californiaitis is not contagious to the rest of the states. Keep it on the west coast.
Maybe if all the anti-gun, anti-ammo people will migrate to 2-3 states like California it will keep the other 47 or so good for the rest of us. At least then we know where they are and can keep them surrounded.

When the big quake hits or the LA riots Part 2 breaks out, they'll wish they had some ammo to put in those guns.
When the big quake hits or the LA riots Part 2 breaks out, they'll wish they had some ammo to put in those guns.

They are the non-fiction equivalent of anti-heroes. They don't do things. Things just happen to them. Oftentimes bad things. But they'll never do anything but cry.
i have sent my objections to my assemblyman and urge every Californian here to do the same. It's not much but it's all we can do. Someday i'll move back to America...

i have sent my objections to my assemblyman and urge every Californian here to do the same. It's not much but it's all we can do. Someday i'll move back to America...


Seems fair enough for starters, contacting your elected thing, whomever that might be. How are they on the guns issue, and who did you vote for or against?

Many years ago, I lived for a while in Berkley and Oakland. Left to work overseas in 1970, never thought of moving back to California after returning to the U.S. Pennsylvania is or can be a large pain in some respects,though California, despite pretty sceenery and nice weather is not acceptable to me.