I think I would pick up an equalizer and wade in,
that might work for you, I'm sure it would work in the movies, but it would be a rather poor idea for me.
Being somewhat old, somewhat frail, and having the recuperative powers of a granite boulder (meaning what gets damaged generally stays damaged), the only equalizer I would consider against a mob of 100 violent people would be belt fed and pintle mounted~! preferably on an armored vehicle, in motion.
seriously, all thoughts of facing down a mob should be regulated to TV and pipe dreams. Get away. Drive away, slowly, unless you are actively targeted.
Our tax dollars pay for professionals to deal with this kind of thing, have them handle it.
Of course, if you are trapped, then opions narrow, but I think first priority is to get you and loved ones away, and not try to stop a mob...
Also there is the fact that the angry mob you had to fire into to save your butt could turn into a group of over excited children organizing a "save thebaby heffalumps" rally by the time it gets into the news....
One thing about it, if you do survive the confrontation, you will have your day in court......